Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 402 [Digital Intelligence]

As the number of digital slimes in the digital sea became more and more active, System felt an incomparable pain in his spirit.

System found that the digital planets surrounding the white light ball began to vibrate non-stop, as if they were about to explode.

The facts also confirmed System's guess.

The planet of [Data Storage] exploded first, followed by the planet of [Data Compilation], and then the planet of [Dataization] also exploded...

In a short period of time, these digital planets all collapsed into scattered characters, and were then devoured by the digital slimes in the digital sea.

And with the explosion of these digital planets, System's mental swelling and pain also disappeared, and it became much easier.

System knew that although these ability digital planets exploded, they did not disappear, but only existed in his body in another form.

However, System cannot use these abilities for the time being. He cannot use the [Tools menu] to check how long has passed, and he cannot use the network to communicate with the outside world.

The double helix from [Pupation] kept crashing into his sea of ​​numbers, his sea of ​​numbers became wider and wider, and the numbers in the sea of ​​numbers became denser and denser.

Of course, the biggest change is these digital slimes.

The number of digital slimes was increasing, and as time passed, System found that these digital slimes had even exceeded the total number of scattered characters in the digital sea.

I don't know how long it took.

The double-helix energy produced by [Pupation] gradually stopped, and his digital sea no longer had any scattered digital characters, and all turned into large and small digital slimes.

Just after System felt it was over, these digital slimes, large and small, continued to act, and they began to devour each other, or in other words, began to combine with each other.

Digital slimes didn't combine very fast at first, until some slimes combined with each other to form a huge digital slime.

After that, countless slimes took the initiative to gather towards the huge slime, and the large slime became bigger and bigger.

At the end, there was only such a giant slime left in the entire digital sea. System’s own white light ball was also inside this giant slime, and the gelatin of the giant digital slime was gradually moving towards him. of white light balls close up.

It seemed that this giant digital slime wanted to devour his light ball, but System knew that the giant digital slime just wanted to become one with his light ball.

It didn't take long for the sticky-looking digital glue to come into close contact with his white ball of light, and finally envelop it completely.

All the [Numeric Code] derivative abilities that System could not feel before also returned.

Looking at the time in the [Tools menu], System found that nearly half a month had passed since his strengthening.

And now he seems to have become the core of the super slime, and the glue in the entire digital sea can be controlled by him.

He can easily manipulate these digital glues, allowing them to wriggle into a variety of shapes.

Not long after, as System gradually relaxed, these cohesive digital colloids gradually expanded, gradually expanding and becoming the size of the original digital sea.

It looked like a soft, gigantic slime marshmallow, and the flocculent gum inside would shake as System thought.

And the digital planet that had disappeared before the explosion also revived unconsciously, and circled around System's light ball again.

These digital planets seem to have increased in size. Although they feel a little wobbly in the gel, they still run on a fixed orbit and are very stable.

Not only that, but System discovered that a whole new digital planet had appeared near his sphere of light.

This digital planet is fundamentally different from other digital planets.

Because this mathematical planet is emitting a white light, the light is almost the same as the white light sphere of his body.

After feeling it carefully, System found that the ball of light seemed to be able to think.

It’s just that this digital planet doesn’t have any emotion, as if it was an artificial intelligence that System had not yet appeared in his previous life.

As System noticed this, the [Tools Menu] beep sounded.

Ding! You gain [Digital Intelligence].

Ding! You gain the derivative ability [Intelligence Module].


【Digital Intelligence】(31/31): Obtain special abilities from 【Numeric Code】. System's unique ability. Has the function of judgment and calculation.

[Intelligence Module] (35/35): Unique abilities generated by [Numerical Code], [Data Compilation], [Digital Intelligence], and [Data Template]. You can install [Smart Modules] for things that have [Data Templates]. [Intelligent Module] has some functions of calculation and judgment. The activation of [Intelligent Module] requires a certain amount of mental power.


By observing the information in the [Tools Menu], System found that his [Numerical Code] had successfully become a Legendary ability. In addition, all the derived abilities of [Numerical Code] had also reached the Legendary level, and the utility had become more powerful.

After interpreting the two newly acquired abilities in detail in the self-information in the [Tools Menu], System quickly tested the newly acquired [Digital Intelligence].

In fact, this test might be System's most special ability test.

Because this time System doesn't have to take the initiative to control anything at all. He only needs to give orders to [Digital Intelligence], and [Digital Intelligence] will complete some instructions according to his orders.

[Digital Intelligence] Can call everything in the digital sea except his white light sphere to perform calculations, and can borrow mental power from the network.

Although the current [digital intelligence] is somewhat rigid, it can continue to learn and gradually improve itself.

If System were to describe the ability of [digital intelligence], it would probably be like the light brain and intellectual brain that often appeared in the novels of the previous life.

[Digital Intelligence] can assist him to do a lot of things. The big data analysis that System had not figured out before, after the emergence of [Digital Intelligence], if there is no accident, it can be realized very quickly.

He also no longer has to use [Shadow Avatar] to organize information, and then harvest negative emotions in the process of recycling [Shadow Avatar].

After System debugged for a while, [Digital Intelligence] quickly sent out a nice female voice to System: "The handsome Mr. System, your assistant Xiao M is serving you."

[Digital Intelligence] itself has no emotions, but it can simulate emotions according to System's settings, and it is very intelligent in some ways.

At least if System taught it, Little M had learned it just once.

System continued to Xiao M: "Okay, Xiao M, please sing me a song."

"The handsome Mr. System, please choose the song you want to listen to."

After a short thought, Xiao M replied immediately, a virtual prompt box appeared in front of System, and many songs on the music website appeared on it.

System thought for a while and ordered a pure music, he wanted to see how Little M would deal with this unsung song...

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