Jun Jiuling

Chapter 551

In winter, the Zhangqing Mountains are cold and dry, but the work has not stopped. In the mountain village in the early morning, there is the sound of clappers as usual, as well as the shouts of men, women and children.

This sound lasted for a long time, and when Lei Zhonglian and the others came back sweating profusely, Liu'er was already impatient.

"Why is it taking so long?" she asked, bringing out the hot food on the stove.

"They say it's like this in winter, because the farm work is not busy, so they practice a lot." Lei Zhonglian said.

Liu'er pouted again.

"What's there to practice, isn't it just waving a spear and poking around foolishly." She said.

Naturally, she has also gone to the lively ones, but she felt that the lively ones were not good-looking and boring, so she stopped going.

"It's not as good as Uncle Lei, you are good with your gun. Tell Second Uncle Xia that you can teach them." She said generously.

Lei Zhonglian smiled.

"It's true that none of them are as good as me with a spear, but a few of them are better than me," he said.

Liu'er didn't care if she didn't understand, she hugged the hand stove to keep warm after serving them a meal.

"Miss went up the mountain?" Lei Zhonglian asked.

Liu Er nodded.

"Come back soon, too," she said.

Every day Miss Jun had the same routine as Lei Zhonglian and the others. They went to train soldiers, while she went up the mountain to practice arrows with Zhao Hanqing, and then took Zhao Hanqing to identify herbs.

A burst of fragrance spread in the forest.

"Okay, okay, you can eat." Miss Jun said, and buried the lit branches and leaves in front of her with stones and soil.

Zhao Hanqing squatted on the stone beside him and watched Miss Jun dig out two rhizomes wrapped in dead leaves.

"Is this really edible?" She asked curiously.

Miss Jun peeled off the skin of a root with her hands upside down, breathing in the cold air.

"You'll know if you taste it." She said, handing the wooden stem to Zhao Hanqing.

Zhao Hanqing took it dubiously.

She no longer wore a mask when she was with Miss Jun. She smelled it with her nose first, then bit her mouth cautiously, and her eyes lit up.

"It's delicious." Miss Jun raised her eyebrows and said.

Zhao Hanqing had already started to eat in big mouthfuls, nodding with vague murmurs, and quickly finished eating a piece.

"I never knew that such a humble grass could have such delicious roots." She said happily.

"I didn't know before." Miss Jun smiled.

Zhao Hanqing's expression darkened slightly.

"He taught you?" she asked, her eyes a little jealous.

Of course he was referring to Zhao Zhiyi.

"To be exact, he didn't teach me." Miss Jun smiled. "There's no food left. He dug it out to satisfy my hunger. It wasn't for me to play or satisfy my hunger."

satiate the hunger.......

Is it not easy for him? Zhao Hanqing was silent.

Miss Jun broke off half of the wooden stem in her hand and handed it to her, Zhao Hanqing took it without politeness and began to eat.

"And he's petty." Miss Jun laughed again.


In the stories that Uncle Yang and the others told, that man existed like a god, and gods are not stingy.

Zhao Hanqing looked at Miss Jun.

Miss Jun pointed to the rhizome in her hand.

"I ate half of it back then." She said, curling her lips, "Your father wouldn't even give me more."

"It's because, isn't it good to eat too much?" Zhao Hanqing asked hesitantly.

Miss Jun snorted.

"What? He said he was going to be full. He was the most important thing. It doesn't matter if my child is hungry." She said.

Did you say that? Aren't adults supposed to let the kids go?


Zhao Hanqing couldn't help laughing.

"You're still laughing." Miss Jun reached out and pinched Zhao Hanqing's nose.

The ashes on her hand left a mark, and Miss Jun laughed.

Zhao Hanqing wiped away the ashes on his hands, and immediately grabbed the ashes from the ground and wiped them on Miss Jun's face.

The clear laughter of the girls suddenly resounded in the forest. Yang Jing, who came over, looked at the two girls who were laughing and playing together, and couldn't help laughing too.

"Miss Jun." He called, "A letter from the city."

These days, because the situation was getting worse and worse, all the businesses were closed, and De Shengchang was no exception. There was plenty of rice and grain for the winter, so Miss Jun told them not to come again, and the news was delivered by carrier pigeons.

Xia Yong and the others were also very familiar with the carrier pigeon, so Miss Jun simply let them accept the delivery, and didn't have to ask Lei Zhonglian and other guards.

