Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 540: Mysterious Real Dragon

The Tribulation of the Heart Demon is included in all the Tribulation of Heaven.

Many monks don't care whether they are strong or not, and when they are weak, many monks are dying from this heart devil's calamity.

Inner Demon Tribulation, the most important thing is the state of mind, the state of mind is high, the soul is transparent, everything can be seen clearly, and if you can see clearly, the so-called inner demon has no power.

But Qing'er couldn't do it. Qing'er's cultivation has always been safe and has not experienced any hardships.

Even at the very beginning, following Wang Chen's wandering, Wang Chen also sheltered her from the wind and rain. Qing'er had little to do, and there was no deep state of mind at all.

Unlike Wang Chen, who has experienced so much, that kind of unspeakable insight and mood far surpasses others.

In addition to Jian Xiu's own advantages, with sword intent and sword spirit, what Wang Chen is least afraid of when crossing the Tribulation is the Heart Demon Tribulation, the Heart Demon Tribulation, Wang Chen can break with his fingers.

Therefore, facing the Tribulation of the Heart Demon, Wang Chen couldn't help but worry about Qing'er.

If it were the other heavenly tribulations, this heart-devil tribulation could not help him except Xiaoqing himself, even Xiaoqing's mysterious grandfather could do nothing.

However, noting that Xiaoqing's grandfather's expression remained unchanged, Wang Chen felt relieved a lot.

In the tribulation.

Xiaoqing's figure continued to roll, even if it had just returned to a state of heyday, it soon wilted again. Under the tempering of the Four Great Tribulations, Xiaoqing was constantly traumatized whether it was mana, spirituality, or body. .

Become weak again.

This speed is more than ten times faster than before.

Wang Chen's expression was slightly nervous, as if his heart was tightened tightly. Watching Xiaoqing's body continue to roll, let out a wailing sound.

"Did you fall into the Demon Realm of Heart? I don't know what Demon Realm of Heart I passed through. It is so painful."

Wang Chen felt very distressed. It was obvious that Qing'er's expression had changed now, and she persisted in the catastrophe with a sense of pain and suffering.

If this continues, Qing'er's ending is likely to be under the tribulation of the sky, and it will be wiped out in smoke.

"Oh! Is it true?"

Next to him, the expression of the true dragon changed a little, and then the Fayin used it in his hand. A dragon chant appeared from the handprint and filled the surrounding area.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon scales on Qing'er's head also released golden light.

The golden light wrapped Qing'er inside, and most of the robbery outside was blocked, and Xiao Qing's expression became soothed.

, Tianhuo, Tianfeng. The sky thunder and yellow sand gradually weakened, and Xiao Qing's breath became stronger and stronger.

Fifty and nine days of calamity, passed.

Wang Chen, please take a sigh of relief, and his pupils also relaxed. I couldn't help feeling a little happy, although Xiaoqing hadn't resisted the catastrophe all the time, but finally got over it.

"It's good to get through, there is no need to pursue perfection."

Wang Chen was able to let go at this moment, but for himself. Wang Chen still hopes to be perfect.

The air quickly dissipated with the catastrophe. Qing'er's body also gradually appeared. The entire blue and green body was worn out, the dragon scales fell off, and three-foot-long wounds were all over the body.


Qing'er let out a dragon chant, and then turned into a young girl wearing a veil, but at this time, Qing'er had a lot of wounds on her body, with blood on her face, and her face was also very haggard.

"Big Brother,"

Qing'er flew to Wang Chen's side and threw himself into Wang Chen's arms. With tears in his eyes, she looked at Wang Chen idiotically. Under these eyes, Wang Chen only felt an instant collision. a feeling of.

"It's okay, Qing'er, it's okay."

Wang Chen hugged Xiaoqing into his arms and comforted him. Xiaoqing's expression was also very depressed, but she cried out insanely, "Brother, don't leave me, don't kill me."

Then, Qinger fell asleep quietly in Wang Chen's arms.

"Go to sleep, Qing'er," Wang Chen muttered to himself with a slight pity, stroking Qing'er's hair.

After crossing the catastrophe, the real dragon took Wang Chen back to the dragon palace again, but this time, the real dragon didn’t say much, but took Xiaoqing away, and then let the other newly promoted real dragons go to retreat by themselves. .

Qing'er, who had just gone through the tribulation of heaven, was very weak, whether it was the body itself, or the magical power and spiritual consciousness, it was extremely weak.

Therefore, Wang Chen didn't say anything, and directly handed Xiaoqing to the real dragon. Compared with the background of the dragon clan, Xiaoqing was able to recover quickly.

After that, Wang Chen meditated again.

Qing'er crossed the catastrophe, but gave Wang Chen a lot of insight and experience.

The Forty-Nine Tribulations at the advanced stage of the Nascent Soul, compared with the Tribulations of the Crossing Period, are far worse, and they are not on the same level at all. Now it seems that the Forty-Nine Tribulations is like a child playing a house. It's the same simple.

Watching Qing'er crossing the catastrophe this time, Wang Chen still has a lot of insights, which is also convenient for the next step of cultivation.

In the Dragon Palace, Wang Chen is further meditation, deducing the future cultivation, the next step of Wang Chen's cultivation has been very clear, which is to cross the catastrophe.

Crossing the Tribulation, enters the Crossing Tribulation Period, and then after the Five-Nine Tribulations, Sixth-Nine Heavens Tribulation, and Seventy-Nine Heavens Tribulation, soaring to the immortal realm.

The mortal realm is really too small. The higher the strength, Wang Chen will feel this more and more obviously. Staying in the mortal realm has little meaning.

The next step is to set off as soon as possible and go to Lingzhou to see if there is any innate icy air.

In Wang Chen’s guess, Lingzhou should meet the one he met before, but other than that, many old Wang Chen friends have gone there. Even if there is no innate icy air, Wang Chen is very good. Interested to go there and take a look.

In addition, it is the Central Immortal Domain.

The central fairyland is located in the middle of the Tianyuan Continent.

The Dragon Sea area is already a bit to the west. As long as he flies southeast for a while, Wang Chen will be able to reach the Central Immortal Territory.

There are rumors that almost all the top great supernatural monks in the Tianyuan Continent, the peerless powerhouse of the Monster Race, the first person in the Tianyuan Continent, the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, the rising star, the supreme and the invincible, Wang Chen felt his blood boiling when he thought of it.

However, after a long while, Wang Chen's mood calmed down again.

"The tribulation period is still early, don't worry, Central Xianyu will go there one day, don't worry, after Qing'er wakes up, go to Lingzhou to take a look."

"First continue to understand the profound and mysterious, and then look for the innate ice aura."


When Wang Chen was meditating, in the depths of the Dragon Palace, Qing'er's grandfather brought Qing'er to a palace.

The dragon family has regulations that only real dragons can live in the dragon palace. Choose a palace with a large range in the dragon palace. The dragon is a small room with roommates. On weekdays, they can only find a cave in the sea.

This palace is naturally the palace of the real dragon.

After putting Qing'er down, the real dragon waved his hand, and then a strange wave of trembling A pool appeared, and then the pool included Qing'er.

The pool exudes a blue aura, and there is a blood stream flowing in it.

Vaguely, the sound of dragon chants appeared from the species.

"The Hualong Pond that my master snatched from the dragon immortal emperor at the time is only so small for so many years. Alas, the time has passed."

And if Wang Chen was there, he would definitely be able to feel that the strange fluctuation just now turned out to be a feature of the spatial spirit weapon.

The true dragon grandfather of Qing'er, from the broken continent, is really mysterious. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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