The half-lying machine No. 1 was roaring, its one eye fixed on where Superman was, and it released the AT force field with its mouth.

The AT force field can be offensive or defensive, and can appear in various forms. It can be a physical impact, or it can absorb surrounding heat and release a destructive death light attack.

Now the No. 1 machine released the impacting AT force field on Superman, and the force field the size of the train section appeared in front of Kent at the speed of sound, and hit Kent mercilessly.

It's really a powerful blow, this kind of long-range attack is not easy. But for the first machine, this is only the most basic attack, as long as the back plug is unplugged, it can be released all the time.

"Roar—" Seeing that his attack was useless, Machine No. 1 stood up and waved at Superman, grabbed Superman, and then held Superman in front of Duo's eyes, as if he wanted to crush Superman to death.

You have to feel everything, the AT force field has felt it, now feel the grip of the first machine.

It feels like being caught between two trains, which is great but not enough to kill Superman. Unit 1 has been working hard, but Superman doesn't seem to be affected.

The neuron man looked at the chaotic Superman and fell silent. What on earth is he going to do? Superman's comfortable appearance made them even wonder if Unit 1 was being merciful, otherwise why would Superman behave like this when he was caught in his hands?

Almost felt the grip, then Kent was leaving too. With strength in all four limbs, he gradually opened the clenched fists of Unit 1.

The bones of the No. 1 machine could be heard moaning 'clack', which was the abnormal sound of being forced to push.

On the other hand, Ganata's battle against the apostles is also gratifying. The AT force field has been pierced by her wide-area laser. Ganata combined ten wide-area rays into a huge beam of light and pierced through the AT force field. Now she is preparing to absorb the apostle, the second coming of the purple light.

This time, she wanted to chew slowly, so she didn't have a sip, but let out several purple rays to absorb different parts of the apostle separately, and feel the taste of different parts of the apostle.

Watching the apostle disintegrate in the light little by little, the human beings were beyond shocked. This girl is a monster more terrifying than the apostle.

The apostle felt that something was wrong, and the staunch apostle couldn't bear to be swallowed, so he put the S2 mechanism into full operation and wanted to give Ganata the last gift.

There is no need to aim, because Ganata is flying in front of the apostle, but only a hundred meters away.

So all the energy is released, the AT force field is fully opened, and the cross explosion covers Ganata. The apostle will never be defeated by greedy gluttonous appetite, and the apostle also has dignity.

The explosion that was more intense than before evaporated all the surrounding buildings, but did not interrupt the purple light absorption. Several rays of absorbed light aimed at the S2 mechanism on the apostle's chest.

After the light, only the drooling Ganata appeared on the screen. The heavy blow given by S2 not only did not hurt Ganata, but increased her appetite greatly. The blood red ball seemed to be the most delicious part.

Then let's eat!

For foodies, this moment is short-lived but blissful.

"Delicious!" Ganata said that the S2 mechanism is really delicious, it tastes great, and it is rich in nutrition. Ganata feels more powerful.

In this way, the S2 mechanism turned into particles of energy under the irradiation of purple light and was swallowed by Ganata, which also represented the death of the apostle.

Through the transformation of the apostle's energy into information, Ganata saw the ancient prehistoric world, the world tree in the sky, the falling meteor, and the endless battle from the beginning of life. The earth is the arena, and the apostles have been fighting according to their instincts.

But these are not important, the important thing is that there are seventeen such delicious things, Ganata feels happy to death. Being able to eat delicious food is very happy, but what is even happier is meeting Kent. Without Kent, she herself would not be able to come to other worlds to develop food.

Ganata revels in the taste of the apostles,

Superman is enjoying wrestling with Unit 1.

Unit 1's fist was wrapped in an AT force field and punched Kent, and Kent raised his hand to catch the opponent's fist. I just feel that my hands are pinched on a very wonderful substance.

The place where the ten fingers touch should be the AT force field. It feels like cold silk, and the AT force field can be picked up when you use force.

Superman just floated in mid-air, but Unit 1's fist couldn't penetrate even an inch.

God, the girl who can devour the apostles, the superman who can fight the first machine, what is the origin of these two, and what is their purpose for human beings? Do they treat the earth as an amusement park?

Misato Katsuragi, Ritsuko Akagi, Gendo Ikari, Yukino Fuyutsuki, and the leaders of the Self-Defense Forces all remained silent. The world doesn't know what will become of it, and even Ikari Gendo suddenly realizes that he is not sure of winning, and the direction of all mankind has unknowingly fallen into the hands of Superman.

This is the meaning of power, controlling the fate of countless people.

The No. 1 machine was still attacking fiercely, repairing the severed hand and replacing it with two fists to attack continuously. The wind of the fists whistled, and Kent's cloak fluttered without stopping.

The AT force field is not as exaggerated as Kent imagined, it can be broken through with brute force, and it is not the so-called defense against any physical attack. That was the case with the runaway No. 1 machine. Kent cut off the external power supply of the No. 1 machine with a hot line of sight across the ground.

In the last five minutes, the built-in battery is only enough for the No. 1 to maneuver for five minutes.

After five minutes of frenzied bombing, Kent floated in the air without moving, letting the AT force field of No. 1 aircraft hit his body without moving. A full five minutes, but it seemed like five hours and five days to the Neuron employees. The first machine kept punching for five minutes, even the muscles were overloaded, and the fists were even more hot due to friction. For five minutes without interruption, at least thousands of punches fell on Superman, even the building behind Superman The roof of the building was about to be blown off by the wind, but Superman didn't change his face or even mess up his hair.

The apostles can be hammered into flesh. Is Superman stronger than the apostles?

Naturally, Superman's strength, speed, and strength are stronger than those of the apostles. Although the apostle's S2 mechanism can also generate endless energy, Kent, a superman who absorbs solar energy, is more domineering.

Shut down, machine No. 1 stopped moving, lowered its fists and bowed to Superman.

It was a restless night, and the neuron processing team came to the surface immediately, lifted Ikari Shinji out of the cockpit and sent him to the infirmary.

At the same time, the No. 1 machine should be recovered for repair. But more people stood where the apostle was before and stared blankly at the empty direction, wondering if they saw a fake apostle and were just absorbed by a girl? Did the self-defense force have nothing to do, and the apostle who almost hated Unit 1 was wiped out so simply? This is simply a satire on the 15-year solemnity of mankind.

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