Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 446 Slaughtering the Barbarian Tribes

"Why can't I find it? It shouldn't be. My people, but I saw Yue Chen enter the territory of the barbarians with my own eyes."

The Holy Son looked at the distant sky and murmured constantly.

Long Hai smiled and said: "Son, don't worry, let's try to find Yue Chen, it seems to be quite fun, don't you think so?"

"Hehehe!" Shengzi calmed down, continued to maintain his profound and wise image, and said with a smile, "Yes, it seems that Yue Chen wants to play with us, so let's play. Please also His Highness Long Hai prepare What a master, when we find Yue Chen, we will tell him that he can't escape."

Long Hai smiled and said, "On this point, please rest assured, Holy Son."

. . . . . . . .

The howling cold wind scraped people's faces like knives.

Yue Chen had been to the barbarian territory once before, and now he re-entered, he still felt the bone-chilling cold.

Now Yue Chen is in a forest in a mountain range.

Two days have passed since Yue Chen left the customs.

During the past two days, Yue Chen has been working day and night, marching hundreds of miles.

It's night now, and it's pitch black.

Fortunately, everyone is a warrior and has a certain night vision ability.

Yue Chen saw that the surrounding soldiers turned red from being frozen.

Fortunately, it's just colder.

For this exit, Yue Chen made full preparations,

The white cloaks of the soldiers are all sewn with the fur of monsters, and they have a good effect of keeping warm.

Inside the armor, there are also underwear woven with the fluff of third-level monsters. These underwear can effectively insulate the temperature outside the body.

In addition, Yue Chen also prepared enough wine and dried meat for the soldiers.

In the forest, Yue Chen is not allowed to make a fire to keep warm.

Now, the soldiers hold the wine in one hand and eat the jerky in the other, relying on the strength of the wine and the energy of the jerky to replenish their body's consumption.

The Snow Cloud Beast moved forward slowly in the snow, and finally reached the end of the forest.

Beside Yue Chen, Jia Xu relied on his powerful memory to draw a map along the way.

A scout drove a snow cloud beast from a distance and came to the front of Yue Chen, riding a snow cloud beast and worshiped: "Your Majesty, there is a small tribe of 3,000 people ahead, and the patriarch is a war king. Among them, there are 100 war spirits, and the rest can't see their strength, but according to the strength of the barbarians, the subordinates think that they are at least war masters. Three hundred of them are children."

In the freezing temperature, Yue Chen grinned coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The bone-chilling words were slowly spit out from Yue Chen's mouth: "Don't stay behind."

Bai Qi lowered his voice and said slowly: "Generals, come forward and discuss."

The scout stepped forward first, and spread out the temporarily drawn map in front of Bai Qi and the others...

After half a quarter of an hour.

Accompanied by Jia Xu and Wei Zhongxian, Yue Chen appeared on a small hillside.

There is a mountain in front of Yue Chen, and the bottom of the mountain is the tribe of the barbarians.

Their tribe lives in caves and lives by hunting and fruit that grows in the cold winter.

Bai Qi and other generals led their exclusive troops and surrounded them quietly.

At night, the barbarian's snoring sounded like muffled thunder.

Yue Chen suspected that even if the movement of the exclusive troops was louder, it would not be able to wake up this group of barbarians.

They are too sleepy.

Yue Chen saw a soldier touch a hole and slowly raised his long knife in the darkness.

The long knife slashed down, blood splashed from the darkness.

Then, the corporal leader followed, put the corpse into the storage ring, and continued to move forward.

"Hush!" Yue Chen suddenly saw that the barbarian's nose started to move.

Wei Zhongxian said softly: "Your Majesty, the nose of a barbarian is like a dog's nose. I'm afraid it smells like a human."

As Wei Zhongxian's words fell, as expected, some barbarians were awakened, shouting: "Human race!"

More and more barbarians smelled the human race in their sleep, and then woke up drooling.

Bai Qi yelled coldly: "There's no need to hide, just kill with all your strength."

The army surged, and the long sword swung out, killing the barbarians like cutting melons and vegetables...

The leader of the barbarian war king had just woken up when he was shot in the head by Huang Zhong's bow and arrow.

Half an hour later, the battlefield was cleaned up.

Everyone gathered around Yue Chen again.

Yue Chen asked Bai Qi: "Qing thinks, should we push this mountain? This way others won't know that so many barbarians died."

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, I think that we should try our best not to use our strength, lest there be unworldly masters nearby. The location is remote, no one will pay attention, even if someone pays attention, we will not be here long ago."

Yue Chen nodded, and asked again: "Next, where shall we go?"

Bai Qi said: "I feel that you should not go too deep into the southeast."

"Okay, let's go southeast."

For the next six days, Yue Chen and his party went out day and night, only attacking the barbarian tribes.

During the six days, Yue Chen appeared like a ghost, taking random shots against the tribes he killed.

Sometimes, there are obviously barbarian tribes in the passing area, but Yue Chen chooses not to kill them.

In this way, even if the barbarians find that a tribe has been wiped out, it will be difficult to determine Yue Chen's marching trajectory through the wiped out tribe.

Moreover, Yue Chen doesn't even know the trajectory of the next march every time, and chooses it randomly.

During the day, Yue Chen hid in the forest, watching flocks of snowbirds flying over the forest.

During these six days, for Long Hai and Shengzi, Yue Chen seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Finally, on the evening of the sixth day, Shu Lan came to report: "Your Highness, when the scouts we sent were searching for Yue Chen, they found the exterminated tribe.

All the members of these tribes disappeared, but where they died, there were dried blood everywhere. "

"Yue Chen, kill my barbarian civilians?" Long Hai frowned slightly, "How many did you kill?"

Shu Lan handed over a map and said, "I have marked it on it, Your Highness, please take a look."

A map is full of messy red dots.

Between the red dot and the red dot, there are clearly tribes, but they are still alive.

Shu Lan said: "There are not many found now, only these six tribes."

"His Royal Highness, what can you see?" Long Hai couldn't figure it out, so he had to throw the question to Shengzi.

Shengzi picked up the map, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "This means that Yue Chen has been active in these areas."

Long Hai thought to himself, are you talking nonsense?

The Holy Son shouted in a deep voice: "Your Highness, we must step up our efforts. If Yue Chen is allowed to kill like this, your barbarian civilians may be killed. I suggest that you send a large army to block all important checkpoints. Then closely monitor the air.

If Yue Chen is not found, he will continue to slaughter. "

Long Hai nodded solemnly.

No one would feel sorry for some barbarians who died.

But if too many people die, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people die, then something serious will happen.

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