Infinite Evolution

Chapter 7 Triple Kill!

After killing the zombies, Chu Xun continued to walk along the main road.

Since caravans would come to Chu City every three months to clean up the dangerous creatures on the avenue, creatures with a little bit of crisis instinct would avoid the avenue and sneak into the forest. In other words, as long as Chu Xun walked along the avenue, the possibility of encountering high-level zombies or mutant beasts would be much smaller.

Of course, it is only much smaller, and it is not impossible to encounter. It is said that two weeks ago, a bounty hunter team encountered some kind of terrifying creature on the avenue. The entire team of twenty-seven people did not survive, and there was even a second-order ability user among them!

So, in this world, no place is absolutely safe!

There are a lot of zombies wandering outside Chu City. Due to the virus, the dead people often turn into zombies, so these disgusting things are like weeds that can never be completely eradicated.

For Chu Xun, it is too easy to find zombies for hunting, because as long as he is within 100 meters of the zombies, the zombies with an amazing sense of smell will smell the breath of living people on him, and then they will be like mad dogs. Pounced on him.

The only problem is that no one can guarantee that there will be a few zombies rushing over!


When Chu Xun heard the familiar growl continuously from the woods beside the road, he knew that trouble was coming.

Sure enough, in the next second, three zombies rushed out from the woods beside the road. Different from the weak zombie before, these three male zombies were much bigger. Judging from the tight combat uniforms they wore, they should be zombie hunters who hunted wandering zombies outside the city for a living.

However, in this world, the identities of hunter and prey are changing all the time. If you are not careful, you will change from hunter to prey just like these zombie hunters.

At this moment, the identities of hunter and prey were also switching between Chu Xun and the three zombies.

"Three, it's hard to deal with!" Seeing the three zombies rushing towards him, Chu Xun's expression became serious. These three zombies were obviously much stronger than the herbal picker before they were alive, and their bodies were more complete, so both their strength and speed were far better than the zombie Chu Xun had encountered before.

"We must take the initiative to attack!" Chu Xun quickly came to a conclusion in his heart, because he knew that once he was surrounded by these three zombies, he would be in danger. After all, his physical strength is far from strong enough to withstand the bite of zombies.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly turned cold, and then he held the knife in his right hand, pulled out the alloy dagger from his waist with his left hand, and rushed towards the three zombies with both hands holding the blade.

"Hungry..." Seeing the delicious food rushing towards him, the three zombies obviously became more excited. They let out a burst of roar, then accelerated and rushed towards Chu Xun side by side.

Under the action of the ant gene, the muscles of Chu Xun's legs became stronger, which increased his speed to a certain extent. Soon, he rushed in front of the three zombies, and then kicked his right foot on the ground, The body that was rushing forward suddenly turned, and rushed towards the zombie on the far left.

After losing the self-protection mechanism, although the strength of the zombies has been improved, the balance ability of the body has been greatly reduced. Chu Xun suddenly changed direction, and the two zombies on the right were unable to react in time. But when they staggered to a stop and turned around to rush towards Chu Xun, Chu Xun had already arrived in front of the zombie on the far left, and then swung his knife to chop.

"Kill!" Having learned from the previous experience, Chu Xun did not choose to slash vertically this time, but directly slashed at the head of the zombie.


Driven by Chu Xun's terrifying power, the sharp steel knife streaked across a silver light, and then slashed fiercely on the zombie's head. In an instant, half of the zombie's head was cut off by the blade, and the dirty and viscous brains also shot backward along the blade and spilled on the ground.

The head was destroyed, and the zombie's body trembled violently, and then fell hard to the ground. The remaining brains and black-red corpse blood began to gush out along the half of the zombie's head...

With just one face-to-face, he easily killed a zombie. It has to be said that Chu Xun's fighting skills have improved a lot compared to when he first came to this world.

However, this is not enough!

After beheading the zombie in front of him, Chu Xun immediately felt a strong rancid smell approaching from behind, his face changed slightly, then he turned around immediately, swung his knife and slashed behind him without looking at it.


There was another muffled sound, and the 40 cm long saber slashed fiercely at the chest and abdomen of the zombie behind him, and then swept away. Immediately, the zombie's fragile body seemed to be cut by a guillotine, and it was cut into two pieces. A large amount of internal organs, corpse blood, and intestines poured out from the zombie's severed body, staining the ground extremely wet and slippery. .

Under the effect of the ant gene, Chu Xun now has at least one ton of force when he makes a full-strength attack, so even if it is just the simplest flat slash, he can cause terrible damage to zombies like a half-cut!

