Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 4: The sky is full of you

The entire highway is only open to you.

Wu Qingchen opened his mouth wide.

"You haven't turned the corner yet?" Ji Mingming shook his head. "Mr. Wu, change your mind. Are you a bodybuilder or a Sanda champion? Is your skill very good, or is he brave?"

Wu Qingchen didn't speak.

"If only to deal with you ..." Ji Mingming raised his right hand and made a lap: "So many cars, so many people?"

"But why ..."

"Why is this such a big scene?" Ji Mingming directly helped Wu Qingchen to say what he wanted to ask: "It's very simple, because you are too good to deal with, and the protection is too difficult, we just do it. Yes, this The riders, the people in this team, are all there to protect you. "

"Why? I can't believe this? I still can't believe it!" Ji Mingming's smile had something cruel meaning: "Don't think of yourself as a serious case witness, you don't have that ability! Before today ... no, just a few hours ago! There are only a few pages of things related to you. Whoever wants to catch you is a waste of police power. "

"Just a few hours ago?" Under tremendous pressure, Wu Qingchen didn't care about Ji Mingming's contempt and quickly grasped the point.

"Very good, Mr. Wu! That's the idea."

"But a few hours ago ..." Wu Qingchen frowned and recalled: "I slept at home a few hours ago? Are there any misunderstandings?"

"Haha, sleep, sleep is even more misunderstanding. The whole world knows that you sleep at home, and that you dream in bed!"

"Sergeant Ji, you ..."

Wu Qingchen even suspected that Ji Mingming had been offended. He really didn't know what to say to Ji Mingming, and his head unknowingly leaned to the gray-haired director Zhang.

Director Zhang nodded slowly, with a heavy expression on his face: "He is not kidding."

Are you crazy? If the acrid smell of the metal in the business car was quite obvious, Wu Qingchen would have to doubt that he was dreaming.

"It's too much trouble to explain it with your mouth. Let's take a break first, and it is estimated that there will be authorization after the meeting." After saying this, Ji Mingming focused on his leg, with an unidentified and from Where can I find the carton.

Wu Qingchen's stomach full of doubts buried again, but it was strange that he talked with Ji Mingming. Although he didn't solve any problems or even had more thoughts in his mind, Wu Qingchen's mood was much calmer.

The team continued to drive fast, and I didn't know how long after that, there was a whispering sound in the sky suddenly, as if it were sullen in the sky.

On the ground, several huge black shadows passed quickly at the same time, and Wu Qingchen looked up with it, and suddenly took a breath:

There were a few new visitors in the sky, and the figure went hand in hand with the team, and several rushed to the front of the team, mostly on both sides of the team.

This ... this ... one, two, three ... eight, nine helicopters are also part of the protection! ?

This really challenged Wu Qingchen's imagination. Inevitably, Wu Qingchen's mouth opened a lot more. The others in the business car seemed to have been mentally prepared and did not react.

Wu Qingchen has never seen a helicopter in person, unlike pictures or across a display screen. Despite the distance, Wu Qingchen still feels that the nine bodies in the sky are quite large, full of strength and deterrence.

Looking at the sky blankly, I don't know how long, Wu Qingchen heard a "ha" in his ear, turned his head, Ji Mingming held a display of about fourteen or five inches of continuous keys in both hands: "Ha, so fast The application was approved? Special approval from the Office of Major Disaster Management? Early morning, it seems that your business is more troublesome ... Okay ... come on, let's take a look for yourself, you will understand after reading it. "

Application? Major disaster? Special approval?

Can you finally know why? Wu Qingchen couldn't help but wipe his hands on the trouser legs and took the display from Ji Mingming. Ji Mingming pressed a few keys, the screen quickly switched several menus, and entered the playback mode.

The video does not seem to be taken by professionals. The lens is pulled far away and the scenery is not very clear, but the scene is well selected: a few white clouds float on the blue sky, and a winding river separates the forest and hills on the ground. , Near the river, three farmers holding tools are working in a small field ...

... and labor ... and labor ... and labor ...

For the entire five minutes, the same content plays in the video.

what is this? Penshot before the earthquake?

Wu Qingchen looked up and frowned, looking anxiously at Ji Mingming.

"No idea? ..." Ji Mingming seemed to have a strange response from Wu Qingchen, and he quickly looked up and said, "Oh," "Also, the angle of observation is different."

On the one hand, Ji Mingming got closer to Wu Qingchen and pressed a few more times on the display. The video was immediately enlarged, and the location of the farmland was full of the display.

Obviously, the camera used to shoot this video is quite professional. Although it has been zoomed in dozens of times, the tools, crops, and weeds in the video are not blurred at all, even the sweat on the foreheads of the three farmers, and the numbness of the two farmers in front. Tired, the surprise of a farmer behind was inexplicable ...

