Tony's unmanned steel suit blocked several entrances to Times Square, establishing a front against the dead.

And New York City is already in chaos. If you look down, you can see that the streets are full of black shadows surging, as if several black currents are converging in one direction.

All the five sense organs of the undead controlled by the black light emit black light, and the black light of the ring itself is particularly ominous.

da da da da...

The battle on the front began, and the mass-produced unmanned steel suits took the lead in attacking. These unmanned steel suits were armed with very primitive weapons, only machine guns.

Bullets hitting the dead seem to be very effective and can cause a lot of damage, but the number of undead is much greater than the number of bullets.

"Impossible?!" When Iron Man arrived, he saw that his unmanned iron suit had been almost destroyed, and the combat power of the dead was unexpectedly powerful. All Souls climbed onto the Iron Suit and tore it apart.

"They don't feel pain, they don't fear, and more importantly, they don't fear death." Hal said in a deep voice, he knew that the Black Lantern Legion was hard to resist, and now everyone should face up to the enemy's strength.

Iron Man gritted his teeth: "Damn undead." As he spoke, the arm armor of Iron Clothes snapped up to reveal the weapons inside: "I will send you back to where you should go."

Whoops,'s a missile.


Aiming for the place where the shadows are thickest, Tony hoped that the explosion would wipe out the most enemies. For a moment, the smell of decay mixed with the smoke of the explosion rose, and the undead of the Black Lantern Legion were blown to pieces.

But would the undead be afraid of death? Fear of death is not a good undead.

Therefore, missiles that can kill huge damage to human beings are just a reasonable weapon for undead, just okay. The undead did not stay at all, and had turned Times Square into a dance floor for the undead.

"I may never come here again in the future." All kinds of disgusting corpses were crowded together, and Tony almost vomited. Now they are temporarily safe in the sky, and he really doesn't want to fight with the undead.

Hawkeye, Captain America, and Banner also arrived, and the Avengers were assembled, but the situation was terrible.

The thought that they would be surrounded by rotting corpses later made everyone feel bad. Tony made up his mind that this set of armor would be scrapped after this battle. He didn't want to use a steel suit that smelled like corpses.

"We must find the white lamp first, our task is not to fight." The US team said: "Hal, what can you do?"

"I think the white light should be underground. I think I can scan the underground space, but I need time." Hal's ring can be transformed into any instrument, and naturally it can be transformed into a powerful scanner.

"Okay, I and others will buy you time." That's it, Hal went to find Bai Deng, and the others supported: "Let's go!"

As expected of the US team who waded through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, facing the disgusting enemy, he didn't change his face, and rushed out with his shield up.

The Hulk is also here. In this crisis, Banner can only rely on the Hulk, kill!

Natasha put on the super armor, and her combat power is not inferior to Hulk, so she is naturally the first. A few people killed a disgusting path of carrion from the undead, stepping on broken bones and rotten flesh, fighting with the stench, this battlefield is really the worst.

"..." In the universe, surrounded by the black lantern ring, the Black Death Emperor learned about the war situation on the earth through the ring. There are a group of good fighters on the earth, who can delay the black lantern army.

But since the white lamp is on the earth, no matter what the enemy is, he must submit to the darkness: "These fighters are good, maybe they can be used." Ordinary corpse digging is too time-consuming, and now it's time to show another kind of black lamp ring. The power is up - control the living.

The Avengers are good excavators, and the Black Death Emperor hiding in the dark showed a cruel smile.

A few rings fell from the ring group, and it was the black ring that was going to capture the enemy.

The Avengers are not aware of the crisis, they are just fighting. Tony's arms released two lightsabers, which are the technology of the New Republic. Obviously, he was the first to apply advanced alien technology to the steel suit.

The undead can't resist the slashing of the lightsaber. In fact, Tony's temper is not good at close combat, but because the laser gun's penetrating power is too strong, in order to avoid accidental injury, it is better to fight in close combat first.

Captain America's shield is even more powerful. Usually a set of combos can knock down a dozen enemies, and even throw a flying shield with ten combos among the enemy group.

