Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 432: The Origin of Magical Power

Newton is from the original Dragonborn Empire and now lives in the Mage Tower near the Golden Banana Federal Capital City. Appearance around.

Newton was promoted from extraordinary to legendary at the end of the golden banana three years.

He was originally an extraordinary mage who studied arcane, soul, and spiritual power, but in recent years, due to the influence of Kanbar, he called himself an alchemist.

Because the name contained the names of two great men in System's previous life, Newton left a deep impression on System.

However, System had a lot of legendary ranks, and Newton, who devoted himself to the study of arcane arts and souls, was very inconspicuous against the feats of Alchemy Master Kambal and Artisan Master Rune.

System's impression of Newton was that the name was rather strange. In addition, he knew that Newton was originally a mage, but now he didn't play spells, and switched to alchemy.

In addition, Newton seems to have published some things in the academic module of the Krypton Gold Forum, but System does not know much about it.

After all, compared to the previous scientific system brought by System, the mysticism studied by Newton had been developed in this world for an unknown number of years, and the room for improvement was limited and more profound.

Including System, even if they have become legendary creatures, most of them only use power naturally, and only study how to obtain and use power more effectively, but rarely actively explore the nature of power.

Perhaps among the friends that System knew, only the old Lich Kazasimer could understand more about what Newton had published, but since System provided the old Lich with games, the old Lich no longer knew it. He would be so bored to study these things that he would play non-stop every day.

And more importantly, System did not have much research on these arcane spells, magic elements and the like, and System did not understand some of the things Newton published on the Internet.

And because he was too busy, he didn't have time for Xiao M to explain these things to him. After all, whether it was the office decoration plan or the modification of the floating island, System had to do it himself.

However, on such a day, the white light generated by the Book of Truth and the violent roaring sound in his ears undoubtedly told System how important the conjecture Newton published this time was.

The roaring sound from the ear lasted for a few hours before it gradually subsided, and the Book of Truth still produced a faint white fluorescence—the seal on some pages in the book had been lifted, and the Book of Truth continued Added a few pages.

System's control over the Book of Truth has increased from 23% to around 28%.

Taking a cursory glance at the conjecture published by Newton on the forum, System did not ask Xiao M to explain it, because this conjecture is relatively easy to understand, and System can easily understand it.

Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light. This is System’s mass-energy equation in his previous life, and this equation is still applicable in this world.

Based on the mass-energy equation, System created that ultimate weapon in his previous life.

In this world, System was also developing that ultimate weapon in this world recently.

The conjecture proposed by Newton is completely comparable to the mass-energy equation of System's previous life. Although it cannot reach the height of quantum mechanics and relativity, it is still great enough.

The core of Newton's conjecture is the relationship between energy, magic energy and spiritual power.

It has been pointed out in the appendix of the "Periodic Table of Elements and Magic Elements" by the previous alchemist Kanbar that magic energy and energy are actually two things.

Newton also repeated his conjectures and refined Kambal's theory.

There are all kinds of free energy in the air of this world, which can be called magic energy or magic element.

Energy, on the other hand, is a strange fluctuation that has yet to be thoroughly studied by Kanbar.

In Kanbal's theory, magic elements are divided into two categories, active magic elements and inert magic elements (primary magic elements).

The active magic element is divided into two categories, regular magic element and associated magic element.

After the active magic element is activated, it will form the most stable inert magic element, that is, the primordial magic element. The primal magic element is everywhere in this world, but it cannot be stimulated and is very stable.

Most of the active magic elements will release energy after being activated, such as fire, lightning, and wind, but there are also a small number of active magic elements that will absorb energy after being activated, such as ice and shadow.

And some active magic elements will form associated substances after being stimulated and transformed into inert magic elements, such as water and rocks, which are named as associated magic elements by Kanbar.

The associated magic element is equivalent to the combination of matter and magic element, and it has not been thoroughly studied by Kanbar.

The transformed inert magic element has a unique circulation mechanism in this world.

Like the cycle of water, steam rises to become rain, which becomes rain again.

The same is true of inert magic elements (primary magic elements), some of them will disappear completely, and some will be re-converted into active magic elements.

After expounding the relationship between energy and magic energy, Newton further elaborated on the key point - the relationship between spiritual power and magic energy.

In the conventional theory of this world, spiritual power is spiritual power, magic energy is magic energy, spiritual power can drive magic energy, and some magic energy excitation must also be communicated and catalyzed with specific spiritual power.

But in this conjecture, Newton gave a new interpretation of mental power and magic energy.

Newton's explanation for mental power is very abstract.

Newton first put forward the concept that the total amount of mental power in this world is fixed, or it is constant within a certain range, that is to say, the mental power generated by intelligent creatures has an upper limit in this world.

At the same time, Newton proposed that the consumption of mental power can be divided into two ways, the conventional consumption of mental power, and the extinction of mental power.

Almost all intelligent creatures use and consume mental power in daily life. In Newton's view, this part of the consumed mental power has not disappeared, but has returned to the world itself.

Newton guessed that this part of the spiritual power that returned to the world itself was acting on the inert magic element, making the inert magic element become active magic element again.

The annihilation of spiritual power is an advanced application of spiritual power.

Just like in the mass-energy equation, only a tiny bit of matter can be converted into a considerable amount of energy.

In Newton's conjecture, it only takes a little bit of mental power to completely destroy it, and it can be converted into a considerable amount of active magic element.

However, the specific formula Newton has not yet obtained, and it is impossible to enumerate the specific formula like the mass-energy equation.

Just pointing out that powerful thoughts and devout beliefs are more likely to lead to the extinction of spiritual power.

In addition, there are some things that Newton cannot fully explain about the power of the will of the world, the will of the abyss, and the title.

But even so, Newton's conjecture proved a lot.

Newton's conjecture perfectly explains the missing part of the previous Kanbar magic element and energy theory-why the creatures in the magical rank can obtain active magic elements with matching attributes out of thin air.

It is precisely because of the extinction of mental power, but the number of mental power extinctions is too low, far less than the consumption of normal mental power, so it is difficult for creatures to detect.

This also explains why creatures without intelligence generally have weak intelligence when they are promoted to magical creatures under the action of the will of the world, because only intelligent creatures can possess a certain amount of spiritual power.

Of course, there are also some magical species that cannot be explained, such as System's slime friend, how this mushroom-like life is promoted to magical, System can't understand.

In addition to these most basic things, why Shava's combat power fluctuates back and forth, can become very powerful, and it can be explained, it is precisely because of Shava's will.

Why the devil in hell can use negative emotions to generate power is also perfectly explained.

It is understandable why Heroic Spirits can be resurrected because of their beliefs, and why they can generate power through memory.

And why the beliefs gathered by the gods formed the kingdom of God and gave the gods a steady stream of power is also explained by Newton's theory.


In this world, the will and spirit of intelligent creatures can really be transformed into power.

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