Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 551: The secret place left by the ice emperor fairy tiger

The two demon kings and Wang Chen have intentions, so things are naturally much easier.

The two demon separately ordered the two ethnic groups, and then flew away with Wang Chen in one direction.

It's just that Qing'er looked at the Elvis King with a bad face, holding Wang Chen's arm, not relaxing at all, for fear that Wang Chen would leave and the four of them disappeared.

After a long while, the four of them came to a valley.

The valley is very quiet, without the slightest characteristic, just like other valleys.

"The secret realm is in this place? I can't see it at all." Wang Chen asked curiously. The two demon kings also smiled, and then the Elvis King said:

"Big brother is right, the secret realm is indeed in this place, but it is impossible to find it. Everyone in this world should be able to find it."

"Brother, let us go, wait until later."

The Tiger Demon King also spoke, and after speaking, he took a step ahead and walked into the depths of the valley.

Wang Chen, Xiaoqing and Cat Demon King immediately followed behind and walked inside.

Time is the end of spring.

In this secluded valley, there are all this kind of flower-planting trees, which look unusually beautiful, and a gust of majesty blows through it, and the falling leaves are colorful, full of fragrance.

"This is an elegant place."

Wang Chen exclaimed, the Elvis King also nodded, and said: "My ancestors were also female, with an extremely beautiful face, and I chose this beautiful environment. I don't want the demon tiger clan, five big and three rough, unreasonable, otherwise. How could the ancestors dislike the tiger clan and shoot my cat clan to guard the secret environment."

The Cat Demon King took the opportunity to taunt the Tiger Demon King.

But although this is unreasonable, it is said to be true.

It’s better for a woman like the Cat Clan to control the scenery in this valley.

The Tiger Demon King also heard the ridicule of the Cat Demon King, but he didn't say anything after the cold snort.

The Ancestral Secret Realm is indeed the eternal pain in the heart of the Tiger Clan. The ancestors handed the Secret Realm to the Cat Clan, but it made the Tiger Demon Clan sad.

but. No one knows what the reason is.

Going forward, it didn't take long to reach the end of the valley. At the end of the valley, there was a stone and slightly moss around it. Narrating the meaning of spring.

Wang Chen looked around. Finally put his eyes on this stone.

Qing'er saw Wang Chen's gaze and couldn't help asking: "Brother, will this secret realm be on this ordinary stone? It doesn't look like it!"

Wang Chen shook his head and said:

"If you don't believe me, try smashing it. See if you can smash this rock."


Qing'er nodded, didn't say anything, didn't care about the two demon kings beside her at all, rolled up her cuffs and smashed it up.

Seeing this, Wang Chen couldn't help but smile. Qing'er is really innocent. After all, this place is the secret realm of the predecessors of the Ice Emperor.

The Tiger Demon King and the Elvis King's faces were also a little ugly, but they didn't say anything, but showed a playful look.


Qing'er's fist hit the stone, and nothing changed. On the contrary, Qing'er was injured and shed dragon blood, grinning in pain. The dragon's horns on his head flicked, and it was really cute.

Wang Chen hurriedly passed a trace of pure vitality, and Qinger's injury soon healed.

"Brother, it's amazing at this time!"

Qing'er said with a crimson color on her face. There is no feeling of irritation. If she knew that her brother could feel so distressed, Qing'er wouldn't say a few more blows.

Wang Chen didn't know Qing'er thought so, but smiled:

"Although Qing'er didn't use any force. But the body is comparable to the best spirit weapon, and the strength is amazing. Now under a punch, there is no such thing as this stone. Obviously this stone is not easy!"

Both the Cat Demon King and Tiger Demon King smiled and were separated on either side of the ten yuan.

"This stone is unknown to us and we don't know what it is, but this is the entrance to our ancestor's secret realm, but there is no doubt. "

The Cat Demon King laughed, but Qing'er gave a cold snort and turned her head away.

Seeing this, the Tiger Demon King stretched out his finger and forced a drop of blood on the stone. Suddenly, the original ordinary stone changed.


A strange wave appeared, and then a cold luster appeared on the stone, glowing with bursts of light.

"Hurry up, put your hand on the rock!"

The Cat Demon King shouted, pressing his right hand in an instant. Upon hearing this, Wang Chen took Xiao Qing's hand and pressed it, and soon the luster on the stone rose.

call out!

Then, the figures of the four Wang Chen disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

In the Secret Realm of the Ice Emperor Fairy Tiger, the bodies of the four Wang Chen suddenly appeared.


A cold air came on the surface, but it made Wang Chen shiver and felt a strong chill. Although the temperature in this secret environment is not high, it is colder than other places Wang Chen has been to.

Wang Chen looked around, and saw that there were endless peaks and ridges all around him.

Above the mountain peak, the ice layer is endless, and even on the ground where Wang Chen is standing is a thin layer of ice, crystal clear and bright, glowing with the coolness of the bones.

Wang Chen's body has already reached the level of the best immortal weapon, how can he feel cold, unless it is an extremely cold thing or magical power, it will not have any effect on Wang Chen.

But now, the body eroded by the cold is slightly stiff.

"Brother, it feels so cold here, I feel a little trembling." Qinger said with a shiver, but the Elvis King next to him said:

"Well, it's really cold here. You two are not cultivating ice attribute techniques. Naturally, you will feel uncomfortable, but you need my help."

As he said, the Elvis King stretched out his hands, a rune flashed, and then the surrounding cold air poured over, and then formed a crystal ice flakes.

The ice flakes come together to form a beautiful and unusual ice armor.

Qing'er took this ice and put it on her body. As soon as the ice armor moved, it adjusted to Qing'er's body, and Qing'er's face became much better.

With this ice armor, there is no cold air intruding on Qing'er's body, but the surrounding cold air poured into the ice armor, making the ice armor not exhausted.

After this, a faint ice armor rose around the body of the Elvis King, but it was calm and composed.

But the Tiger Demon King didn't care, there was no movement from all over his body, but a faint vitality wave spread out from all over his body, and it was obvious that the body refining supernatural powers of the whole body had been activated.

Only Wang Chen didn't move at all, even if the boundless cold air struck, there were ice patterns on his body, shaking with the cold, and he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, it showed a trembling color, and there was a bright light in his pupils. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: Is there a monthly pass, an evaluation ticket, or a recommendation ticket?


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