However, the cut in half was not fatal to the zombie. After the upper body of the zombie fell to the ground, it was still moving. It grabbed Chu Xun's right foot desperately, and opened its mouth to bite. go up.

At the same time, the last zombie also rushed in front of Chu Xun, and embraced Chu Xun with open arms. If you don't know what happened, seeing such "enthusiasm" performance, you might think that this is someone you haven't seen for a long time. old friend.

Zombies are always full of enthusiasm for food!

"Fuck me, get the hell out of me!" Facing this situation for the first time, Chu Xun was a little panicked, his face changed, and he swung the dagger with his left hand to stab the rushing zombie, while his right foot slammed Kicked forward, trying to shake off the zombie hugging his right leg.

Fortunately, Chu Xun's strength is indeed strong enough. Under his fierce kick, the half-dead zombie was thrown away by him like a ball, and then slammed into a big rock in the distance On it, the flesh was bloody and motionless.

At the same time, the dagger in Chu Xun's left hand also pierced the zombie's body. It has to be said that the second-grade alloy dagger is indeed extremely sharp. Chu Xun hardly felt any resistance, and the dagger pierced into the chest cavity of the zombie. At the same time, the huge force attached to the dagger also made the zombie's body tremble, and its forward momentum also slowed down.

"Die to me!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Xun launched the final blow. He shouted sharply, then clenched the dagger that had pierced the zombie's chest, and pulled it upwards. In the blink of an eye, the zombie's chest was completely cut open by the sharp dagger, then the neck, and finally the entire zombie's head was cut in half by the dagger from bottom to top.


The dagger cut open the zombie's head, revealing the shiny metallic blade. At the same time, a large amount of brain matter, corpse blood and some more disgusting corpse fluids also spewed out, covering Chu Xun's body, tearing He became a blood man. The strong smell of corpses and blood made Chu Xun almost vomit.

In addition, a light blue crystal the size of a soybean also slipped out of the zombie's severed head, and finally landed in a pool of blood, emitting a distinctive blue light.

"Original crystal nucleus?" Seeing the light blue crystals falling into the pool of blood, Chu Xun's face suddenly showed a gleam of joy. The crystal was picked up.

If he is not mistaken, this light blue crystal is the so-called original crystal nucleus, which is the predecessor of the standard crystal nucleus. The value of this kind of thing is very high. Although theoretically any zombie can condense crystal nuclei, in fact, according to statistics, the chance of condensing crystal nuclei in ordinary zombies is only a pitiful 2%.

So, Chu Xun's luck is indeed good today!

Although the original crystal nucleus can also be devoured, it contains too many impurities and virus energy, and long-term use will cause uncertain side effects, so Chu Xun dare not use it indiscriminately, but carefully put it away, and prepare to exchange it after returning to the city .

However, he didn't know that the eyes hidden in the grass, after seeing this scene, the greed in the eyes became more intense.

Chu Xun didn't notice the danger in the dark. After all, he was still a little tender and not sensitive enough to the danger. After putting away the crystal nucleus, he took out a map from his pocket and examined it carefully.

"It should be not far away..." After a while, Chu Xun put away the map again, looked at the road ahead, thoughtfully.

According to the map, there will be a creek not too far ahead. After crossing the creek and continuing to walk for about seven kilometers, you will enter the real danger zone.

In order to prevent Chu City from being destroyed by insects like the other "White City" in the neighboring mountains, the owner of Chu City spent a lot of money to buy an "infrasonic insect repellent device" from a caravan more than 20 years ago, so Except for the most primitive insects like ants, most of the other insects were driven to the dense forest ten kilometers away from Chu City by the sound waves they hated.

Because of this, the dense forest ten kilometers away from Chu City has become a real dangerous area, because there are not only all kinds of mutant creatures, zombie creatures, but also countless mutant insects!

But in order to become stronger and complete the mission, Chu Xun had no choice but to take a risk!

Afterwards, Chu Xun sorted out his equipment and continued on his way. On the way forward, he encountered a few wandering zombies who heard the news again. However, after many killings, Chu Xun's combat experience and skills began to gradually improve, coupled with his repressive power and sharp weapons, so these zombies who heard the news eventually all became The prey under his saber did not even pose a real threat to him.

Of course, it was also because Chu Xun was lucky enough that all he encountered were lonely zombies. If he encountered a group of corpses, he could only run away.

With the increase of killing experience, Chu Xun's fighting skills became more and more proficient. He is a smart person, not to mention that under the stimulation of life and death crisis, his potential has been further exerted, and his overall strength has naturally been greatly improved.

And just when Chu Xun killed the tenth zombie and was about to take a break, the cold voice in his mind finally sounded again.

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