Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 608: Long Xuan Biography: The Coming of Eve

Adam stepped back and sneered: "Since the Fruit of Eden can't hurt you, let them play with you!"

The two aliens were instructed and immediately waved their sharp claws and rushed towards Wu Zhen.

Wu Zhen immediately stepped forward to fight, but the Grape Dragon Cannon was not a melee weapon.

Wu Zhen had an idea, and he simply held a foreigner directly and shot it against his face.

This close-range shot instantly knocked the foreigner away, and at the same time, another foreigner rushed over.

Wu Zhen immediately jumped sideways to avoid the attack, and at the same time replaced the Genesis core.

He took out the energy dragon fruit lock seed, and quickly pressed the unlock button: "[DragonFruitsEnergy!]"

The armor on his body was quickly lifted and turned into mechanical grapes and mechanical dragon fruit floating on top of his head together.

Wu Zhen buckled the lock on the core of Genesis and pressed the two locks on the lock: "[LockOn!]"

Wu Zhen grabbed the knife-shaped device, pushed it quickly, and cut open the lid of the lock.

"[Haii! Mix! BudouArms! Dragon·Cannon·Ha-Ha-Ha! JimberDragonFruits! Ha-Ha]"

Wu Zhen raised the sonic crossbow and smashed it at the alien rushing towards him.

The foreigner was in pain and fell a few steps backward. Wu Zhen immediately pulled the bowstring and shot a few arrows at it.

The aliens were shot back again and again, one staggered to the ground, while the other also got up from the ground.

Wu Zhen immediately drew the bowstring again, shot several arrows at the other one, and forcibly fell the tower to the ground.

"It looks like you are great!" Adam slapped and slapped again.

Several foreigners came out from the crack and attacked Wu Zhen with the two who got up.

Wu Zhen was shocked, and yelled behind him while shooting arrows to resist: "Run away!"

Shao Tianling did not escape. She endured the pain and stood up from the ground, putting the driver on her waist.

"Does the little girl still have to be brave?" Adam looked at Shao Tianling with a cynical look.

Shao Tianling took out the lock seed and pressed it lightly: "[Assassin!]"

She backhanded the lock on the drive, and then pressed the lock: "[LockOn!]"

Shao Tianling gritted his teeth and shouted: "Transform!"

As the knife-shaped device pushed and cut the lid of the lock, the assassin's armor was dropped from the sky on her body, and then opened.

"[ComeOn! AssassinArms! Dark·Night·Assassin·Kill!]"

Shao Tianling endured the pain, drew the Wushuang Sabre on his waist, quickly stepped forward, and slashed a foreigner who was about to attack Wu Zhen with a single knife. At the same time, he stretched out the Hidden Blade on his left wrist and slammed it with one sword.

"This guy is very strong..." Shao Tianling whispered while leaning against Wu Zhen, "He...using the Garden of Eden...fruit...manipulating a foreigner..."

"So you want a quick decision?" Wu Zhen also replied in a low voice.

Shao Tianling nodded, took a smoke bomb from his waist and threw it on the ground. A thick cloud of smoke immediately enveloped the surroundings.

"Can you see clearly?" Shao Tianling asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Wu Zhen replied. The knight system has a thermal imaging function, and of course he can distinguish the location of the alien.

Shao Tianling put away the Wushuang Sabre, stretched out the Hidden Blade with both wrists, and quickly stepped forward, gently pushing the small knife-shaped device three times.


A burst of white energy gathered on the blade of the Hidden Blade, and Shao Tianling stepped forward quickly, and two stabs at a time couldn't distinguish the foreigner.

Wu Zhen also took off the energy dragon fruit lock and installed it on the sonic crossbow, and opened the bowstring.

"[LockOn! DragonFruitsEnergy!]"

Wu Zhen let go of the bowstring, and wherever the red arrow went, all the foreigners exploded.

As the smoke dissipated, all the aliens had been wiped out by the two.

Shao Tianling bent over and laughed hard: "This trick... is really time-tested!"

Adam shook his head helplessly: "Sure enough, the miscellaneous soldier is the miscellaneous soldier!"

As he said, he drew out the axe hanging from his waist and threw it forward.

Wu Zhen couldn't dodge, and was hit by an axe. He flew out and rolled on the ground a few times to release his transformation.

Adam retracted his axe and looked at Shao Tianling: "The next... is you!"

He lifted the Fruit of Eden and reactivated the power of the Fruit of Eden.

The golden energy spread rapidly, and Shao Tianling's chest pain became more intense.

Finally, she couldn't stand still anymore, fell to the ground, and her transformation was lifted.

"Quick... escape!" Wu Zhen struggled to get up, but Adam had already walked to Shao Tianling.

"The fragments in your body... it's time to return to the original owner!" Adam stretched out his hand and was about to grab Shao Tianling.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed, abruptly forcing Adam back.

Wu Zhen and Shao Tianling looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. In the silver light, there was a woman who looked like an angel.

The woman's dress was extremely simple, and she seemed to be in the same style as Adam.

However, under the shroud of silver light, even the shabby clothes could not conceal her beauty.

Adam stood firm and looked up, his face was suddenly full of surprise: "Eve? What are you doing here?"

The silver light gradually dissipated, and Eve reached out to Adam and said in a voice like that day: "Adam, go back with me, the world here does not belong to us!"

"Let me return to that old guy's watch?" Adam sneered at this.

He raised the Fruit of Eden in his hand and said to Eve greedily: "Eve, have you seen it? As long as we find all the Fruits of Eden on the earth, and then absorb the power of the forerunner, we are God! That way, we can be like. Happy as before!"

"Aren't we happy?" Eve held back her tears and slowly put her hands down, "Being expelled from the Garden of Eden is for us to ask for trouble, but I... can be with you and be with the children again. Happy!"

She slowly stepped forward and said: "I don't want to go back to the Garden of Eden, nor be a god. I only want you to come back and come back to me and my child!"

Adam froze for a moment, and slowly lowered his hand holding the fruit of Eden.

"Adam!" Eve was excited when she saw this, and her big blue eyes were suddenly filled with uncontrollable excitement.

She stepped forward quickly and stretched out her hand to prepare to pull Adam.

Wu Zhen and Shao Tianling, who fell to the ground, looked at the scene in front of them with dumbfounded faces.

"Adam and Eve? The Bible is here?"

Suddenly, Adam lifted the Fruit of Eden in his hands on the ground, and huge energy instantly poured out.

Eve was shocked, and quickly raised her hands to release a large amount of silver light to resist, but helplessly the power of the Eden Fruit was too great, she was still rushed back again and again.

"Adam..." Eve's face was full of sadness. In desperation, she had to leave a group of energy to resist, and then quickly ran over, taking Wu Zhen and Shao Tianling, surrounded by silver light. The people disappeared in place together.

Seeing that the enemy had fled, Adam was furious, he stomped to the ground suddenly, and the whole earth trembled.


An angry roar filled the sky over the city...


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