Jun Jiuling

Chapter 312 Still Silent

Just like what Miss Jun said, there were no people coming to Jiulingtang to seek medical treatment, and no one came to the door as before.

Liu'er can sit still, as long as the lady is not in a hurry, she will not be in a hurry, but shopkeeper Liu can't sit still.

This reputation cannot be earned.

"Miss Jun, I think maybe the woman who was treated that day should send a plaque or something." He thought for a while, then looked at Miss Jun who was packing the medicine box and was about to go out, "I don't think they would refuse."

Miss Jun smiled.

"This is embarrassing," she said.

Five thousand taels of consultation fees are all willing to be paid, so a plaque is embarrassing?

Shopkeeper Liu was stunned for a moment, but he immediately realized that if he was willing to take the money but didn't want to publicize it, it should be because the disease cannot be explained to outsiders.

That's it, then there is really no other way, I can only make a fortune in private and go out at night in Jinyi.

Among other things, even if he only treats this one patient in this life, the consultation money he earns is enough for this girl to live comfortably.

But then again, this girl is not short of money, even if she doesn't earn money, she can live comfortably.

In the end, opening this clinic was not for the sake of fame.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Miss Jun really has the ability to worry about everything." Shopkeeper Liu smiled.

"Yes, there's no rush." ​​Miss Jun said, put the medicine box on her back, took out the bell in her hand, and walked out with Liu'er.

The crisp sound of bells echoed in the street, shopkeeper Liu watched them leave.

But a few days later, shopkeeper Liu quietly went to inquire, and found out that the family of the woman he met in the alley that day had left the capital.

Isn't he from the capital?

Originally, I hoped that it would not be publicized with much fanfare, and it would be better to recommend it privately. After all, the reputation of many doctors is made up of these women in the house.

Now it's all right, the person actually left directly, this matter that no one knew about, completely no one knew about it.

Shopkeeper Liu shook his head, time and fate, but after this incident, he didn't worry about hearing Miss Jun taking Liu'er to wander the streets every day.

Although this kid acts a little weirdly, he seems to be a measured one.

"Come on," he called.

The servant outside the door came in immediately.

"Brew this tea for me." Shopkeeper Liu said, and handed the package of herbal tea that Miss Cong Jun had given to the boy.

"Shopkeeper, what kind of famous product is this? Why does your old man often drink this recently." The boy laughed.

Shopkeeper Liu patted his stomach. Miss Jun said that the tea cured his throat. He didn't take it seriously at first, but after drinking it a few times in a row, he felt that the dry throat problem left by the bad throat caused by running around in the cabinet when he was young was also cured. When I went back that day, my little grandson even praised him for his nice voice.

At his age, what kind of famous tea is still used as a prestige, and good health is the biggest prestige.

"Although this tea is not famous, it is worth thousands of gold." Shopkeeper Liu said.

Miss Jun's consultation fee is 5,000 taels when she sees a doctor and picks someone. This medicine should not be available to everyone from her, and the price is definitely not cheap.

The shopkeeper Liu's status is also appropriate to drink a thousand gold tea, the boy smiled and retreated.

Shopkeeper Liu sat in the room drinking tea and still sighed.

This Miss Jun has medical skills that can charge 10,000 taels of silver, so if she thinks of a way, her reputation will be spread in the capital, so why do she have to act like this?

Is she trying to make a name for herself?


On the other side of the street, several young people were walking together.

"Zhang Baotang, it's really difficult to invite you out for a meal." A young man said, patting the shoulder of the young man beside him.

Zhang Baotang smiled foolishly, not waiting for a young man on the other side to put his shoulders on the other side.

"Isn't Baotang sick? You can't drink alcohol according to the doctor's advice." He laughed.

"Zhang Baotang, are you really sick?" People around asked one after another.

Zhang Baotang still didn't have time to speak.

"Of course it's a real illness. Because of Zhang Baotang's illness, our son and two doctors broke into the guard camp in the middle of the night. Now who doesn't know." The young man said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he looked back.

