Konoha: Uchiha’s Counterattack

Chapter 316 The Bridge of the Godless 1

In an unremarkable bush, Kakashi was lurking inside, staring ahead. It was a team of Iwanin, resting in place. It can be seen from their costumes that the leader is a Chunin.

Kakashi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he is only a Chunin. He himself is fine, but now he still has two teammates. It is much more difficult for him to kill the enemy and protect his teammates at the same time.

After all, when they performed missions together before, there was always Namikaze Minato doing such things. He realized now, this responsibility, the responsibility of bringing his teammates back alive.

Facing the two people not far behind, Kakashi made a series of sign language. Although Obito Uchiha is a little brainless at times, he is relatively calm when fighting.

The children of the Uchiha clan have been receiving various trainings since they can remember. Although due to their respective hobbies, they will be inclined in training, but there are two things that are compulsory for them.

Sign language before the battle, and seal seal. Uchiha Obito once complained about the family. He said that the family taught too little when he was a child. What's the use of teaching seals and sign language. Should have paid more.

Under Kakashi's sign language command, the three of them already knew what they were going to do. The battle is about to start, and for the battle between ninjas, it is often in an instant.

"whoosh," "whoosh," "whoosh"

The three of them released a few shurikens and kunai to Iwa Shinobi in a tacit understanding. Killed a Genin on the spot, and she just made a simple turn around before she died.

It can be seen that, in fact, Rock Ninja has already been used, the real last reserve ninja. The young ninja school apprentice died for no apparent reason in his first battle.

Fighting so far, no matter you are a fledgling genin, a seasoned zhongnin, an extraordinary skillful jinnin, or an unattainable shadow-level powerhouse.

It is possible to lose your life in the next second. The most direct thing that war brings to people is death. Everyone will die, and many people may still think about it at the last moment of their lives.

Why? Why did I appear here, why did this happen? Why is there a war? Why start a war?

No one knows the answer, and what someone who knows tells you may not be what you want to know. This dead ninja, she was very lucky, because she died in her most beautiful years.

She doesn't need anyone to watch her age slowly, she doesn't need to endure her face getting old slowly, she stays in that blooming age forever, the shuriken cut her throat very precisely.

Kunai shot into her body precisely, and in just a split second, a fresh life disappeared into this world. Her teammates had no time to grieve for her.

The three of them quickly wrestled with each other, not to mention Ye Yuanlin who looked very quiet, but when fighting, she often carried a lot of vigor.

And Obito, who looks frizzy, fights just like usual, frizzy and impatient. The one on the opposite side was not as good as him, and was obviously a novice.

Kakashi was facing an experienced Chunin. At the beginning of the battle, the opponent even knew the ultimate goal of Kakashi's team, because there was a bridge not far behind their team.

A bridge that is usually inconspicuous, but at this moment it is the only way for the logistical supply line of Yan Ren. Blow up the bridge! Their purpose is to blow up the bridge.

In any case, they cannot be easily let go, they must be called for support. This little white hair is not very old, his hands are quite strong, and his sword skills are frighteningly fast. The most important thing is that he has skills that are completely unsuitable for his age.

Yan Shino quickly took out a signal flare and fired it into the sky.

At this moment, Kakashi's feet erupted with thunder and lightning, and he came to the Chunin in an instant, and cut off his arm that was about to signal.

The signal document number was launched, but it didn't shoot into the sky, but into the woods not far away. Kakashi moved so fast that Iwanin even saw his eyes just now.

Immediately after a flash of white light, the experienced Chunin's body was separated.

Kakashi did not stay, but came directly to Nohara Rin's battlefield. Approaching quickly, he backstabbed the enemy instantly, and Bai Fang's dagger directly pierced into the opponent's body.

Nohara Rin took the opportunity to cut the opponent's throat with Kunai, and then shot Kunai at the enemy who was fighting with Obito. Uchiha Obito saw that Kunai, who suddenly shot at the other party because of avoidance, leaked a flaw, and immediately seized the opportunity.

"Art fire escape ho fireball"

Facing the ninja under the name, it is the iconic fireball technique of the Uchiha clan. Although the flames that came out were not very ideal, they still caused a lot of damage to the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, Obito punched Iwa Shinobi on the opposite side, and Kakashi, who came at the end, stabbed the opponent's heart with a knife, ending the man's life.

"Kakashi, don't worry about me, go support Lin first." Uchiha Obito said

"..." Kakashi flicked the blood off the knife

"Thank you for bringing the soil, I'm fine now." Nohara Lin immediately gave a slightly embarrassed smile

Uchiha Obito looked at Nohara Lin, and smiled to himself, "Hahaha, it's nothing, I can't help, Lin, it's great that you're okay!"

"Don't speak so loudly, it's not good to attract others. These people are so weak, and this person just sent a signal flare, which means that there are many such teams nearby, or there may be a stronghold nearby.

We have to be careful, we may be exposed at any time from now on. Be careful everywhere. said Kakashi

Uchiha Obito rarely quarreled with Kakakashi, but nodded, and took Nohara Rin to the other side to dispose of the corpse and clean up the traces of the fight, although experienced people would still find clues in doing so.

But being able to cause even a little trouble for the other party, or interfere with the other party's prediction, is a layer of protection for oneself. After Kakashi finished all this, he ran to the direction of the flare.

Put the bodies of these people under the tree. A few words were engraved on it, and I went all the way. Then, contrary to the rules, he took Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara and continued in this direction.

Kakashi's estimation was not wrong, but there was not only such a team nearby. To be precise, they were very unlucky, because there was a stronghold nearby, and a convoy had just set off from here to the front line.

These scattered teams are the early warning teams. Every once in a while, another team will come to take over. So it will be a matter of time before all of this is discovered.

It seems that there is not much time left for Kakashi and the others to hide.

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