Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 559: The Unprecedented Crossing Tribulation (Part 2)

The Fifty and Nine Heavens Tribulation, Wang Chen's first Tribulation is Thunder Tribulation, forming the Heaven Tribulation Thunder Pond, which mainly tempers the body and has the weak effect of tempering the soul.

The second calamity, the yellow sand robbery, is mainly to temper the soul.

The third calamity is the sky wind calamity, which tempers the body and tempers the soul.

The fourth calamity is Tianshui robbery.

Tianshui Tribulation is a catastrophe of pure magic power. According to the truth, this is a good thing, but for the monks who crossed the Tribulation, it is very bad.

Can survive this catastrophe, even if it is guarded by the formation method, the treasure’s gang leader, the remaining mana in his body is no longer one. At this time, the Tianshui catastrophe appears, and the mana is instantaneously stored. What to do with the catastrophe, therefore, for most cultivators, the most dangerous are the last two catastrophes.

More than fifty days have passed since the first three days of calamity. During this time, mana was constantly being consumed, and Wang Chen had already refined an immortal weapon.

You can imagine how difficult it is to resist the catastrophe.

After the appearance of the fourth calamity, Wang Chen did not hesitate at all, and directly began to refine the second immortal artifact. With the refining of this fairy artifact, the extremely pure vitality was also supplied.

The nine Nascent Souls swallowed frantically, turning into the mana vitality of the sea of ​​mana in the dantian.

Even so, the sea of ​​mana is slowly shrinking, and there is no way to resist the purification of Tianshui Tribulation. A trace of mana is under this Heaven's Tribulation, and the hair part perishes, leaving only the purest trace to the king. Chen's Dantian.

The nine Yuan Ying absorbed the pure vitality, and the vigor was great, and a little holy light appeared on the Yuan Ying, as if the celestial being descended from the world.

The strength of the Nascent Infant is greatly increased, and the vitality that it swallows is even greater.

The pure vitality after the immortal tool was refined was also the sea of ​​mana that was crazily refined into the dantian, and then quickly purified by Tianshui.

In this way, a circle formed in Wang Chen's dantian.

Immortal artifacts are constantly being refined to produce an astonishing amount and an astonishing purity of vitality. Then the dantian was refined and refined by Yuan Ying, and then, the mana vitality was washed and purified by Tianshui Jie, and was refined by the primordial child again, the primordial child became strong, and the pure vitality produced by the fairy artifact was refined again.

In this process, there are two key points.

One is the scary supply of vitality. Without this, he couldn't hold on at all. Under Tianshui Tribulation, there was no magic power, and it soon died out, and the monks could only wait to die.

This is except for the cheating device of Wang Chen Bounded Pearl Refining Immortal Device. There are not many people who can reach it unless there are a lot of elixir pills to take.

The second is nine Yuan Ying. Wang Chen's nine soul infants, the speed at which the refining vital energy enters the sea of ​​dantian mana is unparalleled, and each of them is very powerful.

If it is an ordinary monk, I am afraid that the speed of this refining will not be able to keep up with the purified part of mana.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen had some doubts about how other people survived the calamity. I'm afraid there are only a few monks who can survive the trials of the calamity.

Where does Wang Chen know. People who can survive the catastrophe like this are all perverted.

Like the stone man behind, crossing the catastrophe just didn't move anything, standing until the day of the catastrophe ended, nothing was used, that is the real abnormality, compared with Wang Chen, this is not too shocking.

certainly. Wang Chen would never know.

With the arrival of Tianshui Tribulation, the Four Great Tribulations have been completed, and all have reached the peak, and Wang Chen's mana, soul and body are also constantly being tempered.

In the body, Zhou Tian's three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture orifices exuded various auras. Entering Wang Chen's body, Wang Chen only felt that his body had become stronger, stronger, and stronger.

In the pubic area. The mana of his own is constantly changing, and the mana that was already very pure has reached the point where the original vitality of the original infant can reach.

And the Yuan Ying's vitality is changing over and over again, and there is more and more a breath of fairy aura.

Finally, there was a hum.

When the nine Yuan Ying vomited again, each Yuan Ying only exhaled a small breath, which was so weak that he could not see it at all.

It wasn't until the breath round came together that it could be seen that it turned out to be a fairy spirit.

The celestial spirit is the celestial spirit that only the immortal world has.

Under the tempering of Heavenly Tribulation, Wang Chen's Nascent Soul's vitality finally changed into the celestial qi, able to swallow the celestial qi, in a sense, Wang Chen was already a Mahayana monk.

As soon as this fairy spirit appeared, Wang Chen felt his own change, a transformation from the inside out.

Yuan Ying's body and soul have changed.

As if the celestial calamity had dissipated with the generation of immortal energy, Wang Chen thought slightly, this immortal energy was divided into three parts, one part entered into the body, repaired flesh and blood, and the immortal incarnation; the other part was refined by Yuan Ying Transformation, immortalization of the Nascent Soul; the last one is to enter the divine soul to make up for the consumption of the divine soul.

In fact, the effect of Xianqi is incredibly good.

The body that had been wounded inside and out, in the blink of an eye, was restored to its original state, and its appearance did not change from before.

After the nine primordial infants swallowed the fairy qi, they also recovered their experience, and continued to refine their vitality and condense the celestial qi.

However, after Wang Chen's spirit came into contact with the fairy qi, the mist that had been compressed to a few points suddenly liquefied, but in the next moment, it returned to its original state.

Wang Chen didn't care either, after that, the spirit also recovered.


In the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Pond, four types of Heavenly Tribulation power surrounded Wang Chen, but as the Heavenly Tribulation continued, this Heavenly Tribulation was no longer dangerous.

Wang Chen opened his eyes and stood up in the thunder pond of Heavenly Tribulation, with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, there is indeed a great advantage in overcoming the tempering of Heavenly Tribulation, but I don't know how strong I am now. Compared to Tianyuan Continent, there are very few opponents, and it should be worse than Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts. It’s not a lot anymore!"

Wang Chen is very confident. After this tribulation, Wang Chen has undergone a complete transformation.

The mana, the Nascent Soul, the body, and the soul have all undergone qualitative changes. This change even made Wang Chen unable to adapt to it in a short time.

"The next level is the Tribulation of the Heart Demon."

The last calamity of the Fifty and Nine Heavens Tribulation, the Tribulation of the Heart Demon.

With the arrival of the Heart Demon Tribulation, the first four Heaven Tribulation became more and more agitated, and the power gradually increased, but for Wang Chen, it was no longer able to turn over any waves.


A strange change flashed, Wang Chen left the thunder tribulation in an instant, and came to a mountain range, where flowers were dotted everywhere, swaying in the wind, and the breath of green grass came.


A girl ran from a distance, and Wang Chen was startled, that figure and face, even if it was a little fuzzy, could vaguely recognize Shi Tong's figure.

Immediately afterwards, her body changed, and the young girl became Qing'er dressed in blue gauze, with two slightly protruding dragon horns on her bright head, which was very cute.

"Brother, brother."

Wang Chen showed a faint smile, but shook his head, and said, "My sister is outside, she's just a mere devil, she wants to confuse me."


Wang Chen gave a soft drink, a solid divine sword appeared in an instant, and then the world around it was shattered, and Wang Chen once again came to the place where he was flying through the air.

As soon as the Heart Demon Tribulation was broken, the Five and Nine Tribulations ended, and the four Tribulations around Wang Chen quickly dissipated.

The catastrophe was overwhelmingly frightening. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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