"Second brother, I'm sick too." He pressed his chest and coughed twice.

Zhu Zan, who was walking behind, raised his hand and grabbed him.

"Really, Sister Sifeng, let my brother treat you." He said.

The young man called Sifeng screamed and begged for mercy, while the other young men laughed.

The five of them overwhelmed the bustle of the street.

When people on the street saw this group of young people, they were tall, well-dressed, and imposing, and knew that they were the yamen of those high-ranking and wealthy families in central Beijing.

These people have a prosperous family, got official positions when they were born, and went to the imperial guards when they grew up. They didn't have to worry about food and drink.

And the five who are walking on the street now are the most famous among them, and this reputation came from fighting with the Twelve Princes in the street.

It is said that when they met on the school grounds, the twelve princes were knocked to the ground by the Yamen headed by Cheng Guogong's son, and they became famous in the first battle.

Even the prince dared to fight, and after the fight was over, he was punished by his family. The emperor didn't say a word, so who else in the capital would not dare to fight.

In the past, there were only four people who were familiar with him. Zhu Zan, the heir of Duke Cheng, was not among them because he seldom came to the capital, but when he appeared, no one was strange at all, as if he had always been there.

Seeing these five people approaching, people on the street gave way one after another. Zhu Zan and the others didn't take it seriously at all, obviously already used to such publicity.

"Second Brother Zhu said it's useless to be sick." Zhang Baotang finally found a chance to speak, and said with a smile, "Miss Jun's words are useful."

Miss Jun?

The young man called Sifeng raised his eyes.

"That Miss Ling Doctor?" He asked, looking at Zhu Zan again, "Really... so obedient?"

He winked with a half-smile.

Zhu Zan raised his eyebrows, but this time before he spoke, Zhang Baotang spoke first.

"Miss Jun is very powerful." He said, "My shoulder pain stopped after one or two times, and Ye cough also healed."

Zhang Baotang is honest, and everyone believes what he says.

Sifeng is skeptical.

"Really so powerful?" He said, looking at Zhu Zan again.

"I'm just seeing is believing." Zhu Zan said, "You know that I passed Runan when I came here, and that's where I met Miss Jun."

This was his initiative to get to know Miss Jun.

The young people all looked at him.

Zhu Zan pondered for a moment.

"Her medical skills are fine," he said.

The young people shouted.

"What else?"

"anything else?"

The young people asked with a smile.

Who cares about her medical skills, a girl's medical skills can go where she can go.

What men care about is the acquaintance of a man and a woman, and all the interesting things that happen from it.

"How do I know anything else? I'm not familiar with her." Zhu Zan said.

Sifeng put his arms around his shoulders.

"But it looks like this lady knows you very well." He said with a smile.

Zhu Zan laughed.

"Which woman is not familiar with me when she sees me." He said, "It can't be helped, whoever makes me so attractive, I can't stop it even if I mention it all the time."

"It's really shameless."

The young people laughed and scolded one after another.

While messing around, Zhang Baotang gasped.

"Miss Jun is over there," he said.

It was really said that Cao Cao Cao was coming, the young people hurriedly looked over, and sure enough, they saw a girl walking slowly in the alley next to her, the girl beside her was holding a flag, and there was a bell ringing.


Seeing Miss Jun coming, the children and adults in the alley all looked sideways.

Now that there is a girl who calls herself Doctor Ling and goes around the city, and the story of picking patients has spread all over the city. Seeing Miss Jun coming, the children laughed and laughed, and the adults pointed and pointed with disdain.

Miss Jun didn't take it seriously at all, she just walked through the alley ringing the bell.

Suddenly she stopped in front of several joking women and looked at one of them.

"Ma'am, I think you have a bad omen," she said.

As soon as this remark came out, the joking women were stunned, and Zhang Baotang and other young people who followed were also stunned.

Bad omen?

Sifeng couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Miss Jun really has a unique style of seeing a doctor," he said.

Zhu Zan looked disgusted at the back.

As I said earlier, this woman is not a decent person.

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