Clearly ...

Clearly ...

Clearly ...

As if a thunder blast slammed in his ears suddenly, Wu Qingchen's hands shook suddenly, almost throwing the display out.

This ... this ... this ...

Isn't this my dream at noon? Isn't this my dream at noon? Isn't this my dream at noon?

how can that be? how is this possible? how is this possible?

As if the carriage at the foot suddenly turned into a huge piece of ice, the bitter chill passed from Wu Qingchen's foot to the head, freezing his tongue directly. Wu Qingchen's lips trembled hard, but nothing came out.

Black technology ... Intubation behind the brain ... Mind monitoring ... Brain wave control ...

Numerous movie scenes penetrated into Wu Qingchen's long-disturbed head, sweating from the forehead, and flowing down the white cheek to the trembling chin.

"Calm down, Mr. Wu, please calm down!" Sergeant Zhang with gray hair glared at Ji Mingming, leaning forward, rubbing his hands anxiously, as if trying to hold Wu Qingchen's arms firmly, but hesitated in the end No action taken.


Ji Mingming stretched out his hands and snapped a loud slap in front of Wu Qingchen's eyes. Wu Qingchen suddenly started a cold war, and his eyes returned to focus.

"See it?"

"No, I didn't understand it!" I don't know if I'm still in a dream ---- or more clearly, I don't know if I really live on the earth, I don't know if my life really exists, I don't know if I really exist myself --- Wu Qingchen laboriously controlled his tongue: "This is impossible! How is this possible! This is my dream! This is mine ... how can you ... how can you ..."

"No, this is true!" Ji Mingming's voice completely covered Wu Qingchen's tone that had begun to sob: "Wu Qingchen, it's true that your eyes are closed for another hour!"

"Why are you monitoring me! And ... still filming my dream!" When he said these words, Wu Qingchen was awake a lot, and even he felt that the stuff he spit out of his mouth was unreasonable.

"You want to be beautiful!" Ji Mingming's expression seemed to see a mouse playing poker: "Do you think we want to see you dream? Do you think this is a movie made in your neighborhood?"

Ji Mingming clicked **** the display, as if he poked his finger in before he would give up: "Tell you, Mr. Wu Qingchen! This afternoon, which is 1:27:13 PM on May 8, 2012, as long as the world is long People with eyes closed can see the stuff in the sky, no matter day or night! If you understand? The people who watched this video are in the order of two or three billion people. "

Can the whole world see? I became a mirage ... No, my dream became a mirage?

Can't think of Ji Mingming, or in other words, how good it is for so many people to collude to lie to themselves. Wu Qingchen's body was weak.

"Ha! It's not over yet! Do you know how we found you?" Ji Mingming manipulated the display, and the picture on the screen quickly slid to the back:

Wu Qingchen's role in the dream was a bit scared. When she stood up and wanted to walk away quickly, she accidentally mixed the tree branch and fell to the stone, but her expression on her face didn't seem to be painful.

After that, there was no continually fading shooting technique, and the display screen jumped to the end stiffly, that is, the content of the freeze frame:

In a small bedroom, Wu Qingchen, who frowned slightly, was lying on a quilt crumpled with scars on her left eyebrow, black dots on her right arm, and imprints on her calves. Through the tight curtains, it was ok See the huge signboards of "Xue Liang Glasses", "Gold Award Photography", and "Haojue Motorcycle" on the opposite side.

"Centralized the data of the industrial and commercial bureaus all over the country. At the same time, there are 120 or more streets registered by these three stores." Ji Mingming pointed to the three signs in the display. There are over 120 teams like Director Zhang. "

"Dreaming and breaking the law? Why don't you just go to the desert and catch a mirage?"

"Dreating of course doesn't break the law." Ji Mingming finally had some bitter smiles: "Mr. Wu Qingchen, if only the whole world is watching you dreaming, although there will still be many people coming to you, we will definitely not come like this Hurry, getting so nervous ... Director Zhang ... "

On the one hand, Ji Mingming readjusted the video a little further, and fixed the picture to Wu Qingchen's dream and fell to the stone.

Pointing at the location where Wu Qingchen hit the stone, Ji Mingming pulled up his police uniform and exposed his abdomen ----

And a noticeable red mark on the abdomen.

At the same time, Director Ji Mingming sighed and wondered how many times he sighed. He also pulled up his clothes, exposing the same position on the abdomen, and a red mark that was also obvious.

Looking at the startled Wu Qingchen, Ji Mingming refused to give up: "And ... these comrades, now I should be able to temporarily command you, please trouble show this kidnapper to the evidence of his crime."

