Kendo True Explanation

One hundred and ninety eight chapters gentle II

Chen Yuanyuan thanked Lin Fei in a sensible voice. For this Lin Fei who had only met a few times, her memory only stayed at that night in the snack street. That night, Lin Fei was surrounded by a large group of hooligans, and he remained calm and unfazed. Just like the way he is sitting on the sofa now, it seems that nothing can move him. Such a scene left a deep impression on her. And she also felt guilty for leaving Lin Fei alone with her group that day. The friendship with the previous boys gradually faded because of the incident that day, and they no longer had any contact with each other. But afterward, she thought she would hear news about Lin Fei's injury, but strangely, there was no response. Apart from being puzzled, Chen Yuanyuan also had a slight sense of mystery towards Lin Fei.

Seeing a big stone in his heart fall, Chen Jingde couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yuanyuan didn't even pass the three college entrance examinations this time. It's completely meaningless to spend money on studying! She doesn't want to, saying that she is going to go to college. On this point, I would rather she repeat the exam than go to the college." What major do you study. The situation is very serious now. So you should study hard.”

Lin Fei nodded: "Uncle Chen, I can only promise that I will do my best."

"Your words are enough. Then let's set a time?" Chen Jingde asked. Now Lin Fei's horrible results made almost everyone who faced him feel a faint oppressive aura. Even adults. It was because of this feeling that Chen Jingde now talked to Lin Fei as an adult. This is attitude, the inevitable change in attitude that comes with achievement.

"Now I have time every noon, afternoon and evening to watch Yuanyuan."

"Then at your place every noon and night!" Chen Jingde decided decisively. After speaking, I also blushed a little. This completely took up all of my spare time. "I'll pay you! One hundred per hour!"

"No, it's not necessary. How can I collect money? It will change the taste of collecting money." Lin Fei declined with a wry smile. "Anyway, I have to teach Nannan and the others, it's okay to have one more Yuanyuan."

"Okay! The second place in the province is that he speaks differently from ordinary people!" Chen Jingde said with a smile, "It's okay if you don't charge money, and I'll give you a mysterious gift after the tuition!"

"You're too much." Lin Fei said helplessly.

"Can we start today?" Chen Jingde asked. He didn't want to delay it for a day, Yuanyuan could be said to be impatient now, he didn't want anything else, he just wanted to be admitted to a bachelor's degree, and it didn't matter if it was two or three. Seeing his daughter depressed all day long and staying behind closed doors made him feel uncomfortable. Although this will be very troublesome to others, he will make up for it afterwards. At this time, I have to beg for it once with the cheek. Otherwise, Lin Fei would go to university right away, and he would have no chance.

Lin Jianguo and his wife didn't interrupt from the sidelines. Seeing Lin Fei and Chen Jingde talking calmly, they felt relieved that their son had grown up and matured.

Lin You and Jiang Nan pretended to watch TV while listening to Lin Fei and Lin Fei.

On the contrary, Zhang Sihan, who just arrived, was a little restless and changed his posture on the sofa from time to time. He was in a similar situation to Chen Yuanyuan. He also did not study well, and finally went to a junior college, and it was difficult to find a job after he came out. Looking at Chen Jingde's attitude towards Lin Fei at this time, he could guess that Lin Fei's study was definitely very strong. He was most afraid of sitting with such a person. In his eyes, facing such a good student, there will be a kind of unnatural pressure. Hearing Chen Jingde's words, second place in the province, he was a little dazed. Unfortunately, he likes to read Xiao Li Feidao's novels very much, so he also knows that No. 1 Scholar, No. 2, and Tanhua are the terms used to describe the top three in the imperial examination in ancient times. In other words, the long-haired boy beside him is the legendary second place in the province. It felt even more stressful.

Fortunately, Chen Jingde and Chen Jingde didn't talk for long. Then he was about to get up and leave. Lin Jianguo and Jiang Feng were also going to visit the company together. Zhang Sihan wanted to arrange work and follow naturally. Instead, Chen Yuanyuan and Jiang Nan Lin You were left behind. Get ready to jump right into tutoring today.

"Yuanyuan, I'll leave it to you." When Chen Jingde left, he patted Lin Fei's shoulder meaningfully and said.

Lin Fei could only smile helplessly.

Chen Yuanyuan, who was standing beside her, blushed pretty. She heard what Dad meant. But don't you think it's too early for this kind of thing? .

"Dad, hurry up!" She gently pushed Chen Jingde to the door.


The door was closed immediately. The room suddenly fell silent.

A gentle smile appeared on Lin Fei's face, standing in the living room, looking at the three girls.

