Jun Jiuling

Chapter 487

There are not as many pictures of military formations as there are maps, and ten pictures will be finished.

Miss Jun read the map more carefully than the map, and of course she didn't expect to understand it now, just like the map, she would read it many times until she remembered it clearly.

Remember first and then learn, this is the truth that the master told her when he threw piles of medical books, which made her develop a strong memory and became her habit.

She looked carefully at the soldier formation map not because she had to learn it now, but because the people drawn on the soldier formation map were very interesting.

The soldier formation map is basically composed of dots, dots, lines and lines, but several soldiers are also drawn in it.

I didn't pay much attention to the first few photos, but when I looked at Miss Jun again, I found that the faces of these soldiers hadn't changed.

They are vivid, with rich expressions running through the ten pictures of military formations, as if they are real people.

They should be real people, and they must be people Master is familiar with.

These people range in age, some are in their thirties, and some have childish faces. The expressions in each picture are different, either smiling or calm or courageous, lifelike.

Are these people Master's past?

Under the bright lights, Miss Jun once again watched the faces of these people turn over page by page. After ten pictures of the army formation, the content that should have appeared finally appeared.

What a man called a miracle doctor should write.

This is a medical case.

Miss Jun heaved a sigh of relief and was a little amused. She took a sip of tea and continued to read the medical case. Unlike the amazing pictures and words in the previous one, the handwriting of this medical case was scribbled and there were many typos, which looked very weird. Not to mention that the description is also confusing, and it seems to be where to write.

Miss Jun saw a smile on her face. This is the master.

But it is a pity that this medical case did not mention the specific place and time, and there is no information about Master's past.

I turned over page after page, and several pages in succession were medical records, which could not be considered medical records. It should be said that it was the master's self-talk, and the handwriting was scribbled and unorganized. The next sentence will go to another illness, just like talking to yourself.

Talk to yourself.

In fact, at that time, I played chess alone, so why didn't the master do the same thing, he had no one to play except for teasing himself.

Miss Jun seemed to see him sitting at the table with his legs crossed, throwing pickled beans into his mouth, writing quickly on a piece of paper, muttering, shaking his head, and laughing.

He is actually talking to himself, playing with himself.

Miss Jun paused for a moment, turned the page again, then sat up straight with her eyes narrowed.

This is a page even more scribbled like scribbles, and the scribbles are of the same sentence.

Ziying Xianzhu, not enough, not enough, not enough.

That sentence fills the page.

It turned out that Master not only said it, but also wrote it down. At that time, she didn't feel much about it. Looking at the scribbles on this page now, she could feel Master's restlessness, anxiety and even despair at that time.


Miss Jun put her hand on the page.

At that time, she didn't know what despair was. Until the moment she died, despair was watching helplessly, but she couldn't do anything.

She watched her enemy alive, but she was powerless.

Then why is the master desperate because of his powerlessness?

Would a man like him be powerless?

Can Ziying Xianzhu relieve his despair? Isn't one purple fairy plant enough? In fact, she had already seen two of them.

It's a pity that one was snatched by Zhu Zan, and wasted on a flower that has no use other than being beautiful.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth.

This Zhu Zan.

There was a rustling sound outside the window, like spring silkworms eating.

Miss Jun put down the letter and walked to the window. The drizzle was blowing on her face with the wind, making her feel a little refreshed.

I don't know how he is now? The injury must be fine, she is confident, but can he be confident to solve the trouble Zhu Zan got involved in?

So, just like wasting the Ziying Immortal Strain, it was a waste for him to personally kill and get involved in Mr. Huang's incident.

I really don't know whether he is impulsive and naive, or timid and cunning.

As for the other purple fairy strain.

Miss Jun's restless eyebrows and eyes softened like the rain on this summer night.

It was also buried under the tree in Prince Huai's mansion.

Prince Huai's Mansion.

I don't know if Jiuzheng is asleep now, or if she is still sad and angry. She is somewhat relieved about Jiuzheng, after all, there is still Mr. Gu who can accompany him.

A thought flashed across her, and Miss Jun smiled wryly again. It turned out that she had already regarded Mr. Gu as someone she could trust without knowing it.

But what about my sister?

Does my sister know that she has left the capital? Will she be sad or happy or feel nothing? Or I can't remember her anymore.

After all, they only met once, and they only got together for a few days, and she had another face on her face. To Princess Jiuli, she was just a doctor, whose duty was to heal the sick and save the sick.

Miss Jun reached out and stroked her face, wiping away a thin layer of rainwater.

Compared to Jiuzheng, Jiuli is a lonely person with no one to accompany him.

At this time, the night sky in the capital is clear, there is no rain or wind, and the sweltering heat of summer has already begun to appear.

The house in Lu's house was brightly lit, although it was late at night, people were still quiet.

Several girls and servants placed new ice cubes in the four corners of the room, replaced the ice cubes that had not yet melted but were no longer good for Lu Yunqi, and evacuated them.

The room is as cool as autumn.

The maids and servants all quit, and Princess Jiuli, who had removed her make-up and changed into homely clothes, was not alone guarding the lonely lamp.

"Jiu's handwriting has really improved a lot." Under the lamp, she said with a smile, looking at the scroll in her hand with a soft light in her eyes, then raised her head and nodded to Lu Yunqi who was sitting opposite, "The gentleman you invited is really good. "

Lu Yunqi looked blank.

"I didn't ask for it," he said, "he wanted to come by himself."

"But if he just wants to come, he may not be able to come." Princess Jiuli said with a smile.

Whoever wanted to enter Prince Huai's Mansion could enter.

"But it would be really stupid for him to use this method to deliver news to you again." Lu Yunqi said, looking at the scroll in Princess Jiuli's hand, "Although I haven't read a book, it doesn't mean I don't know Literacy, I don’t know what Tibetan acrostics are.”

Princess Jiuli smiled and put the scroll back on the table.

"He didn't want to hide it from you," she said, "otherwise he wouldn't have written it."

Lu Yunqi didn't speak anymore, neither did Princess Jiuli. She picked up a needle and thread from the side and began to embroider under the lamp.

If she hadn't been taught to be upright and courteous since she was a child, if she hummed a little song at this moment, the atmosphere in the room would be even warmer.

"Why are you so happy to know that she has returned to Yangcheng safely?" Lu Yunqi asked suddenly.

Princess Jiuli kept sewing.

"Because it's always a joy to see a person living a happy life." She said with a smile.

Is it a happy thing to live a good and comfortable life?

Lu Yunqi remained silent.

And whether other people are happy or not is never his concern.

"I mean, whether it's Yangcheng or Beijing, what's the difference?" he said.

Princess Jiuli stopped her needlework and raised her head to look at him with a helpless expression.

"You still don't let it go?" she said.

"Why should I let it go?" Lu Yunqi also looked at her and said.

The bright lamps in the room did not illuminate his face, but hid it in shadow.

Without that handsome pale and strange face, only his dull expression and voice made him look serious and simple.

"I achieved the position I am today, and I got everything today, just for her."


Thanks to Bingyi from the south,? The last shot? , Yicun Chenxiang, and Jing Sanshao rewarded He Shibi.

thank you all.

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