At night, Yue Chen issued a military order, ordering Gao Shun as the general and Qin Shiyuan as the deputy general to lead the trapped camp and the Panshi camp out of the city to support Changzhou City and Tianchi City.

As for helping to defend the city together, or harassing in the wild, Yue Chen asked Gao Shun to adapt.

Yue Chen personally led Mu Guiying, Lu Bu, Xu Chu, Sun Shangxiang and their exclusive troops, and 5,000 ordinary cavalry, and set off overnight to Dongping Pass.

Dongping Pass, eighty miles away from Hongyan City, is the border between Hongyan City and Anguo.

There are five thousand soldiers here every day. Some time ago, in order to prepare for the war with Yue Chen, the number of soldiers here increased to ten thousand.

Ten thousand soldiers, towering city walls and thirty city-breaking crossbows made Dongping Pass like an iron wall, enough to withstand a hundred thousand troops for three months.

On the city wall, the young general Xu Yuanxin looks at the snow-capped north in high spirits.

Less than 30 years old, commanding tens of thousands of soldiers, behind him is the huge family of Anguo, and he has been friends with the emperor of Anguo since childhood, and his future prospects are limitless.

Beside Xu Yuanxin, a young lieutenant smiled and said: "General, don't look, it's so cold, look around, Yue Chen doesn't dare to appear here."

"I've been guarding here, but I can't earn military merit." Xu Yuanxin faced the flying snow in the sky, his voice was cold and murderous, and said, "I heard that Yue Chen likes to attack in winter. I hope he will come to me before Dongping Pass and let me Earn some military merit. It would be best for him to come here in person, and when the time comes, he will unscrew his head and obtain great merit. Who will dare to say that I rely on my family and His Majesty in the future."

The lieutenant smiled flatteringly: "If Yue Chen really comes, the general should be more careful, I heard that Yue Chen is also good at sneak attacks on snowy nights..."

"Hmph!" Xu Yuanxin snorted coldly, "Sneak attack? This is a checkpoint. The city is ten meters high. How could he come in with a sneak attack? A group of mobs just won a war with some luck.

Then who is Yue Chen, a dude who doesn't know the art of war or strategy, if I were in Hongyan City, I would definitely do better than him. "

The deputy general said: "What the general said is very true, how can Yue Chen compare with you, general."

Xu Yuanxin sighed with his hands behind his back: "I really hope that Your Majesty will give an order quickly. At that time, I will lead the soldiers and horses, go straight into Hongyan City, and kill Yue Chen under the horse."

The lieutenant general smiled and said: "I heard that there are already movements in the country, so it must be soon. When Yue Chen sees you coming, the general, he will go out of the city and kneel down without being scared."

"Hahahaha!" Xu Yuanxin laughed, "If he has a better attitude, maybe he can be spared first."

The deputy general smiled and said: "General, I heard that the concubine next to Yue Chen is beautiful and heavenly, and belongs to the top beauties in Yue country. When the time comes..."

"Hahaha!" The two looked at each other and laughed, Xu Yuanxin said with a smile, "That's a good proposal, that woman will be accepted as a concubine and let Yue Chen be my servant, hahahaha..."

The wind was blowing, and the wind was blowing from the north with a icy chill, and Xu Yuanxin's eyes were filled with heavy snow.

"General, it's getting cold, and this subordinate has ordered someone to warm up the wine. You should go back and rest first." The deputy general said, "This subordinate has dispatched scouts. If there is any trouble, I will report it to the general immediately."

"Well, that's very good!" Xu Yuanxin said indifferently, "I really hope that the scouts will come to report, then Yue Chen will send his troops south."

Three scouts wearing Anguo leather armor galloped through the snow on horseback.

One of the young men pointed to the forest not far away, and said, "Captain, there seems to be some movement over there, should we go into the forest and have a look?"

Another young man muttered: "What are you looking at, it's so cold, it's really hard to have enemies."

"Shut up!" The older captain scolded, "Come on, let's go together, be careful."

The three of them stopped their horses at the entrance of the forest, jumped off the horses, and stepped carefully into the forest through the snow.

More than ten meters into the forest, when the three of them carefully pushed away a bush of thorns, their pupils suddenly widened, revealing expressions full of disbelief.

The three were horrified to see that the forest was full of people and horses.

The horses are eating grass, and the people are drinking and eating dried meat. The endless people and horses have spread to the depths of the forest, and there is no end in sight.

Yue country! Enemy attack...

A series of words flooded into the minds of the three of them.

The three looked at each other and saw the shock on each other's faces.

The captain gestured cautiously, motioning the three of them to retreat slowly.

When the three of them were retreating, they bumped into one of them suddenly. The three of them turned their heads and saw a man with a ferocious face and long hair dancing wildly like a demon god, staring down at them with grins.

The muscles of the chest are poured like steel, presenting a strong sense of visual violence.

The light of the knife appeared, and the three scouts just reacted when they saw a light of the knife. The three scouts lay on the ground slowly holding their throats, their bodies twitching on the ground, their faces full of unwillingness and panic.

Facing the fear of losing your life.

"Xu Chu, what's going on!" Behind the three of them, a young voice shouted.

"Your Majesty, you are a scout from Dongping Pass!" Xu Chu replied, blood dripping from the tip of his knife on the snow.

The three people before they died saw the sunlight piercing through the gaps in the treetops and falling on the face of a young man. The sun was shining brightly, just like his young face.

"This is... Yue Chen... an enemy attack..." This thought flashed through the minds of the three of them.

The three of them closed their eyes, saw Yue Chen stepping on the snow in front of their faces, and said indifferently: "Everything is eaten, let's go, rush to Dongping Pass before dark."

Countless soldiers and horses walked out of the forest, and Yue Chen led all the soldiers on their horses.

Yue Chen rode on the horse and looked up, a young girl galloped in front of him on a steed, fell off the horse in front of Yue Chen, and said: "Your Majesty, there will be no enemy scouts within ten miles."

"Okay, tell Sun Shangxiang to continue to expand the distance and completely block the news!" Yue Chen shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The girl stepped on the horse and left quickly.

At the same time, soldiers and horses began to be mobilized in the Kingdom of Que and the Kingdom of Qing.

In particular, besides Yu Wenqing, there were three other troops that invaded the Yue Kingdom. Now these three troops began to gather in the direction of Changzhou City.

On the other side, the soldiers and horses of the Que Kingdom gathered from the southwest and stood on the city of Changzhou. Across the Yunjiang River, a large number of soldiers and horses could be seen gathering every day.

The mobilization of elites by the two countries is bound to annex the entire Yue Kingdom and strangle Yue Chen to death.

In Anguo, King An Hongyi has issued a war order. After receiving the order, countless generals began to gather in the direction of Dongping Pass.

Night, Dongping Pass!

In the heavy snow, the entire Dongping Pass was illuminated by torches.

One kilometer outside Dongping Pass, the brigade stepped out silently, hiding in the darkness like ghosts looking at Dongping Pass from afar.

Dongping Pass, ten meters high and one thousand meters long, is a majestic pass.

On both sides of Xiongguan Pass are towering mountains.

Stepping into Dongping Pass is the boundary of Anguo.

Murderous intent slowly emerged from Yue Chen's body...

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