Over the Atlantic Ocean, the New Lonely Castle is floating, and the huge figure has become a rare spectacle for some crew members. If they can see the huge Superman logo, it means that they will all be lucky in the future. While the new Castle of Solitude hasn't been around for long, superstitious claims have already been made.

The crew who had seen the Lonely Castle exaggerated the sightings to show their luck. But in this way, all the ships traveling in the Atlantic hope to see this superman's castle. Unfortunately, the Lonely Castle is also moving and will not stay on the route for a long time. So it can be said to be lucky if you encounter it.

O'Neill stood on the edge of the castle, looking at the blue water below, his thoughts stirred up waves. They are now standing on the crystallization of the great Kryptonian technology. Everywhere in this castle needs crystals to open it. There are no lines or pipelines in the entire castle. It is more perfect than the most advanced space station on Earth.

"Captain, what are you looking at?" The only girl in the team, a traditional blonde beauty, of course this does not mean that Kimberly is a vase, she has a high degree of education and is the doctor in the team. Kimberly had heard about O'Neill's deeds. He was a member of the Marine Corps. He had made many military exploits in the Middle East battlefield and saved many people. He was a celebrity in the army.

"Doctor, why did you come out? It's very windy outside." O'Neill was obviously a bit machismo, thinking that women should accept his own care.

"Captain, you are really a gentleman." Kimberly said: "But don't forget, I will go to another world with you soon. I think this little sea breeze is nothing compared to the possible danger of another world. "

Such a strong girl, O'Neill is the worst at dealing with such a girl, so he can only smile wryly.

Kimberly felt that O'Neill had a lot of flavor, which was different from the boys she knew in the city: "Captain, what do you think we will meet this time?"

O'Neill shook his head. Before he came, he had been interviewed by a general in the Pentagon. This time he was chosen because of the general's strong recommendation. The general showed him the report of the last crossing by the Chinese team. The content was appalling. All human beings died and came back to life. O'Neill didn't believe it at all at the time, thinking that this might be an illusion that the Chinese team saw in a different world, but the general said with certainty that it was true.

Although the report is top secret, the more top secret the content, the better the price. Anyway, it was a mission report, and the Chinese diplomats exchanged this report for the result of lowering the tax rate of some Chinese export commodities, which was a good deal.

The general explained the complexity and danger of the mission to O'Neill. Last time, the Chinese were lucky enough to go with Superman. This time there is no Superman. No matter what problems they encounter, they need to solve them by themselves.

"Doctor, I don't know what will happen to me, before arriving in another world, no one knows what will happen in another world.

"O'Neill said: "But I will protect you, which is also one of my tasks. "

Kimberly showed a hearty smile: "I'm a doctor, you all need my protection."

"Yes, doctor, you are right." O'Neill, who was strong and strong, surrendered to the girl: "Are Tommy and Billy still inspecting the explorer spaceship?"

"Yeah, they're seeing a spaceship for the first time, and they're going to be pilots soon," Kimberly said.

O'Neill understands their feelings.

There are nine Explorer spacecraft, and the number nine is assigned to the US team.

"Speaking of which, this place is really amazing. The place we are now is actually built with Superman's technology, and we will see Superman in a while." Speaking of Superman, Kimberly immediately became a fan girl: "I don't know if Superman is As tall as in the video."

O'Neill was speechless. In fact, he was also looking forward to meeting Superman, who is Superman, the hero who saved the earth several times: "If my son knows that I can meet Superman, I'm afraid he will go crazy."

"Are you married?" Kimberly was surprised now. She thought O'Neill was a loner, because there was an air of I am lonely and no one understands me from him. She never thought that he even had a child. up.

"Already five years old." Olney smiled: "Doctor, how about you, are you still single?"

"I have been married once, have no children, and have been divorced for a year." Kimberly said, "I was surprised, I didn't see that you are still a man who takes care of the family."

"My son likes Superman very much. I think I can work with Superman this time, maybe I can take a photo with Superman." O'Neal's tough guy appearance is very delicate, maybe this is why he was chosen to be the captain.

"If you need to take a group photo, there is no problem at all, and I can also provide an autograph." Kent is so good at hearing, he has already heard what they chatted: "I hope there is no suggestion, sometimes I will be angry with myself, why is my hearing It's so good."

Superman? ! The two stared at the red cloak fluttering in the sky with gaping mouths, and their eyes were uncontrollably excited. Kimberly's eyes turned into little stars, because that was Superman.

"Do you need a group photo?" Kent slowly landed and stood in front of the two of them: "Hello."

"Hello." Olney stammered. Even if he is used to seeing big scenes, no matter whether it is an advanced tank or a million-dollar armed helicopter, no kind of advanced equipment is more exciting than seeing Superman.

Superman represents this unattainable height for human beings.

"I'll ask Tommy and Billy to come over, and we'll take a photo together." Kimberly came back to his senses, and immediately thought that this should be a big event for the whole team.

When Tommy and Billy heard that they had the opportunity to take a photo with Superman, they rushed over immediately, and shook hands with Kent after wiping their hands. Kent is used to it. People who see Superman for the first time are basically in this state.

A group photo, a photo with the squad, and then a separate photo with everyone.

Seeing this scene, Joseph was speechless, thinking that young people are young people, and they are not stable at all. But he didn't stop them either, these four people were about to go on a dangerous mission, let them be willful before they set off.

The arrival of Superman means that the mission is about to begin.

"You should have read the travel instructions I wrote, right?" Kent asked.

Everyone nodded, including the driving instructions of the spaceship, how to contact Lonely Castle in case of trouble, and when to go home.

"So are you ready?"

Ready to go anytime. The faces of the four of them became serious, and they all knew that it was time to leave.

During this time, Kent has been running all over the universe, and the scabbard has been calculating how to exploit the loopholes in the multiverse. Now she has obtained a lot of coordinates, and she is waiting to send them over.

Let's go now. Kent pierced a crystal into the console, and a lake light appeared in the crossing gate in the hall, and finally opened completely. When the four people drove the spaceship out of the tunnel and were about to enter the lake, Kimberly suddenly said, "Superman, why is this building called the Castle of Solitude?"

Kent was taken aback, but he still said, "You will understand when you go to the other side." That kind of loneliness cannot be explained, Kent is even more lonely than Superman in the original book.

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