King of Hollywood

Chapter 68 I want a child

Chapter 68 I want a child

On the balcony, there was a cool breeze, and the Los Angeles under the night was dotted with fluorescent lights. Julia, who was only wearing a bottom kù and unbuttoned shirt, clasped her hands, watching the night scene silently, letting the silk flutter slightly.

"What are you looking at, dear." Adrian came out of the room, hugged her from behind and took a deep breath on the show. He was almost naked with only one underwear.

"It's nothing, I just want to see it." Julia said lightly, grabbing the hand he had wrapped around her waist.

"Really?" Adrian said with a hint of teasing in his tone, "Then let me guess... You are thinking, that girl has no skills, but she has a better figure, so why did she get this role."

"She's not bad at acting," Julia said insincerely, "and she's very good at making friends. I have a pretty good relationship with her."

"Yes, yes, but that was before today," Adrian said with a laugh, "You know, in the scene where you competed for the male lead's attention, the performance of the two of you was simply perfect. It’s full of praise.”

Julia finally turned her head. She glared at Adrian fiercely, her eyes glowing like she wanted to bite him. Obviously, she wanted to go to another battle.

It was really interesting at the time. Adrian was chatting with Cameron. It had been a long time since they had seen each other. In addition, the two had had many friendly matches, so they naturally seemed relatively close. It didn't take long for Julia to come over with a smirk. Cameron greeted her warmly at first, but after being robbed by Julia without a trace, she suddenly realized something, and then the two women started The front hidden in the false rhetoric.

They are fronts, but they are all smiling and not angry at all, and the words are very ordinary. If Adrian is not in the game, I am afraid that they will think that they have a good conversation like everyone else. The war between women is really different. extraordinary.

However, the little friendship formed between the two during the filming ended here, and the only gain was that the two performed so well in the subsequent scene, which caused more than one round of applause on the set.

"Okay, Julie," Adrian leaned close to her ear and breathed out, "Is it necessary to worry about that? In my opinion, the taste of your mouth is much better than hers... Hey!"

Julia withdrew her elbow. Although there was no expression on her face, the roots of her ears were still slightly red. Adrian, who was pretending to be under his ribs, couldn't help chuckling twice in his stomach. Sometimes such language violations will increase intimacy, and keeping a gentleman depends on time and circumstances. The place where he returns is Julia. In the Beverly Hills villa instead of the one in Santa Monica, and she couldn't wait to undress in the bedroom, how could she be angry because of this sentence?

Of course, Adrian is still aware of Julia's ambivalence, but to put it bluntly, it's just duplicity. As a woman, she is somewhat hypocritical, and even though she has suffered setbacks, her understanding of certain things is far inferior to that of Monica. It's just that Adrian has used so many tricks and is so attractive, she has already fallen into it.

As long as Julia is not allowed to have too much contact with other women, and maintains a situation where she knows each other's existence but never contacts, she will only get angry occasionally. As for Monica, that is an exception, and she can hug them together. netg, apart from Monica's factor, there is also an element of luck in it.

"This is not good, Julie, am I not complimenting you?" Adrian said deliberately in an aggrieved tone.

"Let's be honest, Ed," Julia turned around suddenly, raised her chin and looked at him with a sneer, "During the set, are you planning to ng me to netbsp with her; "No. "Adrian replied without hesitation.

Julia was slightly surprised, but then raised her eyebrows: "Do you really think I will believe it?"

"You're not like her, Julie," Adrian stared into her eyes, "Me and Cameron were just playing around, and you, I want you, inside and out, Stay by my side in my arms, I can see you if I want to see you, I will tie you tightly to my side and never let go!"

He is probably the only one who can say the word "wanwan" so lightly, but with the domineering and almost unreasonable words in the latter paragraph, the understatement is just a foil.

"You've probably said these words to many women, right?" Julia snorted coldly, but her head tilted to one side, and the fast-moving ng mouth all showed one point: Although these words are a bit unreasonable, they are Let her be very useful.

Sometimes these words are more likely to evoke a woman's reaction than sweet words, especially those who are more powerful. So Adrian didn't answer her rhetorical question, but just licked her cheek: "Okay, Julie, let's change clothes. Let's go out to eat now. I've been exercising for so long, so I must be hungry now."


Anyone's success is not accidental, even for actors who can reach the sky in one step after getting a good role, if they don't have solid basic skills and don't know how to give, then the higher the rise, the harder the fall. But it doesn't mean that luck is not important. Many people can succeed because of a lot of luck. There are too many such examples, so I won't list them one by one.

Mark Ruffalo felt that his luck was coming at this moment. After wiping his eyes, he pushed his companion vigorously: "Alan, Alan, help me see if my eyes are blurred!"

