Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 427 Hilude's Obsession

Because Hilude personally took action, System's [Shadow Avatar] going to hell was not as troublesome as he thought.

It only takes ten days of preparation, and Hilude can build a temporary passage connecting the seventh floor of hell.

Of course, establishing such a channel requires a lot of knowledge, as well as things such as spatial coordinates, and it also involves the degree of connection between the main plane and hell.

Although Little M quickly understood this knowledge, System still had only a limited understanding.

Generally speaking, although different main planes look similar, there are some differences in the frequency bands they have, some are more compatible with the heaven, and some are more compatible with the abyss.

Just like the celestial realm where the demigod Odd is located, it is extremely difficult to get through the passage from the celestial realm to the Lierte Forest, but the Lierte Forest and the evil planes such as the abyss and hell are easier to get through.

In the process of constructing the teleportation channel, System also learned from the Valkyrie Shirude that she had some grudges and entanglements with the lazy devil Rez.

Perhaps it was because Hilude had been forgotten for a long time, or maybe Hilde was mentally damaged when she was sealed in the Yin Yuma Sword, and most of Hilde's memories had disappeared.

Only the things related to the lazy devil Rez have a deep memory.

Just like the seven layers of hell and the endless abyss on the evil plane, the plane of the good camp is not only the heaven. Originally, Hirod was a Valkyrie from Sanctuary Mountain.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a war between Mount Sanctuary and the Seven Hells that lasted for thousands of years.

Sometimes hell prevails, sometimes Sanctuary Mountain prevails, and the two planes plus the main plane they are fighting for have had an extremely tragic war.

Hilde was also the chosen Templar at that time, and was sent to hell for an expedition.

However, the result of the final war, Hilude, could not be remembered.

Hirod just remembered that the color in her eyes at that time was either white or black, and anything that conflicted with justice was evil. Perhaps at that time, she killed many beings who did not die.

In fact, the first opponent Hilde fought in hell was Rez.

At that time, she was only a magic rank, and the devil Leizi only had the strength to transform her rank.

But because at that time in hell, the plane caused the suppression of strength, and the strength of Hilude and Rez was only half a catty, which was about the same.

However, because of his fighting skills, most of the time, Hilde was suppressing Rez, and Rez basically did not fight back, but kept evading and running away.

At that time, Hilde also cut Rez's body with a sword. One of the swords even pierced Rez's chest, almost killing Rez, but because the blood of the devil has a strong resilience, so Lei Luckily he didn't die.

And that time was also the closest Hilde came to killing Rez.

After that, it had been 100 years since Hilde met Rez for the second time.

Hirold has been promoted to supernatural. Although Rez is not very conspicuous in the devil community, Hirold still found each other.

Rez started to run away, and Hilde was also led by Rez into the ambush of several demons, almost dying.

Perhaps because of the fate brought by God, Hilde could always meet Leiz, but she was always run away by Leiz, and then fell into unknown danger.

Decades later, Hilde finally pushed the devil Rez to a corner, only to find that Rez blocked her attack, and then Rez stole her weapon and ran away.

Hundreds of years later, Hilde was successfully promoted to legendary creature and became a Valkyrie.

She once again went to hell to find Rez, he found Rez easily, but found that she still couldn't help Rez, and Hilde found that he couldn't beat Rez.

In the end, more than a thousand years later, Hilude was promoted to fantasy, becoming the youngest fantasy rank in the Temple Mountain.

Her fierce attack made countless devils frightened, and even the main plane and the gluttonous king of the seven kings of hell were not defeated.

However, when Hilde met Rez again, she failed again, and she still couldn't defeat Rez.

As a result, that time, after exhausting the power in her body, Hilde mistakenly fell into the trap of the seven kings of hell, Yin Yu, and was finally sealed in the Yin Yu Demon Sword, and her body was also destroyed.

After that, her memory became blurred, and her soul merged with more and more existences.

It seems that she continued to fight with the lazy devil Rez, but the results of the battle were the same as before, all ended in failure.

Then, with the death of the first Yin Yu King, the Yin Yu Demon Sword was tossed and turned several times, and finally fell to the main plane of the Warren Plain, and was silent for tens of thousands of years.

And Hilde has also figured out a new move in these tens of thousands of years of silence - this time she must defeat Leyz.


What Hirold tells is undoubtedly a somewhat sad story. Hirold has always wanted to completely defeat Rez all her life, but she has never been able to do it.

She became stronger because of Rez, but she failed again and again in the face of Rez, and was even sealed into the sword by King Yin Yu.

Even so, she wanted to defeat her nemesis.

Knowing all this, System wanted to persuade him, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Sherold's lifelong obsession, he couldn't change her mind with just a few words, she had to face her failure again before she could continue to calm down for a while.

But what Hilde describes is incomplete, and Hilde hides something from the lazy devil Rez.

It seems that Hilde's descriptions of the subsequent battles with Rez are extremely sketchy.

System really couldn't figure out why Rez's strength was obviously higher than that of Sylude, but she wanted to let her go, and System felt some humiliation from Sylude. Something else must have happened between De and Rez...

Realizing that Sylude was very resistant to things, System did not ask any further questions. After learning that Rez did not have the ability to devour souls and imprison her, System also felt relieved.

Going to hell in this way, even if something happens to the group, Kun can be resurrected, and after his [Shadow Avatar] dies, the spiritual power will return to his body, and only some experience points will be lost.



While System was patiently waiting for Hilde to construct a teleportation array that directly led to the seventh floor of hell, Kun and the little dwarf who went to the seventh floor of the devil city of hell finally attracted the attack of the legendary demon.

In fact, it was originally considered a provocation for two heroic spirits representing justice to go to the evil hell, but the devils in hell are generally very rational.

Weak devils can’t beat the heroic spirits, and they will naturally avoid them when they see them; stronger devils see Kun and the dwarf, and they will let the two heroic spirits away because it is better to do less. After all, heroic spirits are very special. The equipment is also a part of the spirit body, and there will be no gain after killing it.

However, it was too blatant for the two heroic spirits to openly go to the city where the devil lives.

In addition, near this devil city, there lives a legendary gluttonous devil lord.

And it was very unfortunate that the gluttony devil happened to have the ability to devour spiritual bodies, so the gluttony devil aimed at the dwarf and Kun-he wanted to taste the taste of heroic spirits.

The Gluttonous Devil united four legendary demons, plus dozens of extraordinary demons and hell beasts to hunt down Kun and the dwarf.


At this time, Quin and Johnny had fled the devil's city, and Johnny was still carrying a comatose little devil on his shoulders-according to Johnny's sense of smell, this comatose little devil had clues of the Xeon Shield .

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