Jun Jiuling

Chapter 618

How could there be such a woman!

Zhu Zan stared.

Miss Jun raised her head and laughed, brushing past his shoulder and swaying forward.


Zhu Zan shouted in an annoyed voice behind him.

Miss Jun walked forward with her hands behind her back and pursed her lips, ignoring her.

Zhu Zan followed in a few steps.

"Hello," he called again.

"Who's your name?" Miss Jun said with a hum.

"The surname is Jun." Zhu Zan said, "It's almost done."

Surnamed Jun.

Miss Jun suddenly thought that he never seemed to call his name, Jiu Ling.

He, why...

She suddenly turned her head to look at Zhu Zan.

Zhu Zan also took a step back abruptly.

"Ha." He looked nervous and alert, "What do you want to do? Your eyes want to eat people."

Miss Jun couldn't help laughing, and reached out to press her eyelids.

"Is my mind so obvious?" she asked.

"Your thoughts are always obvious," Zhu Zan said.

Miss Jun scratched her nose with her hand and watched him turn around.

"Look, look." Zhu Zan said immediately, pointing at her and taking a step back, "It seems like there is someone else looking at me besides you."

Miss Jun's expression froze.

Yes, under this skin, there is another person watching him.

Did he see it?

In other words, ever since she saw Zhu Zan put the flower in front of her grave that day, she has been looking at him with Chu Jiuling, never trying to hide it deliberately.

"Hey, why are you laughing? What are you laughing at?"

Zhu Zan's voice rang in his ears again.

The smile on the corner of Miss Jun's mouth suddenly spread, and she simply raised her head and smiled.

Laughing with a sour nose.

"Okay." She snapped back her laugh again, reaching out to pat Zhu Zan.

Zhu Zan was already on guard and jumped away.

"Zhu Zan, don't worry." Miss Jun said with a smile, "I don't care much about your family."

Zhu Zan also put away his exaggerated laughter and guard, stood up straight and stared at her.

"Give up the Qingshan Army and fight for their future." He said, "Miss Jun, you are so magnanimous, who can get rid of you if you have a future?"

Miss Jun smiled.

"This is not calculated by me. This is fairness. Someone once summed up this fairness in one sentence." She said, "He said that force is mutual."

Who is it? Hearing this is not a serious person.

Zhu Zan scoffed.

"These people have made such great achievements and are so capable. In addition, they are the people you entrusted. My father will definitely regard them as confidantes. Giving them the best position and the best treatment will also make them better. Powerful," he continued.

Miss Jun was still smiling.

"Force is mutual, which is not a bad thing for your father," she said.

Zhu Zan looked at her.

"What exactly do you want?" he asked.

"I don't want anything, I just want to do something." Miss Jun smiled, "And these things are not bad things for you."

When Zhu Zan wanted to say something, Miss Jun interrupted him first.

"Zhu Zan, what you want to understand, your father can also understand." She said, "Your father is not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Zhu Zan smiled, walked forward a few steps, and looked at Miss Jun.

When he was calm and neither sad nor angry, he had Madam Yu's solemnity and Cheng Guogong's gentleness. This solemnity made him look mighty, and his gentleness made him a bit unpredictable.

"Miss Jun, we have dealt with each other a few times. I know you, and you know me very well. I am never afraid that others will plot against me." He said, "Everyone takes what they need, and it is fair."

"So what are you worried about?" Miss Jun smiled.

Zhu Zan looked at her quietly.

"You are very strange," he said. "You are very strange to me and to our family."

Miss Jun smiled, looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, I treat your family differently." She said.

"The reason." Zhu Zan said.

Miss Jun thought about it and shook her head.

"I can't say." She said, with a bit of self-mockery, and let out a breath, "In short, I just want to do and happen to be able to do these things, Zhu Zan, don't worry."

After all, go forward.

"Hello." Zhu Zan shouted after him, several times in succession.

Miss Jun had no choice but to stop.

"I have a name," she said.

"The surname is Jun." Zhu Zan said, "Force is indeed mutual, but be careful not to hurt yourself too much. My father looks beautiful, but he is very dangerous in this scenery. It is not that he has something to do with our family. What a good thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl turned around abruptly with a dignified expression.

"Zhu Zan." She said, with a bit of seriousness.

What is she trying to say?

Is that the reason?

Zhu Zan also looked at her with a somewhat solemn expression.

But he saw the girl's eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Are you worried about me? So you don't want me to have anything to do with you?" She asked with a wink.

Zhu Zan's face froze, and then he became angry. Miss Jun had already laughed and turned around.


Played by her again.

"Look how beautiful you are!" he shouted, "I'm not afraid of slipping my tongue when I say that."

Miss Jun raised her head and laughed without turning her head. She put her hands behind her back and swayed away.

"Don't let me see you again."

Zhu Zan said angrily, and strode away.

But unfortunately, he picked up this sentence not long after he dropped it.

Looking at Zhu Zan standing in the yard, Zhao Hanqing who was coming out of the house was startled.

"What are you doing here?" she said.

And Zhu Zan was startled when he saw her.

"You..." he said with a surprised expression, looking at Zhao Hanqing's face.

Zhao Hanqing was used to not covering his face in the yard, because his face was uncomfortable due to frequent medication these days.

She was not disturbed by the other party's surprise.

And Zhu Zan quickly regained his composure.

"Why can't I come here, I am the son of the world." He said sullenly.

"Han Qing, it's time to drink your medicine." Miss Jun's voice came from inside.

Zhao Hanqing said oh, ignored Zhu Zan and walked in.

Only then did Miss Jun come out from inside.

"Kicked out by your mother?" She asked with a smile.

Since she said that she would still use the name of the eldest son's fiancée, Mrs. Yu would definitely ask Zhu Zan to come here more often to show the sympathy between the two.

"Don't rely on what my mother owes you..." Zhu Zan said in a deep voice.

Miss Jun interrupted him immediately.

"Zhu Zan." She said softly, "Actually, you shouldn't care about what your parents owe me. Have you forgotten that you still owe me?"

Zhu Zan's face froze.

Yes, he does seem to owe her something...

"The madam and the Duke of the country have already paid me back the debt, and we have paid off the goods." Miss Jun continued, her voice soft and serious, "Then when do you plan to pay me back? The debt or not?" Pay it back, if you don't pay it back, how do you plan to get it..."

Zhu Zan raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Isn't it just a grass?" He said, "I'll find it for you."

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

Miss Jun let out a breath, turned around and stroked her hand.

"Okay, I'm fine, I can do things quietly." She said, "History is served by words."

Inside, Zhao Hanqing groaned, and there was a soft sound of grinding ink.


Sorry, I can only change once when I go out on weekends. This weekend is rare, so let's go and play happily.

Thanks to Bingyi and Yiinch Chenxiang from the south for rewarding He Shibi (*^__^*) hehe...

Thank you everyone.

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