Jun Jiuling

Chapter 706: The Unbelievable Truth

Miss Jun had already remembered that she had actually seen this coin before.

When she was very young, she rummaged around in her father's study and found a piece of silver. Because the ladies in the court often said that the silver flower was cut, she took the scissors and was going to try it.

Father found out that he had stopped her.

But her father didn't make a fuss about her playing with scissors like her sister and the maids did.

"This silver can't be hinged." He just said gently.

Silver is silver if it is hinged, why can't it be hinged?

"Because this is Taiyan's three-year silver." Father said solemnly, "Jiu Ling, you have to remember, this is Taiyan's three-year silver."

What happened to Taiyan for three years?

"That's a shame." Father said in a deep voice, looking at the silver ingot in his hand, "This silver was specially made to redeem your great-grandfather."

For her at a young age, she still doesn't know who her great-grandfather is, and where is her great-grandfather? What does redemption mean?

"Your great-grandfather was taken away by the Jin Man." Father said.

This was a very surprising thing to her. The palace is so big that she can't even get out of the harem. How could someone capture her great-grandfather?

Father was amused by her words, and the smile was full of sadness.

"Your great-grandfather was not captured here. He went to the front line to fight." He paused when he said this, "Even if it wasn't on the front line, what can a high wall and a deep house stop? There are more than one captured. Your great-grandfather, many other palace officials, and your uncle."

Were there so many people in the palace? The only people in the palace she sees every day are their family and the royal grandfather's family, oh, there are also a few uncles and princes. They met once last year and said that they lived in different places and could not come to the capital often.

Later, her father said something, but it was very boring to her at that young age, she couldn't understand and couldn't remember it, but in retrospect, she only remembered his father's sad and angry expression.

"Jiu Ling, you have to remember that three years of Taiyan is a disgrace, and you must remember that to stop this kind of disgrace, the country must be strong and the army strong."

In my memory, my father's voice is long and long, the study room is covered with the withered yellow of autumn, and the silver that she poked a gap with scissors is placed on the desk, exuding a dull light.

"At that time, the gold, silver and cloth were handed over to the Jinren, but the Jinren turned their backs and broke the contract, saying that the Zhou people were dishonest and refused to return it to Emperor Renxiao. Emperor Renxiao was frightened and died of a serious illness in Jinren City." Zhu Zan said slowly, breaking the contract. The suffocating silence in the room was overwhelmed, "Everyone scolded the Jin people for being shameless and not keeping their promises, and the world was furious. It turns out..."

His voice stopped here, and the room fell into silence again, but Miss Jun knew what he meant.

It turned out that the gold man was right in scolding, the agreed silver was not handed over to the gold man, but went to Shandong, and into the hands of Fang's family, it became a business that produced more silver.

And all this deceived the people of the world. Emperor Renxiao failed to redeem it and was killed by the Jin people. Their Chu family experienced the grief and shame of losing their loved ones, and at the same time enjoyed the sympathy of the people of the world.


Miss Jun's hands were about to grab her face off. She was ashamed to see anyone, and her body was shaking.

Who did it? Is it King Qi? Is it the royal grandfather? Does father know?


"I don't understand, I don't understand." She murmured like a sob.

Zhu Zan looked at her.

"You really don't understand?" He said, his voice was low but without the slightest hesitation, "I heard that Emperor Renxiao's favorite was King Su."

Miss Jun buried her head deeper.

She was no longer a child, but when she grew up, she knew who her great-grandfather was, and knew many royal relatives with names that existed in the palace that she had never seen before.

King Su is the eighth son of her great-grandfather and her grandfather's eighth younger brother. Although he was named king, he did not go out and stayed in the palace. He said it was because of his young age, but it also showed that he was loved, but it was also because of this, The golden man broke into the palace and took him away.

Emperor Renxiao died, and the peace talks broke down, and the two countries fought. King Su and other palace officials naturally ignored them, and died of illness not long afterward.

Yes, she is no longer a child, she knows what Zhu Zan meant when he said that Emperor Renxiao likes King Su.

If Emperor Renxiao is here, it may not be her grandfather who succeeds Datong as emperor.

Grandfather ascended the throne because the country cannot live without a king, but the country cannot have two kings, so if the emperor Ren Xiao is welcomed back, what will grandfather do? Return to Emperor Renxiao? What about after repayment? Will Emperor Renxiao choose his grandfather as the next emperor?


It's not that she can't figure it out, it's that she doesn't dare to think about it, she was forced to think by Zhu Zan's words, cold, touched the quilt with her fingers, and simply stretched out her hands to wrap herself up.

It's so cold, so cold.

Zhu Zan had no choice but to sit on the bed and stare naked, wearing only obscene pants.

"Although it sounds terrible." He said in a deep voice, "but the royal family has no father, son or brother..."

Miss Jun lifted the quilt violently to reveal her head.

"That father is nothing to be sorry for, and there is nothing to be angry about when he was killed." She said, "King Qi has nothing wrong with taking away the throne. Murder is worse than animals."

"You see, you are messing around." Zhu Zan said in a deep voice, "Don't think about things when you are not clear-headed."

"I'm very clear-headed," Miss Jun shouted.

"You're sober." Zhu Zan replied bluntly.

The bastard! Miss Jun stared at him.

"If you are sober, you should realize that your grandfather, your father, and King Qi are different people, and what they did was only to represent themselves." Zhu Zan said, "You can't just because they did something wrong. Just think that your father died rightly, and he deserved it.”

"I didn't say my father deserved it." Miss Jun said, lowering her head.

She just didn't know if her father knew about it.

"Whether your father knows it or not is different from his being killed." Zhu Zan said, pondering for a moment, "Now you have to understand what you are going to do. You are avenging your father. As for the various secrets of the previous throne change, It’s not something you can control and control.”

Miss Jun is wrapped in a quilt, she understands the truth, but...

"Zhu Zan." She looked up at the man sitting cross-legged in front of her, "Do you feel sick?"

Zhu Zan smiled.

"There are so many disgusting things in the world." He said, "I can't get sick anymore, and I don't have time to be disgusted."

Miss Jun looked at him and smiled, but this smile was not much better than crying.

"Don't think about it now, you are too excited and confused now." Zhu Zan said with a frown.

Miss Jun nodded.

"I don't want to." She said, "I'm sleepy, I'll go to bed first."

After she finished speaking, she threw herself on the bed and pulled the quilt over her head.

Zhu Zan was almost crushed and fell, looking at Miss Jun who wrapped himself up in a ball in amazement.

"This is my bed," he said.

But Miss Jun seemed to be asleep and ignored it.

Zhu Zan had no choice but to get down by himself. It was a cool night in early autumn. At this time, he realized that he was still naked on his upper body. His face flushed immediately, and he pulled his clothes from a shelf to put them on in a panic.

But what's the use of putting it on at this time, I haven't seen it all.

"Dengtuzi." He muttered and glanced at the occupied bed. The bed was not big, but the woman was wrapped in a quilt and curled up into a ball, looking thin and pitiful.

He sighed softly, and sat down on the ground beside the bed, the room fell into silence, and the night became darker.

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