Knight's Infinite Journey

Chapter 208 Business

Although they didn't get along for long, the girl didn't hide her affection for Yadimu.

It’s already to the point where a person can see it.

Lesa's mother had no objection to this.

Even though the continent has changed, the girl will still get married after all.

For Leisha, although she is the only daughter of Baron Simon, her future destination is to marry the son of a noble with sufficient status.

Compared to those unknown people, Yadimu was born in a noble family and was a mage apprentice at a young age. He could be considered a good marriage partner if he wanted to.

Maybe he can also win over a future mage for Baron Simon.

Baron Simon and Baroness did not object to this, but were somewhat happy to see it happen.

However, Yadimu didn't mean this.

As far as he was concerned, he had no intention of having anything to do with a girl without permission.

Especially the girl in front of me is still so young.

He's not a pervert.

"Next time."

A smile appeared on Yadimu's face: "For now, your homework is more important."

"How about I hang out with you after the mage test is over?"

Definitely next time!

Artimu's service period at Baron Simon's house is only three months.

After three months passed, he fled.

It would be impossible for the girl to find him then.

If another person came here, he would probably understand what Yadimu meant in a moment.

But Lesa didn't notice it at all, and instead looked happy.

She left here happily and was ready to go out to play. From the looks of it, she was probably going to go out to find her little sisters to share her strategy progress.

Yadimu stood there, watching the girl leave with a smile, and then stood up.


At a certain moment, he noticed something strange and couldn't help but look to the side in a certain direction.

There seemed to be a hidden line of sight in that place, which had been observing them secretly.

It wasn't until Lesa left that the line of sight gradually disappeared.

This may be someone who is protecting a few children, or it may be that Baron Simon is worried about Yadimu and specially sent someone here to keep an eye on him.

Yadimu didn't pay attention, he just turned around and left.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

For about two months, everything was calm.

Yadimu's injuries further recovered.

Of course, there were some hiccups in the middle.

"I have to thank you, Mr. Yadimu, for this matter."

In the familiar hall, Baron Simon looked at the figure lying on the ground with some horror. He couldn't help but feel a little scared at this moment: "I didn't expect that someone would sneak into my manor and try to take action against my children!"

There was a hint of anger on his face.

The person in front of me is the previous monitor.

At first, Yadimu thought it was a spy photographed by Baron Simon, but later he gradually felt that something was wrong.

If it was a protector, then this would be a bit too much.

Normally, you just keep an eye on Yadimu when he's around. Even when a few children are playing in the room, you have to keep an eye on them?

Is this protection or surveillance?

Sensing something was wrong in his heart, Yadimu didn't take too much advantage of the other party and took action directly.

With a simple test, he tricked the other party into taking the initiative, and then everything fell into place.

"This is a shadow assassin, possibly hired by your enemies, Baron. As for his purpose, I don't know."

Yadimu said.

He was very sensible in handling this matter.

After catching this person, he didn't interrogate him without authorization. He just packaged the person and sent him to Baron Simon.

This made Baron Simon very satisfied.

"Thank you for your heroic actions on this occasion."

Simon said sincerely: "To express your gratitude, I have asked someone to prepare a gift, which will be delivered to your room later."

"Also, if you need anything, please be sure to tell me so that I can have a chance to repay you."

"Actually, I really have something on my hands, and I may need your help, sir."

After hearing what Baron Simon said, Artimu was naturally not too polite.

In front of Baron Simon, he took out something directly.

Those are several bottles of potion.

"these are"

"Several healing potions."

"Can you also make potions?"

Baron Simon was suddenly shocked.

On the surface, Yadimu's reported age is only sixteen years old.

At this age, Yadimu's ability to become an excellent apprentice is quite good. It can be said that it is completely beyond the expectations of many people.

And besides being a mage apprentice, he is also an excellent pharmacist?

Isn't it a bit too much for you to be a genius?

Facing Baron Simon's strange eyes, Yadimu lowered his head and smiled, seeming a little embarrassed.

His skills as a pharmacist were self-taught.

Having stayed in another world for such a long time, he had figured out a lot of things and had rich experience in refining potions.

But before, he was so poor that even if he had these experiences, he couldn't use them.

After all, refining potions does not only require people and money.

Instruments, equipment, material assistants, these all cost money.

That is to say, after settling in Baron Simon's place, and with the salary paid in advance by Baron Simon, Artimu could find a place to refine these bottles of potions.

And it's just a sample.

Yadimu also thought about it.

No matter where you are, you can't get rich just by working for others.

If you want to get rich, you have to work hard and think of other ways.

That's why Yadimu took out these bottles of potions.

The pharmaceutical industry in Kaiyue City is quite developed, with a large number of various pharmaceuticals that have been widely supported and used.

In this case, a good enough potion is a good product.

But then again, even if the product is good, if you want to sell it, you still need to promote it to important people.

In this regard, Yadimu is completely at a disadvantage.

He is an outsider, unfamiliar with this place, so what if he has the product in hand?

It is difficult to promote it.

There are fixed partners in those places. If he goes to them directly, even if the conditions are met, they will not be satisfied and they will definitely be eaten to death.

On the contrary, things are different here with Baron Simon.

Although Simon is only a baron, he is still a native of Kaiyue City, and his understanding of this place is much better than that of an outsider like Di Mu.

