Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 548: Knowing Elvis today

In just one round, Elvis and Tiger are in the hands.

This round was murderous Ling Ran.

"Brother, they are so amazing!"

Qing'er couldn't help but exclaimed, and Wang Chen also replied in his divine consciousness: "It is true. The bloodlines of these two monster kings are of the level of fairy beasts, and they are considered the most powerful in Lingzhou."

Qing'er curled her lips, a little unhappy:

"That elder brother means that Qing'er is not good anymore, elder brother, I am better than you now, you see, I have advanced to the fairy beast."

Facing Qing'er's acting like a baby, Wang Chen was helpless, so he had to bite the bullet and said:

"Well, Qing'er is the most powerful. Qing'er just hasn't grown up yet. If he grows up, his supernatural powers will surely be achieved. The two of them will definitely not be able to beat them. There is also Qing'er's pair of wings, which are very powerful. I can't even see it through, and I will definitely not even be able to beat me in the future."

The first half sentence was coaxing Qing'er by Wang Chen, while the second half sentence was half true.

Qing'er's wings have a mysterious origin, because Qing'er's bloodline was very simple before, just the offspring of a Qinglin snake, even if the dragon's bloodline is relatively deep, it is at best a dragon.

But when Wang Chen met again, Qing'er was already at the level of a fairy beast.

In the past, Wang Chen thought that Qing'er's wings should be mysterious and mysterious with wind attributes. But afterwards, the wind attribute mystery was comprehended, but he felt that it was wrong.

Qing'er's wings are not mysterious with wind attributes.

Even, it wasn't any kind of mystery that Wang Chen had seen now.

Therefore, Wang Chen said that Qing'er's wings are very powerful. It is not a lie, and Qing'er also knows the mystery of his wings, but what outsiders don't know is that although Qing'er can control the wings, he always feels that these wings are not his own. of.

After a few breaths of effort between Wang Chen and Xiaoqing, Tiger King and Elvis were fighting together again.

This time is different from the previous temptation, more **** head-to-head, whether it is Tiger King or Elvis, it is the leader of a group. After many killings, I came to this position.

Neither Tiger King nor Elvis Presley thought of shrinking.

The strong eating of the weak is an unchanging law.

At the beginning, the continent was broken, and it was refined into a secret realm by that existence, in order to survive. The Great Ape King ordered the monsters not to fight each other. But today, things have changed a long time ago, so naturally there is no need to worry about so much.

In fact, these centuries. Many weak ethnic groups were almost extinct by humans.

Many powerful ethnic groups are also torn apart because of disputes, and the situation is becoming more and more complicated.

The real life-and-death battle started, and the battle of the two demons made Wang Chen look sideways, his eyes shining involuntarily, and he wanted to fight in.

Tiger King and Elvis. They all have supernatural powers of body refining, and they are very powerful.

However, the difference is that Tiger King’s supernatural powers are similar to the supernatural powers that Wang Chen has seen, both of which greatly increase the strength and strength of the body, while the supernatural powers of Elvis Presley are greatly increased in recovery. , Almost immortal.

The Tiger King is extremely domineering and prestigious. It is like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing straight forward, and the dozens of supernatural powers on display are all going straight back and forth, with great power.

And Elvis. It is extremely dexterous, changing in a flash, and repeating back and forth in a place of size, even the Tiger King has not beaten it a few times.

There are more and more wounds on Tiger King's body. Although not fatal, it is also quite embarrassing.

Elvis is no different from just now. It's just that the look is a little wilting, the breath is a little bit unsatisfactory, and Elvis' injury quickly recovered with the help of the supernatural powers of refining, but it consumes a lot of mana.

The two demon kings reached the ground from the sky, no matter the range, the sky was dim and the earth was dark.

The younger generations of the demon races of the two races retreated again and again, retreating back nearly a thousand miles, and within a radius of a thousand miles, there was already a mess.

After the fight, there were pits and gullies blasted out by supernatural powers everywhere.

The spiritual material is destroyed and everything is withered.

However, neither of the two demons had the idea of ​​stopping, they were still staring at each other closely, preparing to continue fighting.

"Qing'er, there is no way to fight like this, let's stop them!"

Wang Chen said, Qing'er nodded, stop or stop, Qing'er doesn't care at all, the key is that Wang Chen wants to do it, then Qing'er will not object.

call out!

Wang Chen took Qing'er and flew out from a distance in an instant, falling between the two demon kings.

When the expressions of the two demon kings changed, they moved their bodies to form a character shape with Wang Chen, carefully guarding against unexpected events.

Wang Chen laughed a little secretly in his heart. The two Demon Kings had beaten you to death, but after I didn't expect to appear, they joined forces.

However, Wang Chen still asked indifferently on the surface:

"It's no way for the two of you to fight like this. Why don't you sit down and have a talk?"


The Tiger Demon King's eyes showed dissatisfaction, and a cold breath came out from his nostrils, and said: "Even if you talk about it, it has nothing to do with your human beings. Do you still want to covet my clan's treasure."

Wang Chen didn't say anything, but Qing'er standing next to him was a little dissatisfied and cursed:

"Fighting a tiger, what are you talking about, dare to say my brother, believe it or not, I beat you into a pig head, huh, my brother said that it is for your good to let you sit down and talk."

