"If it is a magic weapon, it may indeed be possible to achieve cross-plane communication. However, this thing is a hand shape, I don't think it may have that function." Masha turned to look at Chihiro, "You don't have this in your impression. A superpower with a magic weapon, right?"

Chihiro shook his head.

Shelley shook his head at the same time.

It seems that neither of those who have ever served in the world government are impressed.

——Well, the possibility of being a wild magic weapon is also very high.

——Furthermore, I have a very high intelligence attribute. If this thing is a magic weapon, it should show some clues when appraising it.

Ma Sha once again confirmed the explanatory text of the bronze hand, and the plain explanatory text did not reveal any problems at all.

Shelley: "How about I cut my hand to try, Xiao Shi has gained a lot of faith points after the last attack, right?"

Earlier, Ma Sha performed a fight with his left and right hands, and then asked Xiao Shi to heal the wounded. Although this activity consumed a lot of faith points, the faith points received afterwards completely exceeded the consumption, which was pure profit.

Build a temple to enshrine Xiao Shi to harvest faith value can’t wait any longer!

In short, now, as Shelley said, even if the bronze hand was not connected to Shelley's severed hand, Xiao Shi can directly regenerate Shelley's severed limb.

Ma Sha looked at Shelley: "Although it can be severed to regenerate, but...this is quite painful, and we don't have a specialized anesthesiologist here, so it may not be able to control the pain."

Ma Sha inherited the supplies that the Saloman Snake had hoarded in the army, and then moved all the way, and took a lot of time to pick up a lot of supplies back. Of course, there is anesthetic.

But anesthesia is not that simple, or the profession of anesthesiologists would not be specially set up in the hospital.

Shelley: "It's okay. I know some anesthesia myself. If Xiao Shi comes, the cutting should be very fast and not too painful."

Xiao Shi: "I can really give you a good time."

"Wait, Xiao Shi, don't you think there is something wrong with your statement?" Ma Sha reminded.

Xiao Shi looked serious: "It's okay? If I come to the chief, it will indeed be painful and happy."

Ma Sha was stunned for a second before saying, "That... is it a joke?"

Xiao Shi's face flushed red: "No, it's not... I was indeed wrong at the beginning, I want to conceal it... You can't be over if you laugh obediently!"

Party secretary: "Well, don't interact. Since Shelley is so happy, please give her a good time!"

Shelley: "Well, come and have a good time!"

Bai Quan: "Don't be happy! What I hate the most is the feature of Chinese. A word can have so much meaning based on context, tone, or something! It's annoying! Let us worry about those of us whose mother tongue is not Chinese. !"

Qianxun looked at Bai Quan with a look of surprise: "I think you have mastered Chinese very well."

"Yes, but it's still annoying."

"But, don't you Japanese also use Seyana and Maggie Baku Nai to express different meanings?"

Chihiro asked rhetorically.

Xiao Shi nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, recent female high school students seem to like to use the same word to express different meanings."

——Miss, are you also a female high school student?

——I remember you still have one month to become an overdue female high school student, right?

Bai Quan: "Xiao Shi, aren't you also a female high school student!

"It's such an interesting woman who excluded herself from the female high school student in such a calm manner."

"Ah, I know this stalk!" The Tuanzhishu was watching the play next to him, and suddenly interrupted at this time, "This is the story from the "Islander Daily Life of Female High School Students" that was broadcast recently!"

Shelley: "Hey, I have made up my mind to break my arm, you guys be serious.

"You are like this, I'm going to regret it."

"Don't!" Ma Sha hurriedly said, "We are serious, we are serious. Let's prepare now."

So Shelley completed a series of preparations for disinfection and anesthesia with a bronze hand on his ankle.

Ma Sha and a group of girls watched Shelley push the anesthetic into their arms. They were infected by Shelley's expression. They didn't even dare to show one of them.

Xiao Shi took out the saber that he had come to China with, and carefully disinfected the blade with alcohol.

Shelley sat down on the chair and put his arterial hand on the cutting board that Masha found.

Party secretary: "Obviously it's a very serious occasion. I can't stand the cutting board, so can't I change something to pad it?"

"What's the matter? Not all pork cuts in the market are cut on this kind of cutting board."

"That... Forget it, Shelley has no objection and I have no objection."

Shelley bit a small piece of wood and nodded to Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi stared at the cutting board for a few seconds, as if finally accepting the fact that her favorite knife was going to cut the meat on the board of this vegetable market, and came to Shelley to stand.

When it was said that it was too late, the knife flashed, and the next moment, Xiao Shi's knife was embedded in the cutting board.

Shelley's hand dropped to the ground, and Gurulu rolled to Baiquan's feet.

To be honest, this scene is still a bit hard-core, many girls are showing off their faces and covering their mouths.

Shelley suddenly shouted: "My king's power!"

Ma Sha couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere improved greatly for a while.

As soon as Xiao Shi pulled the knife out of the cutting board, Shelley let go of the copper hand on Shelley's ankle, rushed up Shelley's body quickly, and received Shelley's arm.

Shera rolled her eyes suddenly, and she fell backward.

Xiao Shi's eyes were quick, and she directly grabbed Shelley, so she didn't let her fall from the stool to the ground.

Ma Sha stepped forward and checked Shelley's condition with concern.

Xiao Shi: "Heart rate has increased dramatically, and my breath is short of breath. I don't think it is good."

Ma Sha once again looked at the bronze hand that had "grown" to Shelley's broken arm.

The ancient writings on the copper hands all radiated brilliance.

Ma Sha suddenly remembered the spiritual battle he had with Pharaoh's soul before.

——Wait, can it be that the soul of the previous generation master is still left in the hands of this copper?

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