Miss Jun stopped laughing and didn't care about the smear on her face. She walked over and took the small scroll. After reading a few sentences, her expression became serious.

"The situation is already so bad." She said in a low voice, let out a breath and raised her head again, "Uncle Yang, please make arrangements, I want to go to the city."


A gust of cold wind blew, and the dead leaves on the ground flew around, circling in front of the city gate.

"I haven't been here for more than a month. How did this city become like this?" A man stared at the closed city gate and said in surprise.

"Haven't the golden men come here yet? Why does it look like an empty city?" Lei Zhonglian also said.

Thinking of the bustling and bustling people coming and going when they came to vaccinate, the difference from now is really too big.

"The situation is really bad." Miss Jun said on horseback, looking at the soldiers waiting at the city gate, "Call the door."

Miss Jun's name is very useful. Hearing this name, the gate of the city was opened immediately, and Zhou Zhifu, who had entered the city and heard the news, rushed over.

"My Miss Jun, why haven't you left yet?" He said in surprise, with an uneasy expression on his face, "What time is this, why are you still here with us?"

Miss Jun comforted him, then asked how the war was going.

The government will never tell the people the real situation of the battle, and Miss Jun is no exception, and they will not even tell her.

If she raised her arms and called everyone to run, Qingyuan Mansion would be in chaos.

Zhou Zhifu laughed.

"Of course it's okay." He said, "Ms. Jun can rest assured that Duke Cheng is here."

I didn't talk much about the rest, and Miss Jun didn't ask much.

"Yes, there is no problem with Cheng Guogong here." She nodded and said.

"There is no problem with Cheng Guogong here."

When he came to Deshengchang, the shopkeeper said the same thing, but his expression was gloomy.

"But the biggest question now is whether Cheng Guogong will be here."

At the same time, he took out a more detailed letter that was about to be sent.

Some of these letters came from Fang Jinxiu in the capital, and Fang Chengyu in Yangcheng. After reading these letters, Miss Jun understood what happened in the capital and the disputes in the court.

"Duke Cheng won't leave." Miss Jun said, "If you leave, you will fall into the trick of the Jinren. Someone in the court will be scared and confused, and Duke Cheng will not be confused."

Speaking of this, there was another moment of silence.

I'm afraid that the people in the court are not scared and confused, but deliberately pretending to be confused.

And Zhu Zan, this time he really has a wolf before a tiger, and it is more difficult than going to Beijing before.

"Tell all De Shengchang in the Northland that if you meet Duke Cheng's son, try your best to help." She said.

All, this is to convey the order? Do your best to help, this word is also very familiar, it is what Master Fang told De Shengchang everywhere.

That means that the son of Duke Cheng enjoys the same treatment as Miss Jun.

De Shengchang's shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, but thought of Master Fang's order.

"Miss Jun's words are mine, and you can do whatever she says."

In every letter exchange, this sentence will always be written on the front page, and it has almost become De Shengchang's creed.

"Yes." The shopkeeper bowed in response.

Because she had to rush back overnight, Miss Jun didn't stay any longer.

"Now the Northland is too chaotic and unsafe. Please send soldiers to escort the prefect." The shopkeeper looked at the men standing in the yard.

Except for two or three people including Lei Zhonglian, the others were all villagers with rustic looks and dumbfounded expressions.

Why don't you bring your own guards, these people are not reliable.

"No, they're enough," Miss Jun said.

Miss Jun obeyed and didn't make trouble, so the shopkeeper had no choice but to answer, and prepared several bags of rice for them to put on the horse's back, watching them leave.


On the mountain road at dusk, there were no ghosts to be seen. Miss Jun's heart was heavy when she thought of the deserted and deserted villages she saw along the way.

The prosperity and stability that took ten years to raise will be destroyed in one day, and it will take many years to recover.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came softly into her ears. Miss Jun sat up straight immediately, and Yang Jing, who was walking in front, also stretched out her hand.

The marching team stopped suddenly.

"Ha! I met a big fat sheep!"

A strange cry came from the side of the road, and at the same time, seven or eight men jumped out of the woods, holding knives and axes in their hands, with fierce and excited expressions.

Sure enough, there were many bandits in troubled times. Miss Jun sighed as she looked at these people.

"Kill them," she said.


I'm not feeling well, and I'm in a bad mood. Please take a vacation on the weekend. I'm sorry, forgive me.

grateful? The last shot? , Zunronghui, 11 pages of well-known rewards and Choi, thank you for your continued love.

I wish you a nice weekend.

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