"What's the matter? What did you see again? Jack Nicholson hugging him?" Alan Luther, who was sleepy in the driver's seat, yawned and asked jokingly, waiting for him to stretch his head towards the After looking in the direction Mark was looking at, his eyes narrowed first, and then widened a lot: "That's... Adrian Cowell and Julia Roberts?!"

"Yes, that's right, it's them!" Mark excitedly patted the steering wheel and shouted, "God, today must be my lucky day. I didn't expect to meet them again."

"No, no, it should be, they are our lucky stars." Allen seized the opportunity to show that he also has a head, "Look, we made a lot of money when we met them two years ago , but we haven’t caught such news since then, otherwise we should be sitting in the office now. I didn’t expect to meet them again this time, such an opportunity must not be let go.”

"Of course I know this is an opportunity. You don't need to remind me. All you have to do is drive a good car." Mark said dissatisfied. In his opinion, his partner is almost useless except driving, and he can't capture pictures or observe. ——Although his own observation ability is not very good——and he is very edible! If it wasn't that there was no one to partner with him, and he didn't want to do it alone, he would have kicked this guy out a long time ago.

"Look, they're leaving!" Seeing that Mark was about to start a long speech again, Allen hurriedly pointed at the two people on the street and shouted.

"Damn it! I haven't even taken a picture yet!" Mark yelled, picked up the camera and wanted to take a picture, but unfortunately the two targets had already sat in the car and started the engine. photo.

"Follow up! Follow up! If you lose track, I'll kill you!" Mark shook Alan and yelled.

"Okay! If you want to keep up with them, don't touch me!" Allen was so willing to see this hard-won opportunity slip away from his hand, he immediately started the car, stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel to follow behind the target.

At the beginning, the two of them were lucky enough to take pictures of Adrian and Julia hugging each other, but unfortunately, they were not able to continue. They are not paparazzi, and they couldn’t catch any photos in a few months. The weight of the news, and the newspapers for the job are not big, so it has once again been reduced to the point where no one cares about it.

"I studied journalism at any rate in college. Could it be that I can't even do such a simple job?!" While catching up, Mark couldn't help complaining, which shows how resentful and unwilling he is .

Not long after, the target car finally drove into the villa, Mark and the others naturally couldn't follow in, and then stopped outside. The whole journey went smoothly without being spotted by the two people in front. No one would have thought that paparazzi were sitting in a car that was driving crookedly and might cause a car accident at any time.

"Look where this is, Ellen, is it Julia's home or Adrian's." Mark said loudly while adjusting the camera.

"Don't rush, I'm looking for it." Allen flipped through the paparazzi handbook that he brought with him, and quickly yelled: "It's Julia Roberts's, there's nothing wrong with it, look."

As he spoke, he handed the information to Mark. Under the dim headlights, Mark compared the pictures on the information with the building in front of him, and then beamed with delight: "Yes! That's right! It's Julia's villa! It's too bang, now we're going to catch big news again, let those who laugh at us go to hell!"

But as soon as he raised the camera, he screamed again: "Damn! They were picking up just now?! Damn it! Why couldn't I pick up the camera earlier! Why did I miss such a good opportunity!"

"Stop yelling, Mark! Hurry up and take a picture! If you keep going, they'll be in the room!"

"Got it, got it, I'm filming, don't disturb me!"

"Hey, see, they look very close."

"Of course, if it doesn't matter if you hug each other like this, it's absolutely impossible!"

Afterwards, the news of "Julia Roberts and Adrian Kewell renewing their relationship" soon appeared on the major media, and the newspaper that reported the two dating two years ago once again attracted attention. A large number of eyes, sales also rose a lot again.

People began to talk about the relationship between the two again. Gossip and gossip are always things that ordinary people like to hear. The more famous the partner is, the more they like it. As for the authenticity of the news, they don't care.

What's more, Adrian had scandals with Sophie and Gwyneth in the past few months. The photo of embracing each other in the vestibule of the villa is enough to explain a lot of problems although there is no direct content-but such a relationship is still very interesting to talk about.

The newspapers even added fuel to the flames. According to the content of the photo, they can write a large and exaggerated article eloquently. It is a good saying that Adrian is a romantic, such as A huahua boy who loves one another, many newspapers simply said that he was playing with Julia and their feelings on a few boats!

It was such an inappropriate allegation that the print media was talking about it during this period in early May. However, neither of the two parties responded to this, and even when faced with reporters' questions, they both showed disdainful expressions.

"Think about it, gentlemen, a few photos can explain everything? Use your brains, don't think that what others say must be what it is." Adrian also said teasingly.

