King of Hollywood

Chapter 343 I Still Have a Sister

As the door opened, the cheers became stronger, and the click of the shutter became stronger, because two people walked down, the two protagonists of the movie premiere tonight.

"Mr. Cowell, many film critics have given positive reviews in the previous test screenings. What do you think of this?"

"Do you think your performance meets the critics' assessment? Do you think Miss Theron does?"

The reporter's voice rose and fell amidst the screams of the fans, and the camera in his hand kept flashing. This was the first time that a media tycoon and super director appeared on the red carpet of the premiere with a woman's arm on his arm. That's not to say he hasn't done it before, but it's basically done after actresses come to the red carpet, and it's the first time I've gotten Charlize out of the car and into the theater like today. Doesn't that mean the former secretary is special?

Thinking of this, the reporters asked questions louder, but it was a pity that Adrian didn't give them a chance. Soon, the shutter sounded louder, because after walking for a while, Adrian picked up the arm of another first-come girl, Ivanka, the current secretary who has a role in "Iron Man"!

With such a hug, one can almost imagine how much discussion this photo will cause in the media, so the reporters simply gave up asking questions and kept taking pictures until they entered.

"It's interesting to see them both excited and unwilling," said Charlize, who was wearing a translucent light black evening gown with long sleeves after entering the theater.

"Of course, I've been annoyed by these people for so long. It's a pleasure to see how they look like they can't get what they want." Ivanka, who was wearing a white tube top dress with a deep ditch, answered immediately.

"Let's go in." Adrian just said lightly, the formulaic smile on his face disappeared immediately, replaced by depression and annoyance.

However, after entering the theater, this smile returned to his face. There are many guests who came to the premiere tonight, and they are all well-known people. After all, this is the first time that Adrian has played the leading role in a movie, and he played the role of a billionaire and a playboy as a billionaire and a playboy, and it caused huge waves in the early stage. Hollywood's most prominent people will come to support when they are invited.

Of course, most of the women are also there, but usually in this situation, the women who have to tease him are very cooperative. This time, they all cooperated very well, which made the premiere very harmonious, so that many people who wanted to watch the fun were disappointed. .

As for the movie, there is no doubt that it was a success. Although Adrian was a bit of a headache for the crew while filming, it turned out really well when it was done in post. Tony Stark's temperament and his unusual fit. Especially in the opening paragraph, the playboy's slightly frivolous but charming appearance is shown, which makes the sound of snickering in the screening hall so appropriate.

In the Nirvana section in the cave at the back, Adrian's performance dropped slightly, but the clever editing made up for this, and the level did not drop too much, and it still maintained a good fluency. After returning home and becoming a tech house, although it is not the same as the previous playboy, it is not difficult for Adrian. Moreover, the action scenes and various special effects are also above the standard, so the last sentence "I am Iron Man" easily pushes the atmosphere to **.

But to say that the most interesting part of the whole movie is the confrontation between Charlize and Ivanka at the beginning. At the beginning of the filming, the two of them had sparks, and now it is on the big screen. The next is more tit for tat. Many people who saw the clues snickered. In addition, the conversation between Stark and the American soldier in the car at the beginning is also a very special highlight. In the original version, the soldier wanted to ask him if the cover girl of "m" magazine in December had slept with him. But now it has been changed to an insert of "Vanity Fair" where all the previous actresses appeared together. Are they all related to him?

"The one on the far left has agreed to go on a date with me after I spent four weeks, and the fourth on the right, she has been ignoring me, and I am asking her best friend for help." Stark in the play used a Vice replied in a natural tone.

When I first filmed this scene, both the actors and the director were in a cold sweat, but at the same time they were looking forward to it. Although no one said it explicitly, everyone basically knew that the Wonder Girls must have a leg with Adrian.

Adrian didn't care about it at all, anyway, the lines didn't name anyone, and didn't give a completely exact answer. But the dramatic effect is still very obvious. At least the next day, people who love gossip have a lot of discussion on this point on the Internet. The post with the title "Adrian admitted to having an affair with the Wonder Girls through the movie" was in the forum. There are everywhere, and in addition to this, posts such as "new love and old love screen showdown" or "Adrian enjoys the best" are also rampant.

While critics have given it good reviews, some comic book fans have admitted that Adrian's Tony Stark is not bad. But there is no doubt that these super gossips are what attracts people the most to the cinema, so the box office easily reached 130 million in the first week.

As a result, Adrian once again became eye-catching, and his halo became more dazzling. Whether he was a director or an actor, he could make the box office over 100 million in the first week.

Too bad he wasn't very happy.

"Unfortunately, no, you are still a little girl, and you are very popular now." Adrian said with a chuckle to the girl sitting on his lap.

