The earth is about to end, and at some point there were rumors in the European celebrity society, and at the same time they were frantically buying boat tickets, but it was a pity that they were hard to find. The first batch of tickets has been sold out, and the second batch of large-scale ticket sales will have to wait for some time.

These abnormal phenomena have exacerbated the popularity of conspiracy theories. Fortunately, more people just hope to live a good life.

Juanjiang was stunned when she got the ticket, but she knew that the price of the ticket was worth her salary for several years, she never thought that she could go on an adventure with her brother on the Kuafu. But the girl in front of her, her younger brother's ex-girlfriend, suddenly gave her the ticket, which made her have to look at Louise again.

Louise is not a bad girl, although she is a bit willful, but she is a real eldest lady, some small willfulness is just a little embellishment to her.

"I know that Shaci has become a crew member of the Kuafu, so I hope we can all support him. Although it is late, I hope to make up for the damage I caused you." Louise decided after thinking about it. I said this because telling the truth might make Juanjiang give up the opportunity.

Because Juanjiang is a media person with a conscience, she didn't even care about her own life in order to pursue the truth about heaven and man. If she knew that Kuafu was a spaceship used to escape, then she would definitely not leave, but would use her identity as a reporter to announce the truth.

Juanjiang didn't know what to say, the Louise in front of her had grown up, she was completely different from the childish young lady a few years ago, maybe she really regretted it.

Are you traveling with your brother? It didn't seem like a bad choice: "Thank you." This was sincere, because Juanjiang didn't want to part with his brother, and accepted the bound boat ticket. The boat ticket is a device that looks like a mobile phone. Its only function is to board the boat. The boat ticket can only be used by one person, and once bound, it cannot be exchanged.

Louise breathed a sigh of relief, she was still afraid that Juanjiang would not accept it. That's good, and then they will all be able to leave the earth on the Kuafu.

Sha Ci was desperate. After reading the information left by Kent, he found that the current technology of human beings is really completely unable to defeat the cosmic monsters. Cosmic monsters have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers alone. The number of ordinary monsters about half a kilometer away is more than the total human population, not to mention those three-kilometer, five-kilometer, and eight-kilometer fortress-level cosmic monsters. beat.

Of course, Shaci’s pessimistic sentiments are not completely correct. Cosmic monsters are indeed powerful, but they are still living creatures. Human laser shocks are effective means of attack. If there are nuclear bombs and antimatter missiles, this battle is not impossible. . Although human beings are small, the spaceships they build are definitely not simple. Take the Kuafu as an example. In order to strengthen the huge hull, the outer shell is made of special alloys. There will be no gaps, the atomic nucleus is completely locked by the force, and can theoretically resist any physical attack.

The advantage of human beings lies in the technology tree that can be continuously improved, and the evolution of space monsters cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Sha Ci thought it would be great if he didn't know anything. He is just an ordinary person. After knowing the big secret, what else can he do except feel uneasy? He couldn't do anything, at this moment he couldn't help thinking of Setsuna. Although I don't agree with Setsu's idea of ​​using violence to control violence, I have to admit that Setsu is a man of action. Even if he steps into hell, he can move forward without fear, but Sha Ci cannot do this.

If Setsuna is still there, maybe he doesn't have to worry so much, he will definitely know what to do.

In fact, heaven and man are also discussing fiercely about the future decision at this time. The prospect of the future is bleak, and it is really difficult for people to choose a future path.

In the end, their decision was to build the Quantum 00 Gundam as soon as possible, and first investigate the reality of the space monsters. If you can fight, you don't have to give up the earth. If you can't fight, you can only escape.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

So it's meaningless to talk too much, and Setsuna decided to investigate first.

In the World War, Celestial Beings hardly played a role, that is, in the final decisive battle, the MS team that held back the changer appeared. Because they are really unwilling to help the powerful New Earth Federation, they still think that they should stand on the side of the weak.

This also allowed them to preserve enough strength, and the construction speed of Quantum 00 far exceeded the progress. The new Gundam for Setsuna, the Nature Transformer, is in its final stages, and he's still the only way to make contact with the aliens.

Setsuna is ready, he has been waiting, he will give everything for the peace of the earth, this time and if he can stop the space monsters, he is willing to give his life.

Seeing that Quantum 00 is getting closer to completion, it becomes calmer in an instant, and all kinds of adaptation training are completed with full marks. Let the colleagues around you see it secretly, is this a changer?

It's just that Setsu is only in his early twenties, yet he has to bear so many responsibilities, the expression on his face is getting colder and colder. Only when he saw the leaving gift from Princess Marina, his expression would melt. It was a small yellow flower that would not wither, a rare plant in the desert, and it was also a proof of the friendship between him and Princess Marina.

Setsuna will take this little yellow flower and go outside the Milky Way together.

However, when Quantum 00 entered the final critical moment, they got a bad news. The behind-the-scenes funders of Tianren are asking whether the rumors that Tianren has recently circulated among celebrities are true, and whether the earth is really dead. saved?

These people have been silently contributing money and efforts to the heavens and humans for two hundred years, for a better world, but suddenly someone told them that the world is coming to an end, human beings will be destroyed, and their mentality collapsed.

I originally thought that after the emergence of the first changer in heaven and man, human beings will enter the era of great development. At that time, these capitalists will also be able to make a fortune and even continue to guide the new world. But it is like this, the huge investment has been paid for.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

It is not ruled out that some donors purely want to promote human evolution, but more donors still hope to benefit from the "big evolution".

Now the benefits have not yet been obtained, but life is hard to live on. They are already giving face to the gods by not betraying the gods. No matter what, they must ask for an explanation.

This is wronging the heavens and humans, and the heavens and humans are also very desperate, and the cosmic monsters are not brought in by them.

Naturally, Heavenly Man couldn't give an explanation, but the attitude of Heavenly Man also made the funders believe that the situation was beyond the control of Heavenly Man, that is to say, it was unwise for them to continue betting on Heavenly Man. In an instant, the sufficient capital chain of Heaven and Man was broken, and the finishing work of Quantum 00 had to be interrupted.

This made the heavens and humans dumbfounded, and they all said that they only saw through the true colors of these benefactors now. If the secret of evolution is mastered by these benefactors, God knows what the world will be like.

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