Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 567: Get into trouble, get angry

"Brother, where are we going?"

In Xiao Yu's natal space, the golden mouse gnawed the ore again and again, making a rattling noise, and asked again and again, Xiao Yu showed a sly smile, and said:

"Hey, there are still several treasure houses in this Demon Realm Immortal City. Let's search them one by one, and then you will be able to have a good meal."

The golden mouse nodded. In his eyes, Xiao Yu was like his parents, who was very good to him, and he would not object to anything.

Half a day later, in another treasure house, Xiao Kui and Little Golden Rat swept away again.

In this way, the three treasure vaults in the Demon Realm Immortal City were completely wiped out, and no spiritual materials were left, only empty formations were left.

Only while in the fourth treasure house, an accident happened.


The surrounding formations suddenly glowed, and then the rays of light were shining, and a channel was slowly formed from the formations, and the voices of the two people's words also passed into the formations.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

Little Golden Rat was a little frightened, and asked, Xiao Yu frowned, and said, "Someone came outside, and I just met. When I put you away, let's run away."

As he said, the little mouth opened to swallow the little golden rat, and the back of the body turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

"Brother, now you have made a great contribution to find the land of fire, but you have gained a lot of contributions from sects. Compared to the suitable spiritual materials that can be found in the treasury, don't forget your brother in the future."


"Junior Brother has supernatural powers, and I will still need to help him out in the future."


The two black-clothed monks were touting each other and drawing their feelings closer. At this time, a light suddenly appeared in the channel of the formation. Then they flew away quickly above the two people's heads.

The expressions of the two of them changed drastically, and their divine consciousness leaned towards the treasure house in an instant.

All the treasures in the treasure house have disappeared.

"The **** treasure is stolen, chased, chased, and reported to the sect. The whole city is searched."

The two of them turned into escape lights and chased them up instantly, but in comparison, the dim escape lights in front were much faster than the two. The escapes of the two were only spells, not magical powers, and soon stopped. Down.

"Report to the senior in the door."

After the two discussed. Without hesitation, he took out the jade slip of the subpoena and reported it.

As the top martial sect of Tianyuan Continent, there are individual top great supernatural powers in Lingzhou, and soon, the top great supernatural powers have received the news.

West Lingzhou. In a dangerous place.

When a black-clothed monk noticed something, he took out a jade slip, and his divine sense entered it. After a while, the black-clothed monk cursed:

"Trash, guarded by formations, guarded by countless cultivators. The treasure house of the Demon Realm Immortal City was stolen, **** it, I have to go back and check it."

Next to him, another black-clothed monk with a gloomy expression chuckled and said, "Hehe, Old Ghost Li, you have today, the treasure house is stolen, and your responsibility is not small!"


The monk surnamed Li glared at him and said nothing. He was about to leave, but the young man with a gloomy expression at this time also noticed something, and took out a jade slip for communication.

After a while, this person's face was pale.

"Old ghost, let's go. Let's go together, huh, see who it is, it was daring to steal all the treasure troves of several sects."

After speaking, the two turned into a escape light and flew towards the Demon Realm Xiancheng.

Half a day later, in the Demon Realm Immortal City, eight top monks with great supernatural powers gathered here.

"Let's get started, the number of stolen spiritual materials is huge this time, and they must be recovered, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the sects this time."

One of them said, and then took out a mirror to cast a spell.

This spell was mysterious and abnormal, and strange talisman seals continued to appear, and then the aura collected in the various treasure houses was sucked in by the mirror that gradually emitted blue-black light.

Then a red light spot appeared on the mirror surface.

"Huh, I found it."

"Probably hiding somewhere hundreds of thousands of miles away, let's go, let's catch this person very much, and can't let him escape."

The eight top monks with great supernatural powers said, although their expressions were terrifying, they were not too serious.

Able to avoid a large number of formations, it must be a strong person who has supernatural powers, and the strength is not weak, but since it is a theft, it means that the strength is not strong.

Just like the Venerable Ghost of the year, he also relied on the spatial spirit weapon to be fierce for a while, but his strength itself was not strong.

It was later that the strength gradually became stronger.

"Although this person is not strong, according to the disciple of the door, escape speed is extremely rare, extremely fast, and can hide his breath. Be careful not to let the culprits run away."

"Well, you have to prepare in advance."

The eight top monks with great supernatural powers talked and laughed, and then set a general plan, which turned into a light, and flew towards Xiao Yu's direction one after another.

At this moment, the little mole rat was triumphantly in a cave three feet deep underground.

Quack, quack!

Little golden nibbled the ore, as if there was no end, while Xiao Yu stood aside, watching happily, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"Xiaojin, don't worry, let's go back after we finish eating, there are other treasure troves."


The little metal squeaked twice, with a creaking sound in between. He kept eating, showing a satisfied look on his face. It was not until half a day later that the two rats set off again.

On the other side, the expressions of the eight top monks with great supernatural powers changed.

"Damn, these two people ran away, but it looks like they should have gone to other immortal cities, let's chase them quickly, don't let them enter into the immortal city, otherwise there are too many people and we won't be able to find them."

The monk holding the mirror said, the others nodded when they heard the words.

This mirror is a top-level auxiliary ancient treasure handed down from ancient times. The effect is amazing. As long as there is a monk's breath, it can be traced, and the monk himself can't notice it.

Of course, this mirror also has shortcomings For example, it can only be traced to a rough range, probably within a hundred miles. If there are many people within a hundred miles, it is not clear who is with whom.

In addition, the tracking time should not exceed half a year, and the breath in the mirror will gradually fade and disappear and lose its effect.

The other eight also knew the general situation, and naturally speeded up to prevent Xiao Yu from entering Xiancheng.

However, the speed of escape of the eight people is really not flattering. Compared to the monks without magical powers, their speed is faster, but the main magical powers of the eight are attacking magical powers. The magical powers of escape are really good. .

Little Mole was getting farther and farther away from them, and soon entered the fairy city.

Outside Xiancheng, a thousand miles away.

The eight top monks with great supernatural powers had very ugly faces, and they didn't say a word. After chasing the thieves for so long, they had no gain and let the thieves enter the fairy city.

It's really shameful. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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