"I know, but making movies is more fun than making TV shows, isn't it? And I'm already a big girl, Ed." Selena snuggled in his arms, shaking her arms softly.

"Selena... It's going to be dinner..." Mandy Tiffey's voice came from the side at this time, her eyes were dodging, and she didn't seem to dare to look at her daughter.

"Understood." Although Selena turned her head and replied calmly, the expression on her face became ugly for a moment, and a trace of disappointment and resentment flashed in her eyes.

Mandy pursed her lips as if trying to say something, but eventually turned around and went back to the kitchen. Selena then turned back and continued to show Adrian a sweet smile: "Please, Ed, even if it's just a supporting role."

"No," Adrian reached out and squeezed her chin. "Now you should be honest and make TV dramas. When the time is right, I will arrange roles for you."

"You promise?" Selena leaned in front of him.

"I promise." Adrian raised his eyebrows.

The girl giggled and exhaled in front of him: "There are still a few minutes before the meal, let me try some desserts first."

As he said that, he reached out and grabbed between his legs. After a few moments, she bent over and buried her head, and Adrian took a deep breath following her movements. As for Mandy, although he saw this scene when he was serving lunch, he didn't do anything except his face became paler, even then Adrian and Selena ate and lingered in front of her, or After she was done cleaning, she was pressed against the table and assaulted. Mandy can only bear silently.

This is exactly what Adrian wants to see. Mandy and Selena are different from Liu Li and Liu Yufei. It is impossible to be completely attached to him together, so it is best to let their mother and daughter have sharp contradictions but not only turn against each other. In this way, Adrian can have both sides in the middle, manipulate them to his heart's content, plus something, this mother and daughter are completely in the bag - here, some things are not as influential as they think. Big, maybe it can bring more fame, so Paris Hilton in another time and space can still have a huge influence even if she is physically and mentally traumatized.

But some things are red lines that are absolutely not touched. Once it is exposed, it will be completely over, and from the beginning, Adrian used some tricks and tricks, and deliberately left evidence, and he was not among them. With such a huge handle in their hands, Mandy, Selena and their mother and daughter could only obey, and Selena hated her mother because of it.

This made Adrian extremely happy, and he could have taken it slowly. Use some gentle means to get them under the covers, let them be firmly grasped unknowingly, and finally fall completely. Compared to the current rude means that may cause a backlash. Obviously it would be more effective, it's just a pity that he needs to vent now.

After the quarrel that day, although Adrian apologized to Claude after calming down, they both understood each other and took a step back. Claude gave up listing and chose to raise funds in the primary market, while Adrian Full support. But after this, the relationship between the two has not fully recovered, and most of the time they meet each other without saying a few words, and it has been almost a month now.

This made Adrian very unhappy, but he couldn't do anything. In this case, he couldn't say anything, because it was like admitting that the fault was all his own, which was absolutely unacceptable to him. . Adrian admits that he is indeed responsible, such as being careless, such as being too excited at the time, but this does not mean that the fault is all on him, and why Claude is so uncool has always been a problem.

But until now, Claude has said nothing, and Adrian is naturally very uncomfortable. Such emotions have accumulated so much that they naturally need to be vented. It is impossible for him to vent such tyrannical emotions on his own woman. Ivanka has already made him feel very guilty, although Annie, Natalie and Kayla can admit- After Kayla found out what Natalie was doing, she laughed for a while, but Natalie provoked a few words, saying that she who could achieve this level was obviously more favored by Adrian, so she refuted Kayla, who was fruitless. It was added without hesitation.

She's just that kind of weird character, so Adrian's having Kayla and Natalie in "The Other Boleyn Girl" was a brilliant idea, and then he'll have something more fun.

But after all, there are only three people, which is not enough for Adrian. Two Korean toys can be played a little bit harder, but it is not too heavy, so Adrian hit his idea on Selena, the girl's moan and Crying and the conflict with his mother relieved his mind, and at this time, he was too lazy to care about the big devil and the little devil.

In addition, some people took the initiative to send it to the door.

"Do you have anything to do with me, Hannah?" After the girl sat down on the sofa in the study, Adrian asked in a gentle tone. Although it looked the same as it was a few months ago, there was a faint hint of A smell of giants thousands of miles away.

Dakota Fanning bit her lip, and she didn't seem to have changed much from a few months ago, except that her face was much less bloody.

"I'm... I'm..." She tried her best to keep her tone calm, but her hands on her legs were squeezed tightly. Eyelids drooped, as if very remorseful, "I'm here to apologize, Mr. Cowell."

"Oh?" Adrian raised his eyebrows, looking really puzzled.

"I shouldn't...I shouldn't be headstrong," Dakota continued, "I shouldn't have taken...The Hound."

