King of Hollywood

Chapter 150 The Calm Before Arrival

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Chapter 150 The Calm Before Coming

Since the movie was released, the number of American media who praised it has increased from 80% to 90%. As for the reason, it has been analyzed before, so there is no need to say more. www.YZ u m When you read the novel, you can go to Ye Zi You You~ But it is worth mentioning that Lavern seized this opportunity very well and let Fox, who was in charge of distribution, quickly contact more theaters, so it appeared in less than three weeks But it got 30 million box office.

Basically, the cost is earned back like this, and it has not been released overseas except in the UK. Maybe "Scent of a Woman" can't make as much money as the "Pulp Fiction" that just rolled off the assembly line-it will be released before Thanksgiving. The online "Pulp Fiction" has taken away 110 million US dollars in the box office in North America alone. Although it is still being released overseas, it can be seen that the momentum will not lose to North America. The popularity brought by Adrian makes this movie More profits have been grabbed-but there is definitely no problem with making profits, so people have to remember a lot for Adrian in their hearts.

While there are other reasons why such a film pays for itself in less than three weeks, Laverne's vision and decisiveness deserve a lot of credit. Even though he has been emotional many times, Adrian, who got the news, still couldn't help feeling in his heart that he was lucky to be able to dig such a talent.

Compared with the unanimously applauded movie critics, the opinions of movie fans are much more varied. Pacino fans undoubtedly like it very much, and many people go to the movie theater to watch it repeatedly. Adrian's fans half like it and half don't like it. Those who like it think that this movie tells a good story, which is touching and inspiring; those who don't like it think that Adrian has lost the style he is most proud of. , began to compromise with the mainstream. But, with the exception of a few extremes—such as Pulp Fiction obsessed with wanting to imitate its characters' every move—most people at least don't hate it.

Adrian has heard about all of these, because the movie was unanimously applauded, and the media had to circle around him. Compared with the current situation, what happened in the past is really full of news, so it is difficult for him to know whether to react or not. m You can reach Ye Ziyouyou after reading the novel~ But Adrian never responded positively, but just said a few words casually through the spokesperson, such as "Thank you for your support" and "Al's outstanding performance is the key".

Therefore, Al Pacino, who had become the focus of entertainment reporters because of the release of "Scent of a Woman", was treated more "enthusiastically" because of his words. When I go out, my eyes will be dazzled by countless flashing lights. Even so, Pacino still praised Adrian in his words.

"He is an excellent director, he is always good at mobilizing the atmosphere, I am very happy to work with him, as the "Hollywood Reporter" said, this is my best role in the past two years," Pacino said.

In the same way, Pacino said it at the beginning of the year, but it was a pity that no one paid attention to it at that time, but now if someone thinks back, he must be full of flavors. It's a pity that journalists don't feel this way, all they want is news.

However, after Thanksgiving, the number of such reporters has decreased by more than half, and the media that has been full of praise for "Scent of a Woman" has also begun to return to calm, a strange and strange calm, as if a storm is coming... …

"Thank you for your hospitality, godfather, it was a pleasant night." Standing in front of the villa, Adrian bid farewell to his godfather's family with his girlfriend on his arm.

"I'm glad you can come and spend this wonderful festival with us, kid," Benedict laughed and hugged his godson, "It would be great if it was like this every year."

"This is a good proposal," Adrian said, looking at Claude next to the godfather, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "but I have a better one. Claude's new villa is in Beverly Hills. The mountain is not very far from me, so we can come back together for important festivals every year."

Claude suddenly looked surprised, but before he could speak, Benedict smiled and said, "Of course, Beth and I won't object, what do you think, Claude?"

"No problem, Dad, as long as—" Claude gave Adrian a concealed look, and made a movement of pinching his neck with his hands underneath, "Ed remember to call me. www.YZ u m Read the novel to the leaf Yoyo~"

"I don't think Ed will forget," Beth interjected at this time, and then smiled and looked at Kate who was holding Adrian's arm. "Of course, remember to bring Kate with you, so we will be happier."

"Would you like to come together, Kate?" Adrian immediately looked at his girlfriend.

"It's a great honor." Kate replied immediately. Although she had a reserved smile on her face, she was absent-minded for a few minutes just now, so her smile seemed a little nervous.

Adrian squeezed her hand, and formally said goodbye to the godfather: "Then, we will go back."