The lips and throats of the three soldiers moved slightly, asking for instructions through the throat microphone, and after ten seconds, they put the guns next to the seat neatly and lifted the upper body of the combat uniform: the neat six-pack abs There is a noticeable red mark on it.

"Did you understand?" Ji Mingming lowered his upper body police uniform: "As far as current investigations and statistics are concerned, no matter whether they are men, women, children, or even babies who were just born for a few seconds in the hospital, there are suddenly many death row prisoners on the execution ground. That red mark ... and ... "

"... Dreaming Mr. Wu Qingchen, are you awake now?"

Wu Qingchen pulled up his clothes subconsciously and looked at his belly:

Same location, same trace.

"This is why we are coming so fast and so nervous for you." Director Zhang finally said: "Mr. Wu Qingchen, what police officer Ji said ... still makes a little sense. As far as the past is concerned, you have already spoken to six billion people worldwide. People have done negligent harm, and say what will happen in the future ... you have kidnapped all humanity. "

"But ... but this is just a little red mark ..." Wu Qingchen slowly gestured towards his abdomen, as if it could look more slight like this: "You are so sure that it has something to do with me? Even afterwards? "

"Yes, we are not sure, who can determine the future?" Ji Mingming looked at Wu Qingchen: "Can you be sure? What do you do for you?"


"Okay ..." Ji Mingming waved his hand. "At the airport, let's get off the bus first."

airport? Wu Qingchen, who had no idea what to do with himself, realized that I did n’t know when the commercial vehicle had stopped.

Arrived at the airport? What airport?

Wu Qingchen, who had never heard of Jiang County's airport, looked out of the window strangely.

Both sides are still the asphalt pavement of the highway, which isolates the green belt.

This expressway Wu Qingchen passed many times and was very impressed with it. From the scenery on both sides, Wu Qingchen can be sure that it is definitely an expressway and it is not far from Jiangxian. The distance is at least five kilometers. Straight road.

While the middle-aged soldier opened the door and stepped out of the business car, Wu Qingchen immediately knew the meaning of the airport.

Before the stopped convoy, Wu Qingchen was dozens of meters away, and a huge body occupied the middle of the six lanes. The two wings spread across the green belt and the short retaining wall, occupying almost all 12 lanes in both directions.

A transport plane parked on the highway!

"Mr. Wu, time is tight, please ..." The old soldier Wu Qingchen had seen at the door of the room handed a jacket, "wear while walking."

The jacket was heavy, and Wu Qingchen almost let go when he took it over.

He walked towards the slanted door at the back of the transport plane. Wu Qingchen, who was already wearing a jacket, felt that he was weighing several kilograms, and his legs doubled hard to catch up with the fast steps of a dozen people in the same industry.

The senior soldier noticed that Wu Qingchen only frowned slightly, and there was no discomfort. He was relieved: "Keep on, it is very difficult to coordinate the global no-fly flight, and our time is very tight ... In addition, we must guarantee the effect ... the same effect This is the lightest body armor. "

The team quickly ran up the ramp with almost no delay. The ramp quickly rose, accompanied by a huge roar, and Wu Qingchen, who was supported by the crowd, felt a significant acceleration, and the transport plane flew into the sky.

At this time, Wu Qingchen was free to look around. On both sides was a long row of seats filled with heavily armed soldiers. There are several armored vehicles of different models parked at the front of the fifty-six meter aisle. The innermost place is a long metal table. There are dozens of computer rooms scattered on it, which are mixed with other instruments that Wu Qingchen does not know. A string of wires and internet on the ground draws an ugly spider web, and there are small devices piled on the net.

Elderly soldiers, middle-aged police officers, Director Zhang, dozens of people are around the table, the computer display, the screen of the projector, the cue lights of unknown instruments, the people quickly and fiercely talk, scrambling to send out a wave and then A wave of tension.

"Take a break ..." The environment in the cabin plus the huge noise of the transport aircraft itself, sitting next to Wu Qingchen, Ji Mingming held the earplugs for a long time before he heard the instructions from the inside: "Hurry up and take a break, and then estimate You will be busy for a long time. "

After speaking, Ji Mingming's lips and throat started to move again, about to start reporting or make new suggestions.

So no one spoke to Wu Qingchen again.

Looking around, Wu Qingchen closed his eyes.

Not too many things along the way, Ji Mingming reminded Wu Qingchen "Do not fall asleep" several times;

When flying for about half an hour, a middle-aged soldier who did not know whether he had seen it put another layer of life jacket on Wu Qingchen's body armor;

About an hour or so, a heavily armed soldier carrying a large parachute came over and changed his seat with another soldier beside Wu Qingchen.

About two hours or so, the plane landed.

The location is not the airport again.

The name of the temporary airport is familiar to Wu Qingchen, and the people of the country are also familiar with it:

It's called the square.

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