Qinger spoke, but the two did not refute anything.

It's just that the two of them have their own ideas, even if Qing'er has transformed, but later accepted the fairy beast bloodline, now she is a fairy beast.

Therefore, the two dragon horns above Qing'er's head couldn't hide it.

Naturally, the two demon kings also noticed that they were both demon clan fairy beasts, and they did not want to say anything more, and even though what the person said was partial, it was correct. Ask them to stop and sit down and talk. It's really good for both of them, otherwise Wang Chen won't have to come out, just wait for one of them to die, it's good to profit from the fisherman.

However, when Elvis looked at Wang Chen, he always felt a touch of familiarity.

After thinking about it, Elvis made a seal on his hand, and a mysterious breath appeared, and then Elvis closed his eyes. After three breaths, Elvis opened his eyes again, but at this time, Elvis looked at the king. Chen's expression still changed drastically.

"It's you!"

Elvis opened his mouth and said, with a crisp voice and a surprised tone, people did not suspect that Elvis had known Wang Chen, and he was anxious.

There was a kind of unhappiness in Qinger's heart for an instant, as if his own things were about to be taken away.

Quickly grabbed Wang Chen's arm. Qing'er looked at Elvis with a bad face and said, "Huh, when did you meet my brother, why didn't I know?"

The Tiger Demon King also changed his expression and did not speak.

The sudden appearance of Wang Chen and the Elvis Presley knew each other, but the form was hard to say.

Since humans dare to appear. That strength will not be much lower than them. If Wang Chen and the Elvis King joined forces, the Tiger Demon King would definitely be uncomfortable.

However, the Tiger Demon King didn't leave because of this speculation, he just watched quietly, wanting to know the reason.

Wang Chen frowned slightly. Minshou had thousands of thoughts in an instant, but he didn't remember when he knew this Elvis King:

"Have you seen me? When did I not know."

After three questions in a row, Wang Chen looked at the Elvis King and waited for answers. Qing'er also looked tense, and couldn't help pulling Wang Chen's arm hard.

The Cat Demon King giggled, and then turned into a young girl when he moved his body.

This is a stunning beauty with a small cherry mouth and crystal clear eyes, like cat eyes, wearing white gauze, standing there like a landscape. What's even stranger is that there is a white tail fluttering behind it.

Seeing this, Qing'er pursed her mouth, glanced at Wang Chen from the corner of her eyes, and saw Wang Chen's expression stagnant. A kind of dissatisfaction suddenly rose in the heart.

"Brother, what are you looking at? What's so interesting."

Qinger pulled Wang Chen vigorously, and Wang Chen also recovered. It's just that Wang Chen's consternation during this moment is not because of Elvis Wang Mei. But because the Elvis King transformed into a shock.

Fairy beasts can transform into form only when they reach the realm of fairies.

This is still a low-level fairy beast, if it is a high-level fairy beast, it must have a certain level of cultivation to gradually transform into the fairy world.

The Elvis King is a fairy beast, there is no doubt about it, but why the Elvis King can transform and survive the immortal catastrophe, Wang Chen immediately denied this idea.

After passing through the immortal catastrophe, he would have ascended to the demon world a long time ago.

Moreover, after passing the immortal catastrophe, the magical powers have undergone the immortal qi sacrifices, and the strength is not comparable to that of ordinary monks. If the Elvis King has the magical abilities of the celestial qi sacrifices now, the Tiger Demon King will be caught to death with one claw, why wait until now.

Is it the same as Qing'er who had a bloodline breakthrough and was promoted to a fairy beast?

Wang Chen's doubts stayed in her heart, stroked Qing'er's increasingly harder arm, and then asked: "When did the Lord Elvis meet me? Why don't I remember."

"Did fellow Daoist forget? I almost died in your hands at the beginning!"

The Elvis King was not angry, nor did he have the slightest murderous aura, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, he said lightly, but after finishing talking, Wang Chen thought for a while and shook his head, even more puzzled.

A little self-deprecating expression appeared on the peerless face of the Elvis King, and said:

"Your Excellency, you have forgotten a lot. Then I will remind you that Lord Ape King took you to pass through the levels that day. One of the levels is a cat monster. I was just born at the time, so it was convenient for you to fight hard. In my bloodline, I am afraid that you have already killed it!"

"At that time, you humans, three of the cats were selected, and only I survived."

After the Cat Demon King finished speaking, Wang Chen remembered that when the Great Ape King sent himself to the place where he went through the barriers, he went through many levels in a row, and finally got the nine-character seal.

One of the levels was a cat demon, vaguely remembering that it was the peak of the Qi training period, and it took me some time to solve it.

But in the end, the cat demon didn't die and disappeared.

But thinking of this, Wang Chen changed his eyes and said:

"No, it can't be you. There is so much difference in aura, strength, and blood talent. You can't be that cat demon at all."

The Elvis King giggled, without explaining anything.

As soon as Wang Chen pondered, he knew that what the Elvis King said should be true. At the beginning, the Elvis was him. The breath can be changed and the bloodline can evolve. There is nothing impossible.

Only Wang Chen and the cat demon could know that he had encountered the cat demon in that level.

Old knowledge back then, today Elvis. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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One more chapter will be added tomorrow!

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