"Okay, let's not mention Chen Yuanyuan, Nan Nan, Lin You, are you two really sure that you want to study with me? If not, quit now."

Jiang Nan nodded first: "I really want to."

Lin You also immediately replied: "Me too." Her expression was unusually calm, completely different from her usual arrogance. "But I have a suggestion. Since it's a tutoring session, we should go to Feifei brother's room. With your usual study environment, I believe it will be of some help."

Lin Fei said casually, "Okay, as you like."

Chen Yuanyuan hesitated, but didn't say much.

"Since I want tutoring, I must first understand your study progress. Then I can arrange tutoring according to different progress. Follow me first." Lin Fei took the lead and walked to her room.

The three girls behind him all hesitated. Although their reasons were different, they all hesitated to enter Lin Fei's room.

Even this slight hesitation left Lin Fei a distance behind.

Seeing this, Lin You trotted to catch up, and followed closely behind Lin Fei.

The other two followed suit.

Lin Fei's room was not big, just less than half the size of the living room. A bed with the quilt neatly folded. There is a row of textbooks and reference books on the desk, a black desk lamp, a stack of thick test papers, and a black ribbon on the desk. A black long sword hung on the wall, and the whole room was exceptionally clean and tidy. It even gives people an illusion of refinement.

Lin You was the first to be surprised. She first looked at Lin Fei suspiciously, and then kept scanning the room. "I didn't see him clean it..." she murmured.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Fei glanced at Lin You with a half-smile.

"Nothing!" Lin You pretended to be indifferent.

Lin Fei walked to the desk.

"Each of you move a chair over here." He took out a stack of test papers and began to select some suitable test questions.

Several other people brought chairs from other rooms and sat down side by side.

Both Jiang Nan and Chen Yuanyuan seemed to be a little curious about Lin Fei's room, and their eyes were still wandering around the room. Especially Chen Yuanyuan, most of her eyes stayed on the long sword hanging on the wall.

"Okay, you guys do this set of test questions first." Lin Fei took out a blank test paper and put it on the desk. "Use a notebook to copy the questions. The time is two hours. In this way, I can initially determine your progress. The test questions in this set of questions can basically cover most of the knowledge points in the entire high school stage."

Lin You took the test paper. She is also in the first year of high school now, and her studies are progressing very fast. Some of the above knowledge points have also been learned.

"Lin You should also take it as a self-test, anyway, you will learn it soon." Lin Fei said lightly. He began to return to his usual expression. If you smile for a long time, you will cramp...

The black cat Phil walked in slowly from the door of the room. Then he rushed to Lin Fei's feet.

Lin Fei opened the chair and sat down, and the black cat rushed into his arms immediately. He rubbed the back of Lin Fei's hand with his cat face in enjoyment.


Lin You, who was sitting on the side peeking over, suddenly had goose bumps all over his body. She suddenly had a very strange feeling coming from Phil.

As the transformation of the second stage gradually improved, the relationship between her and Phil became closer and closer. In the past, these subtle feelings would not be so sensitive. But now it's different. A little bit of a little bigger feeling will be shared.

Lin You put the test paper on the table in front of the three of them. The three of them honestly got the small notebooks and gel pens that Lin Fei found out. Spread out the test paper and start copying the test questions.

"Copy down the questions first, and then do them separately. Is there any problem?" Lin Fei asked.

All three nodded.

"Today's task is to finish these test questions. I need some time to sort out the tutoring plan. So the formal tutoring will start tomorrow."

While copying the questions, Chen Yuanyuan felt the atmosphere among the other three. I always feel that there is a weird atmosphere permeating it, which is awkward.

Jiang Nan obediently began to copy the questions.

Lin You's eyeballs rolled around, looking absent-minded. But if you can see under her chair, you will find that her feet are tightly closed, and her toes are slightly padded, as if she is nervous.

Her eyes fell on Lin Fei from time to time. At first, she seemed to be thinking about other things, but as time passed, Lin You kept her eyes on Lin Fei more and more. On the back, a warm and comfortable softness continued to pass.

"Phil, are you human? Are you embarrassed to always rely on Lin Fei?" She thought to herself.

"I'm a cat, not Phil, you've got the wrong person." Phil said lazily.

"Really?" Lin You said helplessly.

"We feel the same, to the extent you are now, you must be able to feel that feeling too?" Phil said in a voice.

"It's a weird feeling?" Lin You asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, don't you think Lin Fei seems to have a special affinity?" Phil said softly. "So warm... so comfortable..."

Lin You looked at Lin Fei in a daze, and suddenly became obsessed.

Lin Fei smiled and sat on the chair, her shoulder-length hair slightly spread out, gently stroking the kitten's soft fur. The light slanted across his upper body. so gentle.


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