Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 545: Man in Blood Retires


The blood light collided with the sword light, and there was no doubt that the blood light was torn apart in an instant, making roaring noises.

Every drop of blood is carefully brewed by the blood-clothed man's exercises. It is infinitely powerful. When it drops on the earth, it corrupts a blood pool the size of a square meter and a depth of two feet. This blood pool is for the blood repair of the magic road. , Is the supreme big tonic.

But the most terrifying thing is Feng Wuji's sword aura.

Every sword goes out, it is extremely sharp, there is no sword move, or that it has long been not confined to the sword move, there is only one magical power of Feng Wuji.

Supernatural, sharp.

Every move is based on this magical power, but the power is terrifying, and the blood-clothed people have used a lot of blood demon magical powers in succession, to no avail.

Supernatural power, blood spirit crystal diamond.

Supernatural powers, blood bursts.

Supernatural power, violent blood knife.

Supernatural powers, full of blood.


The blood-clothed man used more than a dozen supernatural powers in succession, but it was still to no avail. Feng Wuji just swung a sword, and the sharpness of the supernatural power smashed the blood-clothed man's supernatural power.

With each sword, Feng Wuji used his best, and each sword was changed from the previous one.

With every sword, Feng Wuji is improving.

Even if you can't see it for a short time, you can still feel Feng Wuji's increasingly powerful sword moves, simple, pure, but frightening.


Another divine sword was swung out, and the blood-clothed man displayed the supernatural power and blood crystal diamond. This magical power derived from Wang Chen had faced it. It was very difficult, but compared with this supernatural power, the blood crystal diamond supernatural power It is too powerful.

If the average monk doesn't dare to face it hard, or if he is defensive, he will also be eroded by his blood and have a headache.

However, Feng Wuji didn't have any thoughts, just waved his sword and fell.

Various colors of mystic luster flowed from the pale golden light, and then the sword light greeted the blood spirit crystal diamond magical power. This blood spirit crystal diamond was like a blood-colored diamond, glowing with blood-colored luster, and was exceptionally strong.

However, encountering Feng Wuji's magical powers. No tricks. It was cut in half.

Then the dissipated blood qi scattered all around, and Feng Wuji's sword qi drew a series of sword marks. These sword marks were several kilometers long. Three feet wide, the end is horrible.

The most amazing thing is that this sword mark is extremely smooth.

It's like a 10,000-meter-long sword mark that has been polished very smoothly every inch, in fact. This is just the effect of Feng Wuji's sword qi being too sharp.

The blood-clothed man constantly emits magical powers, but he has no choice but to discover that there is nothing wrong with it.

And Feng Wuji's supernatural powers made the blood-clothed people very embarrassed.

What is even more uncomfortable is that every move of the blood-clothed man consumes his own essence and blood. Although his essence and blood have been cultivated into a sea of ​​blood, this sea of ​​blood is still too small and can't help being consumed for a long time.

Moreover, Feng Wuji hurt him too much. Almost every sword cut off part of his blood.

In this way, the bigger the blood-clothed person feels more frightened, and the blood-clothed person will undoubtedly die if it continues like this.

Especially Feng Wuji's supernatural powers have hardly been weakened. It even gives people a feeling of infinite power, although the blood-clothed people know this is impossible.

The blood-clothed man's blood-sea exercise is already first-class in terms of mana, and Feng Wuji can't be higher than him.

The key is that Feng Wuji's magical powers are too special. In other words, it is too simple, the simpler the magical powers. The less mana is consumed, like Feng Wuji's magical power, the mana consumed is simply not worth mentioning.

Adding to the sword spirit is there, it goes without saying.

Feng Wuji's sword repair, the choice is the sword infant method, the sword spirit itself also forms a sword-shaped naive infant, and appears in Feng Wuji's pubic pub. In this way, the number of Feng Wuji's mana is greatly increased, and the recovery speed is greatly increased. It is not comparable to ordinary monks.

Under this change, the blood-clothed man saw that the situation was not right. Without the intention of underestimating, his body burned with blood, and instantly turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

Supernatural powers, blood escape method.

Feng Wuji wanted to continue chasing, but it was a pity that the blood-clothed man was too fast. Burning the essence and blood itself can greatly accelerate the speed of escape, let alone this kind of blood-clothed person who is good at the blood demon's magical powers.

A red light flashed, and the figure of the man in blood disappeared.


Feng Wuji snorted coldly, and did not chase him. His escape speed was not slow. As a sword, Feng Wuji's speed was naturally faster than that of a normal monk with great supernatural powers. He just escaped with this blood-clothed man. Compared with that, it's worse than that.

When the blood-clothed man left, Feng Wuji also fell silent.

Finding a position, Feng Wuji crossed his knees and left, holding a sword in one hand and a book in the other. This sword is Wang Chen's real name's divine sword. This book is naturally the sword book Feng Wuji obtained by accident when he was still a mortal.

This sword book is extremely mysterious, and Feng Wuji does not know its origin.

He even recognized Wang Chen as a junior, but at that time, Feng Wuji didn't discover other effects. It was not until he understood the profoundness that Feng Wuji discovered that this sword book could actually increase the speed of the profound understanding.

Now that the battle has just ended, Feng Wuji is going to use his insights just now to meditate.

With his eyes closed, Feng Wuji was in a state of cultivation soon, and a light red blood gas around his body also appeared quietly, and then surrounded Feng Wuji for a long time without dissipating.

After a long while, Feng Wuji opened his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully:

"The blood-clothed man's supernatural powers are indeed weird, and the power is amazing, but even so, I don't need it. My sword is sharp, and everything does not cut. This **** mysterious is not compatible with me, don't."

With that said, Feng Wuji was the move of the Divine Sword, and the blood was chopped off.

When it was over, Feng Wuji still vomited blood, but his expression didn't change at all: "A fight with this blood-clothed man is not a big gain. It's better not to fight."

If the blood-clothed man hears this, I'm afraid his face will turn black: you have nothing to play with me.

Feng Wuji took a rest for a while, and his body turned into a ray of light, disappearing into the temporary cave mansion, and after a while, he came to the Xiancheng again and looked down.

This time I came again, but before seeing Wang Chen's big apprentice Zhou Yanzai, his brothers and younger generations took care of him.

At this time, in the fairy city, countless monks began to fight.

Numerous monks were killed or wounded in the fairy city, and there were countless spiritual materials scattered everywhere in the city. Countless monks began to fight. Originally, the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming, and the siege of the city was a disaster. According to the previous situation it is undoubtedly a death. Yes, but now it's luck that a senior appeared and beat the blood-clothed man back.

Now there are a lot of spiritual materials in the city, if you get it, it will be a huge and incomparable wealth, enough for many cultivators to practice for decades.

As a result, the blood-clothed man just passed, not only was there no safety in the city, but the fighting was endless, and there was **** storms everywhere.

The monks who were cooperating to fight just now, it didn't take long for them to add life and death.

When Feng Wuji came in, he happened to encounter Zhou Yan standing with a monk with supernatural powers.

The great supernatural power monk had just recently sacrificed and refined supernatural powers, and his power was still very weak. Under the power of Zhou Yan's compatibility with water and fire and destruction, he was unable to gain the upper hand.

call out!

Feng Wuji Jianguang cut the great supernatural power monk in half. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: There is still a chapter in the evening, please continue to ask for support!

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