"Let father's driver take you back, you drank a lot before." Claude said at this time.

"No, I know it well," Adrian waved his hand, "Just drive a little slower, don't worry."

The car quickly came to the street and drove towards Beverly Hills in the night. As he said earlier, the pace was maintained well, neither too fast nor snail's pace.

"What's on your mind, Kate?" Adrian asked after glancing at the girl beside him, enjoying the cool breeze blowing from the car window.

"Nothing." Kate came back to her senses and smiled apologetically, "Just in a daze?"

"Really?" Adrian pressed, "isn't it because the godfather and Beth gave you a bad impression?"

"How come, they are all very good people," Kate said with a hint of coquettishness in her tone, "It should be me who left a bad impression. I was absent-minded several times throughout the night."

Speaking of which, she suddenly sighed and looked ahead without saying a word.

"I know, in fact, during this period of time, you have been absent-minded not once or twice, so I asked you like this." Adrian slowed down the car and turned his head, "Kate, can you tell me what is it? You know, I've always been your best listener, and I'd do anything for you."

Kate watched him open his mouth but didn't say anything, Adrian immediately gave her a understanding smile: "It's okay, everyone has something they don't want to say, but if you want to say it, I hope Be your first audience."

After she nodded with a smile, the carriage returned to silence, and after another few minutes, the two returned to Adrian's villa. As soon as I got out of the car, a gust of cool wind blew over. Kate, who was wearing a thin-shouldered dress, couldn't help but rubbed her arms. Adrian, who was next to her, immediately took off her coat and put it on her.

"Thank you." Kate smiled, hesitated for two seconds and then suddenly asked: "By the way, Ed, some time ago... when I called London, you didn't seem to be there."

"Yes, I sneaked back to Los Angeles those few days." Adrian replied bluntly without thinking.

"Sneaking back to Los Angeles?" Kate opened her eyes wide, "Why? Why...don't tell me?"

"Oh, my dear, you have to know that during that time I was closely watched by the reporters," Adrian explained, "and the work in London is not over yet, if it is not for the important things to be dealt with in Los Angeles, I'm afraid I won't be back until after the release of "Scent of a Woman", only Crowe and Laffer know that I was in Los Angeles those few days."

"But...but..." Kate hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Well, if you are angry because of this, can I apologize?" Adrian put his arms around Kate's shoulders, grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes sincerely.

"No, I'm just..." Kate held his hand, and before she finished speaking, there was a warm feeling on her face, and Adrian leaned over to give her a kiss. Then the hand on the shoulder slid to the waist, leading her to circle around the vestibule.

Kate subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck, retracted her neck and narrowed her eyes while being taken up, and then punched him on the shoulder reproachfully after she stopped: "Ed"

"Are you happier now?" Adrian looked at her with a smile.

"I really want to know, if you accidentally threw me out just now, and a reporter happened to be guarding outside to take pictures of this scene, what would be the headlines in tomorrow's newspaper?" Kate said, glaring at him angrily.

"First of all, I will never throw you out," Adrian shook his head and laughed, "Secondly, there are no reporters outside the villa right now."

"No? Are you sure?" Kate looked at the gate in disbelief. "A few days ago, you said that the reporters who surrounded you on the street were as hateful as flies."

"Of course, they have become quiet these days, waiting for the last moment." Adrian also looked at the door, with a half-smile expression, "Didn't you realize that the media has started to Did you talk about something else?"

"It seems to be..." Kate turned her head and thought for a while, then looked at Adrian puzzled, "Why is that?"

"Because, the movie in which you played a supporting role is about to be released." Adrian said still obliquely.

"You mean "Howards End"?" Kate blinked her eyes, and finally realized that she is not an idiot, and she was in the crew when the filming of "Howards End" was criticized by the British media. This thing couldn't be more clear.

"So, some people are worried about you making jokes, and some people have wanted to see your jokes for a long time." She looked at Adrian and narrowed his eyes.

"It's a pity that many people are doomed to be disappointed. I don't do things that I'm not sure about." Adrian shrugged his shoulders and looked very free and easy, "You know, Kate, your performance is very good. At least in my opinion, second only to Emma? Thompson and Anthony Hopkins."

"Hearing what you said, I suddenly want to see this movie right away." Kate said with rolling eyes.

"Soon, let's go into the house first." Adrian smiled and walked into the house with his arms around her waist again.


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