King of Hollywood

Chapter 237 Small request

Chapter 237 A small request. It must be admitted that Spielberg and DreamWorks are extremely powerful. Needless to say, Spielberg's directing and production capabilities, if it is not a game with foresight, Ah Derian can't compare to him at all. ~In addition, DreamWorks Big Three has one of the best contacts in Hollywood, plus the first part of "Jurassic Park" set a box office record, and the premiere of "The Lost World", which was screened in more than 3,200 theaters It is also reasonable to top the North American box office list. But this does not mean that "The Matrix" completely failed at the box office. In addition to horizontal comparisons, there must also be vertical comparisons. If Adrian's memory is correct, the original version of "The Matrix" was released in more than 2,700 theaters in April, and only had a box office of more than 30 million in five days, while the version he produced only contacted more than 2,500 It is not necessary to say more about the number of theaters in the country, but they got more than 55 million in three days. With the support of enough fame and resources, and with appropriate marketing methods, if the box office cannot exceed the original version, then Adrian will stop making movies in the future. The original version of "The Lost World" premiered at over 90 million at the box office, and now it's a year later than the original time. The figure that should have risen has dropped a little, and it's obviously been squeezed out by "The Matrix". Can you say for sure who will win and who will lose? Although Spielberg was not as foresighted as Adrian, he also saw something from it, so he was very polite on the phone. Adrian didn't say much, and it's not a big deal. Anyway, the movie hasn't been affected too much, even though "The Matrix" surpassed 100 million in North America a week later than "The Lost World". The fierce competition for the summer vacation has kicked off. Various film companies have tried their best to make their films sell well. Unfortunately, they are destined to not be the ones who will make the most profits this summer. Three weeks later, just after Independence Day, another movie under the media's banner was released, the comedy "Legal" starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, the heroine of the popular TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." beautiful woman". "Frankly speaking, this is a very interesting movie. The director and the studio seem to want to reverse the concept of blonde beauty with big breasts and no brains, so the heroine, although slightly clumsy and frivolous, is brilliant, innocent and has a sense of humor. Good hearted. It's a pity that the movie doesn't show much wisdom of the heroine. The final comeback looks more like luck. I have to say it's a pity. As for the heroine Sarah, she grasped the lightness very well , A simple feeling, but whether fans accept it or not is another matter." After reading this, Adrian finally stopped, and then laughed. "They can really talk, Sarah, will fans accept it... Well, even I'm starting to regret letting you play in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"." Adrian shook his head and sighed. "It doesn't matter, anyway, I chose it myself." Sarah shrugged indifferently, and continued to peel the apple in her hand seriously. The premiere box office of "Legally Blonde" was not good. It only got 18 million in 2,500 theaters. Of course, this is just Adrian's opinion. In the eyes of others, a novel that costs no more than 20 million It is very good that the production can get such a premiere box office, but Adrian knows that the box office of this movie should be higher. This situation is actually quite normal. After all, the role of "Buffy" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, just like "Rachel", which makes movie fans unwilling to see changes. The previous "I Know What You Did Last Summer" will be popular, except that it is somewhat similar to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in terms of subject matter, both are horror genres, and the heroine has the same characteristics as "Buffy" in terms of strength. But "Legally Blonde" is different. The heroine Ellie is very sweet and cute. Sometimes she looks clumsy, but she is very kind, innocent and smart. She is completely different from Buffy. Faced with such a role, one can imagine what kind of reaction the fans of "Buffy" will have, and how to expect them to applaud and praise. In fact, on the second day after the film's premiere, some people went to the official website of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to complain loudly, thinking that the role of Ellie had ruined Buffy's image. "Oh, I really can't imagine that Buffy, who can deal with vampires without fear, and can carry the heavy burden for friends and lovers without hesitation, will become like this, even if she occasionally gets confused There are also cute moments, but it is definitely not the kind of blonde with big breasts and no brains, which is too bad!" A fan of the movie left a comment. Of course, there are also quite a few relatively rational movie fans who think this movie is good, at least Sarah performed well, and the whole movie is also very good, especially the big reversal at the end, which is beyond people's expectations. "Buffy is Buffy, and Sarah is Sarah. You can't reject Sarah's other images because you like Buffy too much, right?" Some fans responded. Just as Rachel's fans are arguing about Aniston's role in "The Matrix", Buffy's fans are also divided into two factions, but the overall atmosphere is better than that of "Friends". Good side. This is unavoidable, and it is for this reason that Adrian arranged for Sarah a sweet and pleasant role, just like letting Aniston play an action role. Adrian didn't take it too seriously, although the premiere box office did not meet expectations, I believe it will get better soon.

