Late Night Bookstore

: It’s still 1 today, and it’s starting tomorrow.

The second volume of "Late Night Book House" is coming out soon. I received the signature page from the express delivery of the publishing house. I was busy signing today and signed 2k copies;

So don’t blame the dragon if you haven’t been able to buy the signed version after the second volume is on the shelf. The dragon really did his best...

And because the work and rest have recently been restored to normal, so at this point, my brain is already sinking. This plot, I don’t want to write it out, otherwise it is too regrettable.

So, let's continue to make more changes today. Tomorrow Long strives to write this story in one breath, so that everyone can enjoy it.

After all, there are too many blades at home, let alone selling the blades to get rich, you can’t send them away (ˉ﹃ˉ)

At last,

Don't panic,

Hold the dragon!


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