"You? Liaison officer?" Chen Guangyi stared at Ma Sha suspiciously, his eyes stopped clearly on her chest.

——So that's how it feels when the girls face the pervert's gaze, it's impossible not to feel it at all.

Chen Guangyi: "What about Doctor Shadow? How can I send a liaison officer?"

Ma Sha showed an exaggerated expression of surprise, because he absorbed part of the suet ball-Anna's soul. This surprised expression was also quite charming, and she was a completely skilled girl.

Well, skilled girl, there is nothing wrong with this expression!

Immediately afterwards, he skilfully made a condescending expression: "What do you think you are? It is worth the doctor to come and contact you personally every time? In my opinion, he will come out in person once, which is already a great exaggeration. I don’t think you have such value at all!"

"What?" Chen Guangyi frowned and stared at Ma Sha, "What are you? I am the number one trump card in air combat in Greater China! Speaking of air combat, no one can beat me!"

"Huh, it's just winning in a simulated confrontation. See you are happy. Real air combat is not that way at all. You, a rookie, will be killed by a superpower with high-energy beam attack ability as soon as you come up.

"The variability and versatility of abilities are the value of a super-powered person, and what else can you do besides flying? I think it’s up to me to drain your spirit thoroughly, and then become a void. Super puppet."

Ma Sha showed an evil smile. The real Anna probably couldn't show such an expression, but Ma Sha was very good at this, and he used his own experience.

"Do you think I'm bluffing you? No, I can really do this kind of thing. I can also add hints to your heart. The official name of this ability is memetic pollution. If you are polluted by memes, you will subconsciously. To complete the task I deployed, you yourself don't even realize what you are doing.

"The best part is that you will spread the memes I planted everywhere."

In fact, Anna has no such ability at all, and Ma Sha is purely babbling.

But his tone and demeanor, as well as the intellectual suppression imposed on Chen Guangyi through the channel of dreams, made Chen Guangyi not even suspicious of this statement.

Then Masha sighed and shook his head again and again: "It's a pity, the doctor thinks you still have room for ascendance, and even hesitate to come to enlighten you personally. Although I personally don't believe you can ascend, but the doctor rarely makes mistakes. If you can go further, that means you can. If you fail to make progress, it means you let the opportunity slip away in vain."

Chen Guangyi frowned: "Generally speaking, shouldn't you suspect that the doctor is wrong?"

This is what Ma Sha waited for. He originally wanted to induce Chen Guangyi to say it, but he didn't expect Chen Guangyi to say it himself.

Ma Sha immediately showed anger, and then used the dream as a carrier to launch a mental attack on Chen Guangyi!

That's right, after several "exercises" in the battle in his dreams, Masha has been able to do this kind of thing.

Chen Guangyi's mental body immediately demonstrated the effect of the attack in an intuitive way: he hugged his head in his hands, knelt on the ground, and let out a painful roar.


His expression and voice reminded Ma Sha of the vocabulary of the ancestors of the beast.

Ma Sha yelled at Chen Guangyi in anger: "Doctor never makes mistakes! Never! Take back your statement!"

"I take it back, I take it back!" Chen Guangyi shouted, his voice was raised high and sharp because of the pain.

Masha let the attack continue for a few seconds before stopping.

In fact, he felt that just using an attack to wake Chen Guangyi from his dream was a good development. This point-to-stop approach can make Chen Guangyi think about many things.

Masha is already a guy with a lot of experience playing with other people's minds.

However, Chen Guangyi did not wake up from the "nightmare", and Ma Sha did not know why.

Although there is still an option to maintain the attack until the spinning top naturally stops, Ma Sha is afraid that if he continues to attack like this, Chen Guangyi's spirit is really crippled.

He didn't know how much Chen Guangyi's intelligence was. The mental defensive ability is linked to intelligence. If Chen Guangyi's intelligence is relatively low, it is hard to say how long he can resist.

Turning Chen Guangyi into a vegetative or mentally handicapped not only loses a high-level flying power, but also makes 404 feel that Ma Sha is not up to the task of head of the 800 organ.

This is not okay, Ma Sha doesn't want to have a person squatting over her head to take care of herself.

After all, Ma Sha, who "indulges and loves freedom all his life", most dislikes being controlled by others.

After finishing the attack, Ma Sha looked down at Chen Guangyi, who was kneeling.

In fact, he used his advantage of being the actual manipulator of the dream, so that the image of him, Anna, directly grew a few centimeters taller.

So Chen Guangyi feels like being overlooked by a giant.

It was not an illusion caused by some mental state, but that Anna in this dream had grown bigger.

But now Chen Guangyi has no leeway to distinguish these things.

Giant Anna looked down at Chen Guangyi and said, "Do you understand? Your aerial combat ability is nothing in front of us. As long as you sleep, I can turn you into a zombie who listens to me at any time."

Actually not, but Chen Guangyi would not know.

"So, your ability is not a big deal. If you can't seize the opportunity to upgrade yourself and stand at a higher place, there will be no place for you in the shadow organization. If you reject the path that the doctor has given you, He would only shake his head, not even sigh, because there is no need to regret it."

At this time, Chen Guangyi was pregnant with a resentment against the shadows.

——Damn, I thought the film was a promising organization, but it turned out to be the same as that of Masha!

——No, Dr. Shadow still has a bit of foresight, this big breasted woman is just an idiot!

——I am the first person in air combat in Greater China!

——I have won two thousand simulation battles!

——Dare to say that my ability is worthless? snort! It seems that Dr. Shadow is nothing more than that. He would let such a stupid woman even be responsible for contacting me!

——However, this woman's abilities are indeed very powerful. Now this is probably in my dream, I can't act rashly, just follow her, pretend to be grateful for Dr. Shadow's favor, and pretend to belong to the Shadow Organization.

——Look at me as a double-sided spy, selling information on both sides, taking advantage of both sides, treating both of you as my puppets, and finally designing a game that will hurt both of you and my fisherman will benefit!

——Well, it’s awesome.

Chen Guangyi was imagining the future beautifully, and suddenly a thought ran into his mind: "But this stupid woman is right. If I were directly attacked by a high-level superpower with simple and rude abilities, I would be easily wiped out. Yes. My hard power is still a bit lacking in order to make a profit for the fisherman."

But after another thought, he was relieved immediately.

——The stupid woman said that Dr. Shadow never makes mistakes. Dr. Shadow thinks I have the opportunity to continue to improve, and I do.

——Hmph, since I have this opportunity, then I will definitely be able to seize it. I don’t believe in seizing the opportunity. It’s rare to win in continuous air combat simulations in the entire region!

Although Chen Guangyi maintained a kneeling posture with his head down, looking sad, but the more he thought about it, the happier he became, and even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend upwards.

So he lowered his head lower, pretending to be more submissive, thinking that this would conceal the smile on his face.

However, Masha saw it very clearly.

After all, this is a dream, or a dream operated by Masha.

He can actually observe Chen Guangyi without blind spots.

——Looking at his expression, he was hooked.

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