Although there is no blond hair publicity day with Sassoon, the publicity is still in place. What's more, "Buffy" has a lot of appeal, and Sarah's performance is also quite good. What's more, although the plot has been revised, it will only make it more popular. Attractive because... "Your afternoon tea." A soft voice rang in my ears, and Yukie Nakama, holding a teapot and cup, appeared in front of Adrian and Sarah. "Thank you, Yukie." Adrian smiled and took these from her hands. "Let's sit and chat for a while, Yukie." Sarah also said in greeting. " need, I still...I have something to do..." Yukie stammered with a blushing face, then bowed and left the balcony. "Frankly speaking, I really don't understand people. I always look cautious, humble and polite, as if... I feel that if I speak a little louder, I will offend them." Sarah curled her lips.

"Why, wasn't Yukie very cheerful on the night of the premiere?" Adrian looked at her with interest. Although "Legal Blonde" is a good comedy, it is still a little single in terms of character creation. Simply put, other characters exist and serve entirely for the male and female protagonists, and even the male protagonists are for the female protagonists. The protagonist exists and serves. ~This certainly helps to highlight the image of the heroine, but at the same time it will also weaken the framework of the whole story. Because Sarah needs to interact with the characters more in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", it is difficult to modify the original script. Under the circumstances, Adrian asked several screenwriters to find a way to add another character, a Japanese-born person who was a bit naturally dumb. This girl has been a good friend of the heroine since high school, because the heroine is also a bit naturally dumb, and then went to Harvard with the heroine without her own opinion. Although there are many small jokes in normal times, the heroine can always I got inspiration from her, for example, the last big comeback was because she was encouraged to mention shampoo before preparing to question the victim's daughter, and then I remembered it. There are not many roles but it is very lovable. It continues the line of her most popular role so far - the one in "Friends". Even if it cannot be as popular as Western actors, the popularity will still be rose quite a bit. "It was because I saw her that she was very cheerful that night, so I wanted to chat with her. When the filming was over, she sat in the corner without saying a word, and hardly talked to others." Sarah sighed , grabbed a fruit knife and poked a few times on the peeled apple, "I thought she had changed." Adrian couldn't help laughing, the premiere of "Legally Blonde" was better than "The Matrix" "is much smaller, and there are not as many people who come to join in the show as "The Matrix", and there are even fewer Asian faces. Yuki Hui looks particularly petite and delicate in it, so many people come to strike up a conversation, which gives Sha Pull a wrong impression. "After all, she is not a real Japanese, and she has only been in the United States for more than two years, and it is normal for her to be unaccustomed." Adrian explained for Yuki Hui, "In fact, she has changed a lot. , since there is something, then there must be something, don’t worry so much, Sarah.” Sarah snorted lightly, and was about to say something, but then she thought of a question and was stunned, just now… Is it a maid outfit? ! And it's not an ordinary maid's outfit, with lace, the upper half reveals the shoulders and arms, and the lower part... the skirt is so short that it almost reaches the bottom of the thigh, and when she left, the back part was accidentally flaunted, Does not appear to be worn.