Problems that Yadimu couldn't solve were naturally not problems for him.

“The quality seems to be pretty good.”

After trying several potions one by one, Baron Simon's eyes couldn't help but light up: "Did you refine these yourself?"


Yadimu nodded, and then told the effects of several potions one by one.

Generally speaking, these potions are not much different from those on the market, but there are some slight improvements in subtleties.

For example, the quality is better, and it has special effects on specific parts and certain diseases, making it easier to use than ordinary medicines on the market.

From Baron Simon's perspective, he could see the value of this at a glance.

"very nice."

After listening to Yatimu's introduction, he nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes changed when he looked at Yatimu.

If he was just a relatively optimistic young man before, now he is a shining golden pig.

Well, the kind that can bring him gold coins.

The shared residence between the two can be finalized for the time being. After all, this is a matter of mutual benefit.

Yadimu can find sales channels, and Baron Simon can also act as an intermediary and extract funds from them.

But before that, there are a few more serious questions.

"So. What about the price?"

Baron Simon pondered for a moment, and then asked.

"How about four gold coins for a bottle, fifty bottles a month?"

Yadimu was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking seriously, and then reported such a number under the gaze of Baron Simon.

He has also investigated before. In Kaiyue City, although the value of various mage potions is relatively low, on average a bottle costs about seven or eight gold coins.

The effect of this batch on hand by Yadimu is even more outstanding. According to the market price, one bottle can cost about ten gold coins.

Of course this is retail, not wholesale.

That's why Yadimu quoted a price of four gold coins.

As for how much Baron Simon will increase the price on this basis, that is the other party's own business.


Baron Simon pondered for a moment, and then nodded directly in agreement.

The price of four gold coins is still relatively reasonable.

After all, Yadimu also spent a lot of labor and a lot of materials.

Relatively speaking, what he has to do is to be a middleman and just sell things directly in his own store.

Of course, he also bears the risk of not selling the goods.

However, therapeutic potions are a type that consumes a lot of money. Judging from his understanding of the outside world, this situation should still be unlikely.

This business can be done.

In the blink of an eye, both of them had smiles on their faces.

As for the assassin just now, it seems that it is no longer important at this moment.

For the two of them, Yadimu, he was just a stepping stone, serving as a bridge of trust between the two.

And then the full interest relationship is the most important.

Leaving Baron Simon's room, Artimu had already received the deposit paid by Baron Simon.

The deposit for the first batch of potions was a full four hundred gold coins.

With the addition of this batch of gold coins, Yadimu became rich again.

He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he seemed quite relaxed just now, in reality, Yadimu's economy was still quite difficult.

Baron Simon was indeed very generous with the money. The salary for the previous three months was paid in one lump sum.

A salary of thirty gold coins, which seemed like a lot on the surface, was something that Yadimu could spend all at once.

After all, whether it is renting equipment for refining pharmaceuticals or purchasing materials, this is a very expensive thing.

So before that, Yadimu had actually returned to zero and became the pauper he was before.

If Baron Simon doesn't give him any more money, Yadimu will consider finding a place to sell himself to see if he can make some money.

Fortunately, this bad situation did not happen.

"The cost of refining the first batch of potions is about one hundred gold coins, and there are still three hundred gold coins that can be used freely."

While walking on the road, Yadimu thought about how to use the money.

First of all, it is necessary to purchase a good enough weapon.

In the previous space countercurrent, his weapons had been scrapped again and turned directly into a pile of twisted scrap metal.

How could a knight have no weapons?

So the top priority is to purchase a good enough weapon.

In addition, his injuries are recovering a bit slowly. If possible, he needs to purchase some targeted medicine to assist his recovery.

Then, I will give you money to prepare for the tour and purchase materials.

Calculating this, only three hundred gold coins are not enough.

Fortunately, the business with Baron Simon does not end now. From now on, four hundred gold coins will be received every month.

There is no need to rush.

Yadimu thought this in his heart, which was somewhat comforting.

Making money is making money, but the current work still has to go on.

At work, Yadimu is definitely a serious person. Even though he has a better way to make money, he is still serious about his tutoring work and does not relax at all.

After all, this is one's professional ethics and cannot be let go easily.

Baron Simon expressed great admiration for Artimu's spirit, and also vaguely reminded him that he could save some time as much as possible and refine more potions every month.

That's what matters most.

As time has passed, the first batch of potions refined by Yadimu has been delivered and is currently being sold in Baron Simon's shop. It is said that the sales volume is quite good.

Yadimu took a look secretly, and was shocked to find that the prices of these potions were higher than he had previously imagined.

For the purchase price of four gold coins, Baron Simon actually sold a bottle for twelve gold coins.

That's not what profiteers do.

And given this situation, these potions are actually quite popular.

Now the way Simon looks at Yadimu has changed. He wants to let him soak in the secret room every day and give him good medicine.

These are all money!

Artimu was well aware of Baron Simon's change of attitude.

But he didn't express anything, and he just regarded it as ignorance of Baron Simon's various hints.


His own time is also precious, okay?

One hundred bottles of potion every month, this is the maximum amount that Yadimu can refine without affecting his other affairs.

It’s not that there can’t be more, but any more will affect other things.

Yadimu didn't really expect to make a fortune by refining potions, so naturally he wouldn't do it.

So just like that, time passed bit by bit, and finally it was time for the tutoring job to end.

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