Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 412 The messenger of the gods

Continue to review the information that Xiao M collected and organized about the Church of Order.

Although the Church of Order in the Elf Kingdom has basically been uprooted this month, the demigod Odd has not made any movement.

Since he threatened the City of Golden Bananas a month ago, Oder has not heard any news. It seems that he is just waiting for five years to come, and he will come to this world in person.

Because the other party was an existence above the fantasy rank, System's [intuition] couldn't sense anything.

Destroying the Cult of Order was refreshing, but System also lost the source of Order information.

After all, System didn’t like to fight unprepared wars. It was like the first battle of the Celestial Legion. Although he fell into a deep sleep, the Golden Banana Legion still ambushed the opponent very well.

System thought of the many statues of the Celestial Legion on the floating island-could he give these birdmen [data templates], and then let some birdmen return to the heaven, and he would use the communication software MZ to steal some information?

This method of stealing information has been used by System many times, and it has basically been tried and tested.

According to System's normal procedure, he should use his tentacles to entangle these celestial warriors into the sky while interrogating them, and finally use some tricks to install [Data Template] for the other party when the other party's mental breakdown is a little bit.

but now……

First, he was in a chrysalis and could not reach out his tentacles. Second, Kun, who had the ability to read minds, was beside him, and it was not convenient for System to interrogate him.

In the end, System reluctantly handed over the job of installing the [Data Template] to Xiao M, asking Xiao M to simulate some deceptive spiritual messages and find a way to install the [Data Template] on these Celestial Legion stone sculptures.


And after dealing with the incident about the demigod Odur, System went on to check on the hunting religion about Hunting, the god of hunting.

There is not much information about Hentin. A few months ago, the Hunting Sect of Hunting God had completely withdrawn from the elf kingdom.

The former anti-krypton gold alliance has long been disbanded, and even some elves of the anti-krypton gold alliance have begun to cheer for the god of krypton gold, Manai.

Just like Rafael, the god of plagues and curses who bid farewell to him, Hunting also didn't want to have anything to do with the Golden Banana Cult, so he chose to leave.

Although his [intuition] has no hunch, it is not difficult to speculate on the progress and progress of the matter. Perhaps whether it is Hunting, or the previous Rafael, they should know the approximate time of the arrival of the saint. , the date of the saint's coming should be approaching.

Hunting's actions are actually very wise, because under the leadership of August, a heroic spirit of neither male nor female, all churches that threaten the Golden Banana Sect will suffer a fatal blow.

At least on this continent, since the Glacier Lord Aura turned into a butterfly, August should have no rivals except for the easternmost fantasy-level desert beast.

If Hunting didn't choose to withdraw the church, perhaps before he came to this world as a saint, the hunting religion in this plane would be completely defeated.

But not all gods want to stay away from the Golden Banana Church like Rafael and Hundin, and avoid being suppressed by the Golden Banana Church.

After the Golden Banana Cult continued to expand and even established the Golden Banana Federation spanning two planes, there was such a god who began to kneel and lick frantically.

That’s right, this god is Duke, the god of trade who calls himself Manai’s son and System’s brother.

System had not paid attention to this cheap brother for a long time.

In my impression, his god brother has been troubled by the fact that [Data Template] cannot be connected to the Internet. At that time, Duke would twist the light curtain of [Data Template] into a twist every day, trying to crack [Data Template], but he kept going. There is little progress.

In addition, because of the virus he added, the number of [Data Templates] of the green-skinned orcs on the other main plane has been maintained at one thousand. As long as the number exceeds one thousand, all [Data Templates] will start to self-destruct Halved.

When System checked the information this time, he found that his god brother had already given up on the group of orcs with low IQ, and chose to let those orc believers fend for themselves.

Because of the lack of food and frequent fighting between orc tribes.

At this time, the number of green-skinned orcs holding [Data Template] had been reduced to 910, and the remaining 90 [Data Template] places Duke had given up and continued to fill up.

In the past two years, Duke has once again founded the trading god religion on the main plane of the former Koslin Kingdom - as the son of Manai, the god of krypton gold.

Of course, this time, Duke's approach was very different, because the Trading God Cult was once annihilated by the Golden Banana Church. Duke's newly established church was established in the south of the Koslin Kingdom, a country rich in bananas.

The distance is too far, and the [Data Template] of the Koslin Kingdom is less than 2,000, so Little M can't collect any information.

It was only in recent months that the Golden Banana Federation was established and expanded, and the once-disappeared trading religion resurfaced.

Although he is declared to be Manai's son, if you read the teachings of the trading church, you will find that Duke is not Manai's real son, but a godson.

And if you continue to study the teachings carefully, you will find that Duke is not even Manai's godson, but that he himself recognized his mother.

But according to the content of the teachings, it is very likely that Mana, the god of krypton gold, will recognize him as his son in the future.

In short, although his cheap brother Duke is still shameless, he respects Manai and wants to really become Manai's son.

Because he was born with no bottom line and knew how to use rhetoric, Duke easily used his identity as Mana's son to regroup dozens of cultists.

It was half a year ago when the Golden Banana Federation was expanding to the south and wanted to occupy an area rich in bananas. His brother Duke did not know how to do it. He helped the Golden Banana Federation take down two human city-states without a fight.

Since then, the conflict between the God of Trading and the Golden Banana Cult many years ago has been resolved.

The Golden Banana Federation also recognized that the God of Trade is a friendly god. During his sleep for half a year recently, there was even a believer of the God of Trade who came to this world through the teleportation array and connected to the Internet through Xiao M.

The believer of the God of Trading has approached him many times in recent months, and he has also posted a lot of remarks on the Krypton Gold Forum.

Although these remarks are not so straightforward, they generally mean that the trading religion founded by Duke is a dog of the Golden Banana Church, and they will bite wherever the Golden Banana Church points.

Even a month ago, when the demigod Odd gave a warning, Duke's messenger also used amplifying spells to fight back in front of the voices that appeared in the sky.

This Duke believer is even more angry than the creatures in the city of golden bananas.

In addition to these, System also discovered that the Duke's messenger had used the ability mall to upload a video of his ability to communicate with Duke, the god of trade.

And this ability video has more than 700 views...

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