King of Hollywood

Chapter 255 Expected

Chapter 255 is expected

In the amphitheatre, a wonderful play was being performed, and the colorfully dressed audiences around, whether they were the poor at the bottom or the nobles sitting upstairs, all stretched their necks and opened their eyes wide to watch the actors. In the performance on the stage, I am afraid that I will miss a little bit. It's not just because the plot is so good, it's also because it's the first time a woman has ever played a role on stage

"In such a state of madness, shall I not pick up an ancient bone, and use it for a club, to break my dazed head? Ah, behold, that is not the ghost of Tybalt, chasing there Romeo, revenge for his sword? Wait a minute, Tybalt, wait a minute Romeo, I'm here and I'll drink this for you." Recited in a tone of voice, then he raised his head abruptly and put the prop vial in his hand to his mouth, then collapsed limply on top of the sarcophagus.

"Eyes, behold your last look Arms, be your last embrace Lips, ah \u003cnone\u003e \u003cwrong\u003e novel The door of your breath, Make an eternal pact with all-encompassing death with one lawful kiss Come, bitter guide, desperate pilot, now rush your storm-weary ship against the rocks For my love, I drank this cup! Sure enough, the drug seller did not lie to me, The drug took effect very quickly. I just died in this kiss." After seeing the girl's "corpse", the man who appeared was heartbroken, and after reciting in a sad and desperate tone, he also took out a cup and raised it. It reached his mouth, and then fell down, beside the girl.

The atmosphere in the theater suddenly became hot, the plot has developed to the extreme, and everyone knows that the girl is actually a fake death while the man is really dead, so what will the girl do after waking up? come? Yes, what is on stage is one of Shakespeare's greatest works: .

The same is true of the audience outside the screen, but their attention is not on the play. The two actors who are the leading actors and actresses are the objects of their attention. They are Shakespeare and his wife Violet. Miss La. Everyone wants to know whether Viola can get rid of the engagement and come together with Shakespeare in the end.

However, the ending was both within and beyond the audience's expectations. Although some officials brought soldiers to seal up the theater on the grounds of condoning women on stage, the sudden appearance of Elizabeth I changed the situation. Viola and the theatre, who applauded and pardoned the play for their faults. However, Shakespeare did not get his marriage. The queen awarded Viola to Sir Weisser on the grounds that "she cannot break up a marriage". Shakespeare could only accept this situation, and in the endless lovesickness A script written under the name of ****.

"A very wonderful movie, if it is said that Adrian's understanding of British history was fully demonstrated a week ago, then the one just released shows his understanding of Shakespeare's works." Famous film critic Schuman Wilson No. Two days wrote in his column, "The whole movie reveals the atmosphere that only Shakespeare has, those exquisite lines like poetry, those small details that make people smile and can be found in other works of Shakespeare—— Including the name of the heroine and the emotional life and death of the hero and heroine - Adrian perfectly integrated these into the movie and turned it into Shakespeare's own story. reached a whole new level.”

"Gwyneth Paltrow gave her best performance so far. The whole movie is a Shakespeare play about Shakespeare, with unexpected plots and distinctive characters, and she is from Shakespeare's play. Dennis Knight's acting skills are also amazing. With his demeanor in the movie, no one would think that he is an American actor, and he has not read or acted much. Shakespeare's work." This is how he commented on the acting skills of the two protagonists.

"Without a doubt, Geoffrey Rush is the best actor in the whole movie, and when you see the hilarious theater proprietor, you don't think of him as the insidious Walsinger in last week's film. Sir Mu. Also brilliant is Judi Dench's Elizabeth I. Although it only takes 8 minutes in total, it is quite different from Cate Blanchett's image, but it also fully demonstrates the demeanor of being a queen. I believe that if Shakespeare would write a A drama about Elizabeth I, then this would be her image." This is the comment.

As Adrian expected, most of the media have given favorable comments, including imdb and the film website that plans to change its name to Rotten Tomatoes after receiving a certain amount of funding this year. Although some people, such as the British media, said sourly that Dennis's acting skills were not satisfactory, and this Shakespeare's image was the worst in history, but this did not cause much trouble.

Their feelings are understandable. For such an ingenious and very interesting British-style movie with a lot of jokes, from the director to the two leading actors, they are all Americans. This is really embarrassing. Or Australians who are members of the Commonwealth of Nations? However, Miracle Director and the others dare not criticize them. Adrian has used countless facts to prove his grasp of British-style movies, and Gwyneth is a representative. Most of the British media thought that she played the role. It was a good job, so after much deliberation, I had to take Dennis for surgery.