"You said that," Adrian said with a casual look, "don't worry, I'm not angry. That's your choice, I respect your choice, Hannah, you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, the girl's face turned even paler: "No... No, Mr. Cowell, I was really wrong, I was... I was dizzy, I thought... I already knew I was wrong Where. Please... Please forgive my rashness, and I promise to be obedient in the future."

She pursed her lips. The wide eyes flashed with pleading light, but Adrian was unmoved: "I said it, Hannah, I'm really not angry."

Dakota eventually picked up the Hound, and then, as happened "once", when the lineup came out, the critics were in an uproar, with countless people criticizing the female director for playing the role of a little girl The rape scene was puzzled and accused. Then it involved Dakota herself and her family.

Although Kampmel obeyed the advice this time, it was screened at the Cannes Film Festival that ended not long ago after all the later stages were completed. Unfortunately, even in Europe, it did not receive much praise. On the one hand, because of Adrian's sake, some European filmmakers are more repulsive to American films; on the other hand, Europe, despite having dozens of countries, is more open than the United States. But there is still a red line in this regard. Even if Murgia filmed "The Forest of Spring" today, it would still be blocked, although Kampumel is better. But getting support is almost impossible.

And after the film was released, the controversy that was not small suddenly became more and more intense. Some religious groups even promoted that it was a crime for Dakota to perform such a plot, and called for an investigation. Although Dakota helped defend a few words, some people in Hollywood still spoke for her, and some people thought that although the film was bad, her acting skills were still reflected, but unfortunately the overall public opinion was very unfavorable to her.

No matter how open Hollywood may be, it's not surprising that the Dakotas get this treatment in a country that tends to be conservative in general, especially in the interior. Later, when public opinion began to attack her and her family, reporters began to cover her life at length, digging up every last word of her life—as long as it was within the law—even if Dakota was outraged. to no avail.

Then, she started to get scared, especially when some advertising contracts were released due to pressure from conservative social groups, and some roles found others, and she had to come here alone to ask for help.

It's a pity that Adrian didn't have this plan. He knew the first time Dakota took over the role, but he never cared about it. It's very simple, he has already said what should be said, and what to do is Dakota's business, he does not need disobedient people. Since she chose to star in "The Hound" out of her desire for the Oscars and a higher level, she naturally has to bear the consequences that follow.

What's more, he is now annoyed by more important things and doesn't want to spend so much energy on a disobedient person, so seeing the girl still refuses to give up, he just said bluntly: "If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility. , Hannah, and some things can only be done wrong once, go back, your performance says it all."

"No!" Dakota showed a look of despair. She knew exactly where she would be without the support of the media tycoon, not to mention the trouble she is now in.

So, the girl stood up without any hesitation, bit her lip and pleaded in a trembling voice: "Please, Mr. Cowell, please don't give up on me, please give me another chance, I... I won't do it again. Any mistakes, I can do anything for you...I can do anything for you!"

Dakota's face turned red, but she still stood up her small breasts. Today, she was wearing a dark green looser plaid dress, with a creamy white undershirt, and white velvet socks that reached her calf. Black round-toed shoes, coupled with rapid breathing, are full of green temptation, looking at the resolute look, it is obvious that he made up his mind before coming.

It is a pity that the tricks that should be very useful to Adrian in general are ineffective at this moment.

"Go back," said Adrian, who looked up at her.

The girl opened her mouth, a little unbelievable, why is this happening? ! But she still didn't give up. After her face changed several times, she gritted her teeth and seemed even more determined.

"You know, Mr. Cowell," the voice was soft and weird at the same time, as if everything was letting go, "I also have a sister, Ellie is a... lovely girl, and she... As an actor, as long long as you need...I can dedicate her to you..."

After saying this, the blushing face turned a little white, and the body shook slightly, as if it might fall down at any time. That's fine, Dakota still stood there, staring at Adrian with wide eyes and gritted teeth.

Finally, he raised his head and watched her eyes flash with an inexplicable light. After a long time, when Dakota felt like he was about to collapse, he finally said: "Did you see the round table over there? , turn your back to me, spread your legs, lift up your skirt, and pull your bottoms down to your ankles."

A flash of ecstasy flashed across Dakota's face, and despite her body shaking violently, she walked over as she was told, crawled down with her back to Adrian, lifted her skirt and took off her panties. Soon, a pair of hands grabbed her slender waist, and in the rhythmic kneading, the girl almost fell to the ground, but she still stood firm in the end, until a huge pain suddenly came from below.

"Ah!" Dakota cried out in pain, but she immediately bit her lip to keep herself from speaking, but the man behind her didn't want to.

"Call!" he said coldly.

Immediately, the girl let go of everything and groaned, screamed, and cried under his shock, but, although the tears kept flowing, even though the terrible pain that almost tore herself apart several times almost made her faint, but There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, a smug smile with a sigh of relief. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.

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