Needless to say why Yukie blushed when she came in, Sarah's face also turned red at this time, and she glanced at Adrian, who was looking at her with her chin resting on her hands. Sarah really wanted to give him a look, but hesitated for a while but didn't take any action. With his lustful character, how could he let go of Yukie who was right in front of him? He is famous, but he still lives with Adrian and works like a personal servant. Sighing in her heart, Sarah didn't want to think about it, but Adrian was really disgusting, he was still staring at her like this, and he wrote "I know what you're thinking" clearly on his face! "By the way," Sarah coughed dryly, trying to change the subject, "Why do you need to peel the apples? Isn't it more nutritious to eat together?" Adrian gave an unexpected answer: "Yes Yes, of course, I’ve never peeled an apple.” Sarah raised her head and looked at him in amazement, then looked at the fruit knife in her hand and the apple that was almost peeled, she peeled it very carefully. The skin is not only thin but has never been broken. "Then...then why do you want me to peel the skin?" She stared at him, seeming a little annoyed. "I finally gave Lily to Charlie's care, and lost the two Emmas to an aunt. Of course, I have to find something meaningful to do." Adrian shrugged, "For example, in this quiet afternoon, Watching you peel apples for me." Sarah lowered her head immediately after these tender words, coughed lightly and started peeling again, but this time the peeling was unusually slow, originally two or three strokes could be done, ten Minutes passed, and the knife was still dawdling slowly in place. Although the summer sun shrouded the earth, the two people who looked like still life paintings did not feel the slightest sense of heat. No matter how long the apple peel is, there will always be a moment to finish peeling it. Sarah somewhat helplessly returned the peeled apple to Adrian, but she immediately became happy again because Adrian took a big bite on the apple. Take a sip. "Sometimes it's good to try a peeled apple." He said so, and then winked at Sarah. The girl hurriedly leaned back, not only covering her mouth with the back of her hand, but also shaking in protest. Fist, indicating that if he dared to send a chewed apple to his mouth with his mouth, then she would fight back unceremoniously. Adrian shook his head with a smile, quickly gnawed the apple clean, threw the remaining core into the plate, wiped his mouth and hands with a paper towel, and stood up: "I have a gift for you." For you." "A gift?" Sarah looked at him in surprise. "Yes, a gift." Adrian walked to the cabinet and took out a DVD, "I was unable to attend your 21st birthday before, so I only asked someone to send a simple gift. I think that It's very inappropriate." "It doesn't matter, as long as you..." Sarah smiled and was about to say something but stopped immediately, and Adrian shook his index finger seriously. "The 21st birthday is very important," he continued, "not only because you can legally drink alcohol in public, but also because you are completely independent." After a pause, Adrian looked at her Said in a gentle voice: "So I want to give a gift that is not so expensive but very meaningful." As he spoke, he shook the DVD in his hand, and then made a gesture of please. Sarah stared blankly. She stared at him for a few seconds, then jumped up and walked over to grab his hand. Both of them didn't speak, they came to the widescreen TV in the room together, and put the DVD into the player together. Soon, a clear picture was played, and Sarah yelled in a low voice. It was a scene in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and then a very emotional rhythm sounded. With this rhythm, The screen began to switch, and each shot came from the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". "ngleday,..." a low and sweet voice sang magnetically. The beautiful lyrics and Sarah's experience are so apt, they caught her heart in an instant, and the editing of the screen was extremely perfect, showing her faces as Buffy constantly in line with the rhythm, passionate, Indifferent, naive, strong, crying... She can only rely on Adrian and hold his arm tightly so as not to lose her composure. ", me." In the repeated singing, the sad and hopeful music finally stopped, and the picture was frozen on Buffy's smile with tears, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes . The room fell silent, and Sarah let go of her hand after a long while, and asked in a low voice, "Is this... a gift for me?" "Yes, I wrote a song and let the record company The people from the company helped to complete it, and then let the singers under the banner sing and record, and then edited an MV based on the clips of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Although all the details were considered in place, there are still some things that are not satisfactory..." What else did Ann want to say, Sarah threw herself into his arms and blocked his mouth with her lips. After a long passionate kiss, the two separated. Sarah opened her eyes, and there was something sparkling in them.

"Sorry, it would be more perfect if I could give it to you on your 21st birthday, and..." Adrian sighed, reaching out and gently stroking her face, "It's a pity that I never accompany you I went ice skating, so I could only edit that shot into the picture, oh, your dexterous posture is so beautiful..." "It's okay, Ed, it's okay," Sarah's voice was choked with excitement. Tears rolled down her cheeks, "Just having you by my side is enough, this is the best gift I've ever received! I love you!" She kept kissing him as she spoke, her eyes full of tears , I don't know whether to cry or laugh, Adrian responded with a smile, holding her tightly in his arms, and it took a while before he stopped. "Tell me, Ed, how you did it." Sarah leaned her head on his chest and murmured with her eyes closed. The beautiful song was still lingering in her heart. throbbing. Adrian slowly talked about how he wanted to appease her when he learned about her father, how he got the initial prototype of the song based on some music clips, and how he found Eric Norton and others to help complete it. , as well as the singing and recording of Britney Spears, a newcomer singer who has become popular under the label, neither explicitly stated nor covered up the relationship between himself and Britney. Sarah didn't take it to heart at all, it's not that she doesn't know what kind of person Adrian is, not to mention that her heart is now full of the songs he racked his brains for himself. "Thank you, Ed, thank you." After listening to the other party's narration, Sarah raised her head again. Although she had controlled her emotions, the tears in her eyes were still flickering. "Okay, don't cry anymore," Adrian wiped the tears off his face for her. "I only hope that even if you cry from now on, it will be because of joy and joy, not sadness and pain." "I know, I I can definitely do it." Sarah nodded repeatedly, smiling while crying, she grabbed Adrian's hand and put it on her heart, "As long as I am with you, I will not be too far away from home." Ah Derian smiled and took her into his arms again. "Ed." "Huh?" "Will this song be released?" "It depends on your mind." "I have a small request." "Let's talk." "After the release, if you want to make an MV , starring you and me, okay?"\u003c/p\u003e

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