Although Dennis has also acted in British roles, but there are too few, and he has never had a classical style work, and he has no understanding of Shakespeare. Compared with the other two, it is easier to break through. It's just that this doesn't help much. After all, the quality of the movie has been recognized, and Dennis' acting skills may be half a chip worse than the original version in some places, and it has also been well evaluated.

What's more, many media are reporting how much preparation work he did after receiving the role, how he looked at Shakespeare's works, and how he brought himself into it to experience the role, etc. He has an extra layer of perseverance and perseverance, so the British media's criticism is even more petty.

"They have changed their ways now and started to praise Jeffrey, but it's still useless." Adrian said while holding a charcoal pencil and dabbing on the paper of the easel.

"Because everybody already knows what they're thinking, right?". Gwyneth, who was sitting on the sofa, asked with a smile. She was basically naked, only pulling a white blanket to cover her lower abdomen, and she could see her firm curls at a glance. What's more exaggerated, her * *** is spread wide, one is on the ground and the other is on the sofa, the light-colored hair and the shape of the steamed bun are clearly visible.

"That's right, dear." Adrian laughed, then raised his head and looked at her with admiring eyes. You know, it took a lot of effort to get her to pose in this pose for him to draw. Of course it takes longer.

"Ed, can you stop being so brazen, please?". Gwyneth blushed slightly.

"I have to draw it perfectly, so it is necessary to observe carefully." Adrian laughed.

"It's not like you haven't seen it." Gwyneth couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and then looked at Blanchett who was drinking tea next to her, "You did the same thing just now?"

"Of course." Blanchett, also not wearing any clothes but wrapped in a white blanket, shrugged, "Do you think he will let me go?"

Gwyneth sighed, then became smug again: "You know, Kate, the media is saying I'm better than you at the moment."

Blanchett snorted softly and said nothing, then looked at Adrian, with a look of dissatisfaction in his gray-blue eyes. Adrian shrugged, smiled and lowered his head to continue painting. Gwyneth is right. During this period of time, the media has praised her as better than Blanchett's Elizabeth I, but this is just a by-product of her previous praise.

Before the release, Adrian specially arranged for several people to praise Gwyneth in the media. In his eyes, Blanchett's acting skills are indeed higher than Gwyneth's, so Blanchett can Go with the flow, but Gwyneth made arrangements just in case. It's not a big deal, every big-name celebrity has or befriended or hired someone who works in the media in order to make a splash.

Don't take the so-called freedom of the press too seriously, even media groups have their own preferences, not to mention these celebrities, so it is normal to arrange people to praise themselves or attack their opponents. After the movie was released, Gwyneth had already received a lot of praise, plus these specially arranged people guided it, and Adrian didn't give a specific account, so there was a big argument that she was better than Blanchett. emergence of scale.

Both Blanchett and Gwyneth are aware of the tricks. It stands to reason that Blanchett should be proud, because the real material accounts for a greater proportion of her evaluation, but now it's the other way around. , Blanchett also felt a little dissatisfied because of this, women are so strange.

"Speaking of which, I'm the most pitiful one. There are several scenes, but no one notices them. Even if you don't see the pictures, you should see the subtitles later, right?" Adrian sighed at this moment tone.

Gwyneth and Blanchett suddenly burst out laughing. As early as in the early days, Adrian had a cameo role in the movie, and when he was filming and filming at the same time, he came up with this idea, and immediately found two for himself. Minor roles: an audience member in the front row of the Chinese Theater, and one of the many nobles of the Chinese Society.

But I don't know if it's because of the successful make-up or other reasons, no one paid attention to his cameo role at all, even though the camera passed in front of him a few times, it made him somewhat depressed.

"Okay, ladies, enough laughing." Seeing that Gwyneth and Blanchett were still laughing, Adrian couldn't help shouting, but this only made the two women laugh even harder.

Well, then don't blame me for being rude. Adrian spread his hands, and after putting down the charcoal pencil, he took out something from the toolbox next to him, aimed at Gwyneth who was spreading her ass on the sofa, and then there was a click. Gwyneth was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and immediately jumped up screaming, trying to snatch the thing from his hands.

Adrian laughed and raised the digital camera above his head, and then adjusted the picture: "Whoa, whoa, look, Gwynnie, you look so beautiful."