The newspapers are unscrupulous, and they can say whatever they want as long as they don't pass the line, but the big newspapers pay attention to credibility, and they must have more tangible evidence to draw conclusions on certain things. In fact, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper that first published the news has scolded the two heroes, Mark and Alan, in the past few days.

"Do you know what to do?! Since you have tracked down the villa and took photos, why can't you wait outside all night and take some pictures after they come out?!" The angry chief editor so growled.

Mark and Allen were naturally very aggrieved. Seeing the two of them go in and seeing the lights of the villa turned off, they estimated that Adrian would definitely not leave halfway, so they ran to the bar to have a drink or two, but it turned on. The head couldn't stop the tail, and finally woke up at dawn, so...

Anger is all about anger, but the matter is irreversible. Besides, they are newspapers. Even if they are photographed, those big newspapers will get more cheaper. It is better to continue to make a big fuss about the pictures.

Although this scandal seemed to be a big deal, there was no fire in Adrian's backyard. After all, several women knew what he was like. However, all kinds of ridicule and ridicule are inevitable, especially Kate, who made things difficult for him because of her identity as a pregnant woman, until she was dealt with on netg before she restrained herself.

Regarding this matter, Adrian was a little helpless. He thought he had done it very carefully, and he had never been recognized before. He didn't expect this time to capsize in the gutter, and it was the one who photographed him and him two years ago. Shot by Julia's affectionate guy, don't know what to say.

Thankfully, he had originally planned to lure Julia to Monica's house, but dropped the idea after trying it out at dinner. Now that I think about it, it's a good thing I didn't take action, otherwise it would be troublesome. He doesn't mind these things being exposed, but he has to plan for his own woman, doesn't he?

It seems necessary to find a way to deal with it. Adrian thought so in his heart, that guy got news from him twice in a row, although it was a coincidence, but it was hard to say that he would not think about doing it again.

Fortunately, he was fortunate, but from another aspect, it made him very depressed.

In the dimly lit room, after high-pitched excited screams rang out, the plump breasts fell softly on Adrian's body, and then gasped continuously. After thinking about it for a while, Adrian still hadn't spoken, and Monica straightened her body up again, stood up, adjusted her direction, separated her legs and propped her hands on the wall, and then turned her head to look at him with distant and longing eyes. Looking at Adrian: "Again...Again...Ed...And behind..."

She was dressed as a hotel waitress, with a black vest, a striped shirt and a knee-length skirt, black transparent lace suspenders and high heels, and her long black skirt was coiled behind her head.

But at this time, the clothes are all ravaged like pickles, the vest is okay, the shirt has been torn apart and is completely soaked in sweat, the short skirt is rolled up to the waist, and the bottom kù is in the middle of the tuǐ, with lace straps The socks were also pulled out several big ng. In addition, on the clothes, tuǐ, and face, there are still white marks everywhere, obviously it has happened several times before.

Even so, how could Adrian not satisfy her with such a naked need, with her legs spread apart and her back on the wall facing him? Then followed another disheveled battle.

After it ended again, Monica didn't even seem to have the strength to stand up, she was soft like mud in Adrian's arms, and Adrian hugged her and lay on the ground lovingly stroking her body: "Oh, Monica , you can be 'xìng' excited tonight."

After Gwyneth left a deep impression on him, the one in uniform was hooked up again. Unfortunately, both Kate and Julia were still somewhat resistant to this, so he didn't mention it at all. As for Charlize, the office romance was just getting started, so Monica, who was obedient to him, became the best candidate.

I have to admit that the uniform is really easier to show a woman's figure, and it also feels better. Maybe this is also related to Monica's sexual excitement? Adrian thought so, but also a little depressed. If Julia was there, maybe he would try it under the stimulation of Monica, and he would be so sexually excited, then he would be even more sexually blessed.

"Do you like it?" Monica, who regained some strength, twisted her waist like a water snake around Adrian's neck, and the intoxicated lust in her eyes seemed to have not dissipated.

"Of course." Adrian pinched her chin with a smile, "You are my baby."

"As long as you like it." Monica leaned close to his ear and breathed lightly.

Although there was an itchy feeling in his ears, Adrian was still keenly aware of something. He had been immersed in lust before, but after enjoying himself several times now, his intuition in other aspects returned to him.

"What's on your mind, Monica?" he asked.

Monica stopped immediately, and looked at him in silence, as if she didn't know how to speak.

"Tell me, you are my baby," Adrian said.

"Ed," Monica finally opened her mouth, hugged him a lot, and looked at him without blinking, "I think... I want a child!"

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