Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 405 The war that ended in coma

System's fifth pupation took longer than the fourth.

According to Xiao M's analysis, his pupation is between five and seven years. As for how long it will take, it depends on the process of subsequent pupation.

For example, someone has stabbed his worm pupae now, so the end date of his pupation will undoubtedly be extended later.

And if his location is very quiet, the fluctuation of the temperature around the pupae is relatively stable, and his pupation time will be earlier.

But now he is an extraordinary creature, as long as the temperature difference does not exceed 50 degrees, it will basically have no effect on him.

During the pupation process this time, after being awake for the first few days, System had the fourth pupation that occurred more than a year later, and began to be confused and lethargic.

There would always be some roars in System’s mind, that is, the sound of the world.

The sound of the world seems to be transforming his soul. Every time the sound of the world disappears, System will feel very tired, and then he will fall into a state of lethargy.

Fortunately, System already had Little M at this time. Although he fell into a deep sleep, Little M was still awake after System fell asleep.

Xiao M not only helps System to monitor the movements of the Elf King Arthur and the Hunting Sect through big data analysis, but also helps System to accept the krypton gold from those [Data Template] users at all times.

In addition, the legendary high-temperature slime and ordinary slime bombs are also constantly produced under the control of Xiao M.

Almost every time System wakes up from a coma, he sees what Little M has done, and his legendary slime friends are gradually increasing.

On May 27th, two and a half months had passed since System’s fifth pupation, and the Liert Forest ushered in summer.

The large wheat fields outside the Golden Banana City are lush and lush. Through the hybrid cultivation of Druid Yvette, this summer's wheat yield has been fully doubled.

Near the Warren Plains near the City of Golden Bananas, there is also a large ranch that already has livestock of a certain size.

Humans who came here for the first time would generally think that the ranch was a little far away from the Golden Banana City. After all, the 30-kilometer journey would be too expensive to transport meat, eggs and milk.

But as long as they know the expansion speed of the Golden Banana City, they will immediately shut their mouths.

Because the expansion area of ​​Golden Banana City has increased many times during this period of time, it has now become a large city with a length and width of about ten kilometers, with industrial areas, commercial areas, living areas and other areas. A thriving scene.

In the future, the City of Golden Bananas will only get bigger and bigger.

The difference from this world town is that the Golden Banana City is more tidy and the buildings are taller and more novel, that is, the city has no walls.

In fact, System couldn't figure out what use the city walls were for in this world.

In such a world where extraordinary people have the power to destroy the world, the use of time-consuming and laborious construction of city walls is really limited.

In addition to the differences between the city walls and the buildings in the city, the cement roads in the Golden Banana City have also been updated again.

Because of the refinement of oil as an energy source by master alchemist Kambal, asphalt was successfully born, and some of the main roads of the Golden Banana City have been made of asphalt mixed with cement to make more durable asphalt pavement.

On the night of May 27th, colorful fireworks appeared over the city of Golden Bananas, and intelligent creatures of different races began to rejoice with joy.

According to the previous instructions issued by System, this year was officially named the first year of the Golden Banana, which represented the arrival of a new era.

After the operation of the smart assistant Xiao M, the time and date in all [Data Templates] are adjusted to the first year of the Golden Banana at the same time.

At the same time, Xiao M also updated the [Data Template] 4.0 that had been completed inside for System.

However, because the installation of [Smart Module] requires experience points, this update cannot be completed online. Users who hold [Data Template] must go to the City of Golden Bananas to complete the upgrade.

It was a pity that on this exciting day, System spent it in a lethargy.

In fact, System can set any day for the update of the [Data Template], and he can release the update message when he wakes up.

But with more and more things under System's control, there were always some things that could not go according to his wishes.

Because on the 27th of May, there was another remarkable thing going on - Jenny, the Queen of Golden Bananas, who had been delayed for more than two months, finally ascended the throne.

The reason why the enthronement, which should have been carried out in March, was postponed until nearly June, is because this time Jenny took over not only the kingdom of Koslin, but the entire Golden Banana Federation.

Under the leadership of the heroic spirit Gustest, who is neither male nor female, hundreds of thousands of coalition forces swept the already decayed Dragonborn Empire.

In addition, August also used force to successively conquer three surrounding countries that took advantage of the fire, and incorporated these three countries into the territory of the Dragonborn Empire.

After that, all human city-states surrendered to the Dragonborn Empire that Auguste took over.

After negotiating with Keno through MZ, August accepted Keno's Golden Banana federal proposal.

So just like that, Saint Jeanne became the golden banana queen across two planes.

On the day she ascended the throne, Jenny used the teleportation array to teleport many times between the former Koslin Kingdom and the former Dragonborn Empire, and finally stayed in the capital of the former Dragonborn Kingdom.

Because she also has the ability of [mental transmission], the little girl started the work of distributing [data template] on the land of the Dragonborn Empire, and constantly spread the favor of Manai, the god of krypton gold.

It is worth mentioning that although System did not participate in the enthronement of the little girl Jenny, there was a special person who appeared, and that was Jenny's teacher, the old Lich Kazasimer.

It seems that although the old lich is mentally abnormal, he still loves his disciple Jenny.


It was June 3rd when System woke up. This time, he had been in a coma for more than 20 days, perfectly missing the three-day celebration of the Golden Banana Federation.

Apart from the Golden Banana Celebration, System also missed the resurrection of Johnny the Shorty.

Johnny was resurrected thirteen days ago, on May 24th.

However, just like the previous one, after learning that the Silver King was dead, the dwarf exploded and died again. It is estimated that it will take some time before he can truly be resurrected.


After simply learning about the events of the past twenty days, the voice of the world came unexpectedly again after another day or so.

In this way, because of the constant appearance of the world's voices, System unconsciously woke up from sleep, and basically several days to dozens of days passed every time he fell into a coma.

In the alternating process of falling asleep and waking up again and again, time also passed little by little.

On such a day in early November of the first year of the Golden Banana, System, who had been awake for a few days, fell asleep again after hearing the sound of the world.

This time, System was in a coma for a very long time, and it was not until March 20 of the following year that he finally woke up.

After waking up, System realized that the war against the City of Golden Bananas by the Celestial Legion sent by the demigod Odd had already ended...

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