Iron Dynasty

Chapter 639: Soldiers attack


Chinese soldiers shouted in unison, and the roar sounded through the night.

Luo Xin completed the deployment of the field artillery in the distance. At this time, following his order, the artillery roared and the artillery shells flew towards the coalition camp.

At this time, the coalition camp was littered with torches. Liang Jun was heading towards Gyeongju. Even from a distance, he could clearly see the movement in the camp.

In addition, the retreat of the coalition forces caused chaos, and the sentry of the camp did not find the army of Yunzhou city that was approaching.

The sound of artillery made the soldiers in the camp even more panicked. Xiao Sa commanded Liang Jun to withdraw from the camp quickly.

Cui Huai was also shocked by the artillery and roar at this time. He immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"General, Liang Jun has withdrawn, and Zhao Ang's cavalry is also preparing to withdraw. Only our Yan Army is unable to defeat Qi Jun. General, it is too late to retreat now."

"Hey!" Cui Huai knew that the situation was over. He sighed in despair, "Heaven will destroy my country, Yan! Withdraw!"

A group of generals led the order to immediately retreat to Kaizhou City, shouting and gathering soldiers.

"Boom boom boom..."

The brightly-lit coalition camp was in the eyes of the artillery. Luo Xin prepared all the artillery shells and gunpowder this time.

Not only were there field guns roaring, but the mortars also projected lime bombs and blooming shells into the coalition camp, and the coalition camp suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, the Chinese army where Niu Ben was in was constantly approaching the big camp, and the left and right armies began to line up on both sides to continuously squeeze the space of the Three Kings Alliance.

The battle first started with the right army. The retreating Liang Jun encountered the right army who was waiting for a rabbit. The right army in the column did not use the traditional three-stage shooting, but used the more fierce hedgehog array.

Soldiers in the first row are responsible for shooting, while soldiers in the second, third, fourth and fifth rows are responsible for loading. When the soldiers in the first row shoot, the soldiers in the second row will hand over the flintlocks in their hands. To the soldiers in the first row.

At the same time, the soldiers in the second row handed the bullet-fired guns to the third row, and then took a flintlock that had been loaded with bullets.

Facing the intensive retreat of Liang's soldiers, the continuous firepower caused a lot of casualties to Liang's army in an instant.

After bumping into blood, Liang Jun soldiers retreated along the northwest direction under the leadership of the general. In this gap, the Yunzhou army had not yet completed the containment.

Ye Qingyun calmly judged the situation on the battlefield. Liang Jun, who was eager to retreat, had no desire to fight at all. They just wanted to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible.

And their plan was not prepared to destroy the Liang Jun here. Their strength is limited, and fighting with more than 300,000 coalition forces will cause great casualties.

Therefore, at the beginning, they prepared to let Liang Jun go and concentrate their forces to annihilate Yan Jun and Zhao Jun. Now they attacked Liang Jun just to weaken Liang Jun's strength.

After the Liang Jun soldiers withdrew from the shooting range, Ye Qingyun led the soldiers to drive the disintegrated Liang Jun out of the encirclement like ducks.

At the same time, the chariot carrying the soldiers went in the direction of Baimu, completely completing the blockade of the coalition camp.

Then he led the rest of the soldiers to move closer to the camp. At this time, the fireworks in the sky had already bloomed, which was a signal of attack.

In the camp, Zhao Ang hurriedly assembled his cavalry, but because of the chaos in the camp, many soldiers could not find generals and soldiers.

As the gunshots approached, Zhao Ang became more anxious. If they continued like this, none of them would be able to leave. He led the 20,000 people who had assembled and began to retreat towards Kaizhou.

"Boom boom..."

After completing the encirclement, the left army, the right army, and the Chinese army were simultaneously approaching the coalition camp. The soldiers moved along the way and stopped firing continuously.

Amid the screams, the soldiers of Yanjun kept falling down.

Cui Huai had turned from despair to hysteria at this time. The Yan army had lost more than 60,000 people during the day-to-day siege of the city. Now there are only more than 100,000 people left in the Yan army. At this time, both Liang Jun and Zhao Jun retreated. Yanjun also lost its advantage in number.

It's just that the trapped beasts are still fighting. Facing the desperate plight, Cui Huai is eager to courage. He led the elite Black Feather Guard in the Yan army not to retreat in the direction of Kaizhou, but directly to cover from the left.

Kaizhou City used to be a royal city for him. Although it was captured by the Kingdom of Yan, the rich family in the city still did not surrender. If they returned in embarrassment, they might be attacked by inside and outside.

The direction on the left is a shortcut to the country of Yan, as long as he breaks through here, he can escape back.

"Kill! Those who stand out from the encirclement will be rewarded ten thousand taels." Cui Huai shouted with red eyes.

In the country of Yan, he was a general trusted by King Yan, and his younger brother, with considerable prestige.

The Black Feather Guard is the most elite footstep in the country of Yan. It is marked by the black feather on the helmet. This is a direct army of the Yan king's family. The generals are mostly from the clan and are very loyal.

Forty thousand black feather guards, led by Cui Huai and other generals, rushed to the left wing led by Luo Hong like an evil beast in the dark.

Under the bright moonlight, seeing a large group of soldiers rushing over, the soldiers of the left army clenched the flintlock in their hands.

They were firm-willed and their eyes were cold. Faced with such a large-scale charge, from soldiers to generals, they knew that even if they put up a fire hedgehog, they would fire twelve bullets at most, and then the opposing soldiers would rush in front of them.

Therefore, before these soldiers were in range, they were bayonet, because they would end up in hand-to-hand combat.

Looking at the soldiers from the Yan State rushing over, Luo Hong took a deep breath. He glanced at the uniforms, and there was no trace of panic in the soldiers' hearts.

He had to admit that the soldiers he led were the most elite soldiers in the country. They had incomparable loyalty to Xiao Ming and their enthusiasm for the rejuvenation of the country and the nation.

What is more powerful than the weapons in their hands is their indomitable spirit and the courage to fight in public.

"Fire!" Luo Hong completely abandoned the fear of death at this He turned into a command with thousands of emotions.

"Boom boom..."

The firelight illuminates the night sky along with the firelight, and the bullets fired by the flintlocks flew fiercely towards the black feather army of the Yan Kingdom that was attacking like a beast.

Pieces of black feather army soldiers fell in the screams, but the black feather army behind them passed the soldiers' bodies and continued to rush forward.

"Archer ready!"

Cui Huai was hiding behind the Black Feather Army's formation, and now is his only chance to leave here alive. As long as he can escape from the camp, it doesn't matter if all the Black Feather Army soldiers are dead.

Under the urging of the general, the black feather army rushed forward with musket shots.

"The first person to come back out of the encirclement will be rewarded fifty thousand taels of silver, and Wanhuhou will be sealed off!" Worried that the soldiers would collapse, Cui Huai shouted out a more crazy reward.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. At this time, the black feather army soldiers rushed forward screaming frantically.

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