Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 452 Why Don't You Give Me a Title

Just as System had expected, that night, while feeding the enchantment slime friends, System observed the process of transforming the mad dwarf into a void monster.

It was not directly transformed from the body into a void monster, but escaped from the dwarf's body like a soul out of the body, and turned into a messy strange spirit body.

The appearance of the spirit body is somewhat similar to the smoke of the evil god Rafael, but it is more bizarre than the evil god. Not only the shape, but also the color has been changing back and forth between black, white and gray.

The original mad dwarves were piled up on the ground like mud and completely lost their movement.

This messy void monster spirit body, even if System touches it with [Power of Mind], there is no response, and it is still going its own way.

As for the mental fluctuations emitted by the monsters in the void, after these analyses, Xiao M found some patterns, but he didn't find anything deeper.


System originally thought that this primitive void monster would remain stationary for a few days before it would change.

But less than an hour later, the Void Monster underwent a special transformation.

After a subtle and peculiar fluctuation, System found that the spiritual power possessed by the void monster in front of him had suddenly decreased by more than half.

Through Xiao M's analysis, System found that the change in the appearance of the void monsters was actually a spatial fluctuation.

The spatial fluctuations are extremely subtle, like the tip of a needle pierced through a small eye.

If it weren't for System's [Perception] talent, plus System could watch the video repeatedly, he might not be able to perceive this fleeting spatial fluctuation.

After the spiritual power of the spirit body was weakened by more than half, the behavior pattern of the void monsters also changed, no longer staying in place, and began to move unconsciously.

According to System's speculation, after a while, this void monster will follow an intelligent creature just like the original void monster, trying to transform that intelligent creature into a void monster.

But before continuing to observe how Void monsters infect other creatures.

System has made an important discovery, and this discovery also explains why Void monsters appear in this world.

According to the conjecture published by Newton, the total amount of mental power in this world is constant.

If Newton's conjecture is true, then the appearance of these void monsters is self-evident.

System used [Power of Thought] to forcibly cut open the spiritual body of the void monster, and wrapped a small piece of the void spirit with [Power of Thought].

As System used his power to crush the void spirit body, in the process of the void spirit body collapsing, that special spatial fluctuation also appeared again.

The situation in front of him also confirmed System’s guess.

If System had expected it well, then the Void monsters came to this world to plunder the spiritual power of this world to another world.

In the long run, the world will undoubtedly decline because of this.

And in some ways, in this world, void monsters are almost incomprehensible existences.

These void monsters will infect more and more intelligent life if they are left alone, and once they are eliminated, the spiritual power absorbed by the void monsters will directly leave this world.

It could be said that no matter what, the world where the void monsters are located will not lose, and the world where System is located will only continue to be parasitized and become weaker and weaker.

System couldn't help but remember what the old Druid Medland had said to him.

Although Medland didn't know the true principle of the Void Monster, and couldn't explain the Void Monster clearly, Medland still knew through natural perception that the Void Monster must be eliminated.

Because there is no scientific method, in Medland's view, eliminating the magic of this world will make this world stable, and Void monsters will not be able to invade this world.

And according to Newton’s theory, System already had a deeper understanding.

To maintain the stability of this world, it is necessary to maintain the total amount of spiritual power of intelligent life in this world at a certain amount.

If the mental power held by intelligent creatures increases, the mental power that keeps the world running will decrease, and it will be more vulnerable to the invasion of void monsters.

As Medland said, eliminating all gods and letting the magic of this world disappear is indeed a way, because the disappearance of magic will also decrease the spiritual power of intelligent life in this world.

But this is an impractical approach, because the magic of this world cannot be eliminated.


However, System immediately thought of another key point, and called Johnny the Shorty over again.

Heroic spirits are special spiritual beings created by the gods above using the will of the world, and heroic spirits will not be affected by void monsters.

In a way, Heroic Spirits are things created against Void monsters.

Looking at the dwarf who walked into his laboratory, System asked, "Do you know it? Is there a way to destroy it with special means?"

Johnny looked at System with a puzzled expression, and replied in a stern voice, "I know, didn't you tell me? It's called a void monster, and it seems to be highly contagious."

System looked at Johnny in confusion for a while, then wrapped a small piece of the void spirit body with [Power of Mind] again, and placed it in front of the dwarf, "Destroy it with your power."

Although Johnny was puzzled, he still released a bolt of lightning according to System's instructions, and the small piece of Void Spirit Body controlled by System also disappeared, and this time there was no such spatial fluctuation.

This also means that as long as a heroic spirit takes action to destroy the void monsters, the void monsters will not take away the spiritual power from this world.

But System knew that there were too few heroic spirits in this world, and most of the void monsters would be dispelled by ordinary intelligent creatures.

Although the role of heroic spirits cannot be said to be non-existent, it is also limited.

If his [Data Template] continues to develop like this, it can make Heroic Spirits stronger, but it will also bring disaster to the world.

However, while System was thinking and expressing confusion about his expansion with [Data Template], some inexplicable mental fluctuations attracted System’s attention—it was the extraordinary rank he was cultivating. Barrier Slime.

The three enchantment slimes in System's laboratory were all interested in the void monsters suspended in mid-air, and seemed to want to eat the void monsters.

It's just that under Little M's momentary control, none of the three enchantment slimes moved.

Normally, the spiritual body of the void monster cannot be absorbed, because once the spiritual body of the void monster is absorbed, the intelligent creature will also be transformed into a void monster after a period of time.

However, a life like slime has no wisdom at all, and the possibility of transforming into a void monster is almost zero.

At this moment, System seemed to see a brand new door, and he immediately used two slimes to devour the void monsters.

The void monster was eaten by the three enchantment slimes without any resistance, and the spiritual power of the void monster did not go to another world.

System found that with eating Void monsters, these slimes had some special things in their bodies, and there was a tendency to be promoted to legendary creatures.

Not only that.

System found that a special power seemed to appear in the void, pouring into these slimes—

Because the parasites in this world were eliminated, the slimes received the gift of the will of the world. System estimated that these three slimes should have obtained some kind of title.

"However, I made them, and they were also the void monsters I asked them to eat. Why didn't you give me the title?" After the initial surprise, System made a somewhat jealous voice.

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