Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 698: Ghost Story: Sorry, daughter

At this moment, Kay's original scarlet compound eyes returned to normal, but she had already given up resistance.

Ying Yiyun's sure kill hit her body, and she felt the death, and finally smiled with satisfaction.

"Thank you..." Kay exhausted all his strength and said to Ying Yiyun.

Ying Yiyun slowly landed on the ground and looked back at Kay, who was full of sparks and green flames.

"Give my card box... to Ada..." Kay exhausted her last strength and drew the card box from her waist. The 13 red-hearted cards all flew away from her body. In the card box.

The domain was lifted, and Kay finally lost his strength and fell to the ground.

In addition, everyone present was surprised that Kay turned back to the appearance of a human, which was supposed to be the appearance of Heart 2.

Kay turned his head slowly, looked at Ada, and smiled in relief.

The mother and daughter did not communicate too much, they had already understood each other's heart.

"Ada..." Ying Yiyun looked at Ada worriedly, her face was already covered with tears, but she couldn't say anything.

As if satisfied, Kay slowly closed her eyes, and her body gradually turned into a little light particle, disappearing into the world, until she died, with a smile on her face.

This is the end of the ultimate battle of the Eyesoul World, and the winner is undoubtedly the most special Undead Ada.

Ying Yiyun picked up the card box that fell on the ground, walked slowly to the front, and handed the card box to Ada: "This is her... let me give it to you..."

Ada tremblingly stretched out her hand when she heard the words, and caught the black card box that was forcibly torn from her belt.

Slowly opened the card box, inside there were thirteen red heart awakening cards lying quietly, and under the cards, there was a piece of paper pressed.

Ada endured her grief, pulled out the note, and slowly unfolded it. It was a letter, with the neatest fonts all over the paper.

"My favorite daughter:

Mom wants to say sorry to you, although you won't forgive mom.

Over the years, my mother owed you so much, never cared about you, loved you, and in your childhood, there was never even a mother figure.

However, my mother really loves you and never despises you because you are a girl.

Helplessly, your father doesn't like you. He helped his mother suppress Joker's fighting instincts. I can only obey him.

Several times, my mother wanted to see you secretly, but helplessly, the Undead blood in your body was stimulating my desire to fight.

In order to protect you, my mother can only choose to alienate. I am really afraid that if I see you, I will not be able to suppress and hurt you.

Mom is not asking for your forgiveness. Mom only hopes that you can live with peace of mind.

That year, I found out that there was a master named Kongqiu in Qin, so I secretly changed the task and asked you to go there and study hard with Master Kongqiu.

Mom just hopes that you won't go the same way as your father again.

The Miyamotos are very good people. They are the ones who are really suitable for your parents. I heard that you recognized them as parents, and my mother was really relieved.

Tong Kong, Ying Yiyun, Markto...They are all good people, and being with them is your home.

If there is an afterlife, I really hope that my mother is not a Joker. I just hope that I am an ordinary human being able to accompany you by your side.

Ada, my favorite daughter... I'm sorry...

Love you but hurt your mother

Eye Soul World Calendar 1023"

Holding the envelope, Ada was already crying and sobbing. It turned out that she had missed her mother for so many years.

Ying Yiyun lifted her transformation and stepped forward to gently pat her shoulder to comfort: "Your mother has been freed, she won't blame you..."

As she said, she looked back at Tong Kong and Hu Helu, who were fighting fiercely in the sky, her expression became dignified: "The most important thing now is to completely defeat Hu Helu!"

The situation on the battlefield has shown a one-sided situation, and the army of Hu and Lu, who lost their coaches, was almost wiped out.

The remnant defeated general has become a mess of porridge, all captured alive by the beholder army.

Hu and Lu knocked Tong Kong back with a punch. They looked at the battlefield on the ground, but laughed indifferently: "It's just a bunch of chores. Do you think that defeating my army is defeating me?"

Tong Kong noticed the problem in an instant, and the whole city around them shook violently in the next moment.

The huge city rose into the sky in an instant, splashing dust in the sky, and the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield on the ground raised their heads and looked over in horror.

The castle disintegrated quickly, and all the parts began to reorganize at a very fast speed. Soon, a giant robot with a height of several hundred meters and the castle as the core fell on the ground.

The huge impact generated by the landing instantly tore the whole earth apart, and Makto shouted: "Quick, everyone retreat!"

All the soldiers retreated immediately, but there were still some people who stumbled and fell into the cracked abyss with no bones left.

"Huge robot? It seems to be our patent!" Yamato patted his chest, and was about to dig out the Beastmaster Transformation Device, but realized a problem, "Hey? How to summon it?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was another violent tremor on the ground, and thirteen pixel-style giant robotic animals rushed from a distance.

In the sky, Hu and Lu slashed with a sword, and smashed Tong Kong down, just to fall next to the beast kings.

"This is the network delay, right?" Tong Kong got up from the ground and didn't forget to tease him before he left.

Yamato smiled awkwardly, and took out the Beastmaster Transfiguration Device: "Uh... anyway, the big guy gave it to us!"

As he said, he quickly pressed the button, and then turned the square: "The animals fit together!"

Six beams of light descended from the sky and sucked them into those mechanical animals.

When the thirteen mechanical animals arrived on the battlefield, they turned into cubes as soon as they received instructions, and they began to stack together to form a body, and then began to deform.

"[3! 4! 9! 5! 2! 7! 8! 6! 1! Wild ruler over the emperor!!]"

A giant pixel-painted robot was quickly assembled. Beastmasters controlled the robot and attacked the deformed city, Hu Helu's robot.

Tong Kong rose into the air again, brandishing his weapon and attacking Hu Helu.

Suddenly, Hu and Lu burst out with black air covering the sky and the sun, and the black air was approaching Tong Kong, who was just rushing forward, backing back again and again.

Everyone looked at the top of their heads in horror. Hu and Lu were already shrouded in a cloud of black mist, and a pair of huge black flying wings studded with eye souls stretched out from behind him.

Hu Helu floating in the air, under the sun's rays, is like a demon descending on the world!

"Stupid mortal, come and see my supernatural power!" Hu and Lu's frantic laughter resounded over the entire Eyesoul World in a flash.

Suddenly, a soldier was surprised to find that his body had begun to become transparent, but this was not the nihilization of the beholder, but the real disappearance.

At the moment when Tong Kong and others were surprised, like a virus outbreak, almost all the creatures on the ground began to become transparent.

"Everyone...what's the matter?" Tong Kong wanted to go down to check the situation, but suddenly found that he seemed to have lost his strength and fell to the ground.


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