"Give it back to me, Ed damn it, how could you do that?" Gwyneth blushed, and she didn't care that the blanket fell to the ground, she was naked, and kept jumping to grab it back.

"Help me, Kate, don't look there." She then turned her head and shouted dissatisfiedly, "This time it's me, next time it's your turn."

Unexpectedly, Blanchett shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I've already done it."

"You've already done it?" Gwyneth's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, Kate has already taken it, and it's here." Adrian laughed and pulled out Blanchett's photo from the camera.

Gwyneth can still see Blanchett's face, though she's a little farther away from that small screen, shot from behind, with her fingers apart, much sexier than she was just now.

"This... this..." Gwyneth stuttered and couldn't speak, she looked at Adrian and then at Blanchett, wasn't she too bold? But recalling all of Blanchett's experiences, it's not surprising that he would do such a large-scale thing.

"Don't worry, honey, I just want to take all the beautiful pictures of you, and I will put the camera here with you, just like those tapes that were secretly shot in London last year." Adrian put his arms around Gwen Nisi said with a smile, while kneading her bare buttocks a few times.

Gwyneth stared at him for a while without saying a word, and then Adrian's smile deepened: "By the way, speaking of it, I haven't taken a picture of the two of you together before."

"Don't even think about it... ah" Gwyneth screamed in the middle of her sentence. At some point, Blanchett dropped the blanket wrapped around her body and hugged her from behind.

"Wait you guys...can't do this" Gwyneth wanted to protest, but unfortunately it was useless, so the click of the shutter sounded again soon.

Adrian is very satisfied with the current situation of the two films, and the premiere was also very successful. The only regret is that because of the large number of people watching the film, he sat in the middle with Gwyneth and Blanchett. There are people everywhere, so it's not easy to recreate the scene where Naomi and Nicole are fucked at the same time in the premiere.

Both films were released on Friday, and the box office of the premiere was around 5.5 million, which was slightly lower at more than 5 million. It seems that it is too far from Adrian's previous record, but it is actually not the case, because both films are released in about 300 theaters.

This is normal. The better the commercial prospects, the more theaters a movie can get, especially the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year's schedule, which is a popular movie schedule. Whether it is or not, the artistic flavor is much more than the commercial value. If the producer is not a miracle director, 300 theaters may not be able to get it.

It is already very good to be able to get a box office of 5 million in three days with 300 theaters, so it will be a matter of time to increase the number of theaters. Regardless of the current advantage, it is expected that the box office will be even higher in the end. It is also a British movie, and it is also a movie about British celebrities. It has a bigger advantage. The protagonist is Shakespeare.

Shakespeare is quite famous in the United States, far surpassing Elizabeth I. There is a joke that ridicules Americans like this: In the eyes of most Americans, the most famous American writer is Shakespeare. They may not know which country Shakespeare is from, and they may not know which era Shakespeare is from, but they will definitely not know who Shakespeare is.

Choosing to tell the story of such a well-known person will naturally attract more people to watch.

Well, aside from that, the success of two long-awaited films made last year doesn't mean Adrian can rest easy, even though he's free to discuss cinematography with Gwyneth and Blanchett. technology. You know, this is the end of the year, and it is a popular time for movies. There are many movies released every week, so every week he will receive many invitations to attend the premiere.

"This is something you need to consider, and this is something you must attend." Charlize put two invitations in front of him.

"Aren't you going to give me some advice?". Adrian asked, unfortunately, when he looked up, Charlize's pear-shaped curves had just disappeared in the doorway.

so stingy? He raised his eyebrows involuntarily, but he immediately understood after picking up the invitation. Although the first invitation is within the scope of consideration, it is best to attend it if you have time. It's starring Tom Hanks and co-financed by DreamWorks and Bosworth.

The script of the film was first obtained by DreamWorks. Spielberg wanted Adrian to direct it, and Hanks was also very supportive. Unfortunately, he had his own plan, so he declined in the end. Although the film was not fully completed until August this year, and although it was released two years earlier due to the Butterfly Effect, with Hanks starring and Spielberg as the producer, I believe it is as good as the original.

As for the other premiere that must be attended, it is a movie that has been delayed for a year because of him, that is, the script was released early in order to win more statuettes but never shot-and In doing so, it killed two young men - now starring William Robinson, Joaquin Finniske and Natalie.

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