Of course, the most eye-catching one is still the Hulk. When the Hulk hit the ground, all the enemies around him fell to the ground; when the Hulk clapped his hands, all the hundreds of enemies in front of him were blown away; Either to mud or to ashes.

Hulk shows the simple aesthetics of violence in the simplest way. The enemy is just a prop for him to display violence, and he only cares about himself and his teammates.

Although Natasha is not bad, but her movement is not as exaggerated as Hulk, but she is definitely second only to Hulk in the number of kills. She holds a car as a shield and uses dashes everywhere to create a powerful attack for the surrounding people. Teammates relieve stress.

With such combat power, it's no wonder that the Black Death Emperor used it to dig the ground.

The ring came, and Hulk was the first to bear the brunt. He didn't even notice that his finger was already caught by the ring: "Hey——"

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened, but they saw Hulk's eyes releasing black light, and the black light logo appeared in the eyeballs, exactly the same as those of the dead.

Even Hal was shocked now, he didn't know that the black lamp ring could control living people: "Everyone be careful!" Then everyone saw that there was still a ring.

The US team decisively took out the shield, and the shield collided with the ring, breaking the ring into pieces.

But Tony was a step behind and was locked up, but through the steel suit, the effect of the black light ring seemed not obvious. As for the ring that rushed towards Natasha, it was shot away by the quick-sighted Hawkeye and fixed on the wall with his precise archery. Poor Hawkeye himself was controlled, sacrificing himself for others.

Hawkeye considered it this way, being controlled by himself was less harmful than Natasha being controlled, so he decisively saved Natasha.

In the blink of an eye, half of the Avengers stand turned into enemies.

"Ah——" Hawkeye was in pain, because the black lamp ring can gain power by devouring emotions.

And Hal, who is being pursued by the Black Lantern Ring. The Black Lantern Ring can chase the enemy's emotions, unless it is destroyed or cut off the tracking, otherwise the Black Lantern Ring will never stop.

"Roar!" Hulk released a burst of black energy from the green, and with a loud roar, the surrounding undead were shaken.

And Hawkeye looked at his ring, and said slowly: "The darkest night covers the sky, and one fades and the other grows and swallows up the darkness. Cutting out the heart and soul..." Hawkeye's voice became louder and louder, and finally held high arm, shouted like a roar: "...You are dead, the undead has returned to the black hand slave——"

The undead were also disturbed by the poem, all raised their heads and howled silently. This is a black world, and human beings have no hope at all.

But the light is needed in the darkness. The more desperate you are, the more you can't give up hope. Finally, Hal, who is being chased by the black ring, no longer escapes. Escape. Heretics rebel against the party, fear my divine light. The green light is always on, and everything shines—”

Hal wants to tell everyone that there are other colors between the sky and the earth, the world will not be swallowed by darkness, the strong green light is inspired by Hal's will, and New York has become forgiving.

Finally getting rid of the black ring, Hal's outburst of will cut off other emotions, making the black ring lose its goal.

"Green Lantern, your light will eventually be swallowed by darkness." Hawkeye was possessed by the Black Death Emperor, and he conveyed his disdain for Green Lantern's will through Hawkeye.

Yes, the green light will eventually dim, and finally the darkness will still fill everything, but there is at least one place where the darkness cannot occupy.

As the green light fades, darkness regains the upper hand. Hal can't do anything, he can only helplessly look at the darkness that is about to return, and his will really can't get rid of the darkness for everyone.

"Does your darkness also want to devour us? Wishful thinking!" Boom! In the green light, the tentacles of the darkness are blocked. They are the aliens who have shielded the earth people time and time again, and this time they will also tear the darkness with their hands.

"Earth is not a place where you can run wild." Kent flicked his cloak, and the sky lit up again, illuminating him and the Justice League around him.

Wonder Woman and Supergirl are flying, Batman and Flash are standing on the Bat-Plane, and the five of them line up in a line, grandly appearing in the darkness.

And the light is the light on the Bat-fighter, illuminating the Justice League and piercing the darkness.

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