Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 13: plunder

ps: Add two more chapters to Book Friends 402016 monthly pass, the first chapter!

Among the merchant ships, Wang Chen's environment was completely focused on his own practice, just sorting out the things that hadn't been sorted out for a long time.

Wang Chen carefully sorted out all aspects of cultivation techniques, supernatural powers, and so on.

It took Wang Chen two years to sort out this time, which included feeling some magical powers and spells that he hadn't noticed.

Spells, if they are practiced to the extreme, they are close to Dao, and they will be able to perceive the profound.

It's just that too few people can do this.

Imagine who would practice a certain spell for ten years, practice a certain spell to the extreme, and comprehend the mystery from it. This is very difficult.

Wang Chen practiced some spells, that is, he was proficient. Although he couldn't perceive spells, there would be many different insights under the tall building.

Especially with Wang Chen's current cultivation base, not all spells can be learned in a flash.

Wang Chen had practiced the five elements spells, the small three strange wind thunder ice spells, and he was considered a master of the spells. However, there were only yin and yang and other mysterious spells. Wang Chen didn't have a clue and didn't know how to practice it.

In this way, the fleet sailed on the sea, and after two years, it finally stopped on an island in front.

"Friends of Taoism, this island is the closest large island to Xuanzhou. It is dotted with many small islands nearby. It can be regarded as a rare place in the sea. Many rare things will appear here. If you have nothing to do, go and take a look."

Said the middle-aged monk, the leader of the fleet. Seeing Wang Chen nodded, he immediately signaled his two sons to come forward.

"Senior, please. Both of me are familiar with this, let's lead the way for Senior!"

The two sons of the middle-aged man were quite respectful, and leaned over to salute Wang Chen. Wang Chen nodded, followed behind, and got off the boat together.

The island in front of him is very big, but from Wang Chen's view, this island is not only big. And it's booming trade.

As if seeing Wang Chen's doubts, one of them said: "Senior, this island is called Xingluo Island. It is taken from one of the stars. There are nearly a thousand nearby islands. It is the most important seaport on the eastern mainland."

Wang Chen nodded and said, "Yeah. There are a lot of boats here."

It's more than just a lot. When you raise your head, you can see a group of giant ships anchored above the sea, some are ready to set off, and some have just landed. An endless stream.

There are probably more than a thousand monks who maintain order nearby.

Trade is very prosperous, but in Wang Chen's view, it is only so. With so much trade, most of the final gains will fall into the various forces.

finally. It is still collected by the monks of great supernatural powers.

Wang Chen smiled faintly and glanced at these prosperous trades. This situation made the hearts of the two sons of the middle-aged monk tremble.

"The last time a great supernatural power cultivator came here for the first time, he was shocked by the situation here. The seniors turned a blind eye to it, and it was unfathomable."

The two brothers looked at each other and treated Wang Chen more respectfully.

Seeing Wang Chen had no interest, the older monk said: "Senior, this Xingluo Island is the largest trading island in the nearby sea. There are many things that are not available in other places. Senior should go take a look."


Wang Chen nodded, the things not found elsewhere are worth seeing.

The two led the way, and soon before they came to a huge street, the streets here are not luxurious, but the streets are dozens of miles long.

"Senior, please see,"

The young monk pointed to a bead next to him and said, "There are nearly a hundred marine fish in this bead. This kind of marine fish is relatively common in the nearby waters, but it can replenish a lot of vitality and blood after eating, and the demand is extremely high. Big, so the price is not cheap."

Wang Chen was slightly curious and looked at the beads.

When the divine consciousness enters it, it is to discover the special feature of this bead. This bead is not a spatial magical instrument, but has some characteristics of the spatial magical instrument. For example, it can hold living things. There is a water area in the bead. It is said that the beads have shrunk a piece of sea water.

"It's a peculiar magic weapon."

Wang Chen smiled lightly, "The world is so big, there are no wonders."

The two brothers also laughed when they heard this, and explained: "What the predecessor said is that this bead is actually a strange thing. There are many in the nearby sea. Although it is of little value, it is very useful for holding water monsters. Appropriate, therefore, most of the water monster trade is carried out through this bead."

Even if the cultivator reaches a higher level, he can eat some monster meat to increase his cultivation.

The monster beasts in the ocean are mostly huge, so the effect is more significant, especially when the monk is injured and the blood is damaged, it is a good choice.

In addition, there are many types of monsters in the ocean, which are more complicated than those on land. Some of them are very suitable as spiritual pets.

Almost every monk practicing in the sea will have one or two monsters of the water attribute.

When Wang Chen saw this bead, his heart moved, and he said randomly: "Let's go, take me to the biggest shop here, I want to buy something."


The two of them were taken aback for a moment, and they realized at random that this was to buy a monster in the water, but the thoughts flashed in their hearts, and they were a little embarrassed.

"Senior's unfathomable strength, how can there be any monster beasts here?"

Thinking in their hearts, the two of them still led Wang Chen to the front. The two of them are very familiar with this Xingluo Island and have been there countless times, so they quickly found the largest shop in the seven turns and eight turns.

However, it is not so much a shop as a street. Because the whole street is owned by this shop.

Wang Chen is also very familiar with this shop, Taihua Pavilion.

"Let's go, go and see."

When Wang Chen arrived here, he chuckled softly and walked forward. The two brothers had to follow him.

On this street, there are countless beads scattered in a dazzling array. Among the beads are a large number of monsters in the sea, with strange shapes and various varieties.

Every time Wang Chen looked at one, the two brothers explained the monster in the sea among the beads.

For most of the monsters, both of them can say about the type, bloodline, characteristics, and value of the monsters.

"Senior, this is called five-flowered fish. It is very rare in the ocean. It has a beautiful appearance and is beautiful. It is often used for decoration. It can spray a certain amount of five elements aura, but it is not very valuable."

This time, when Wang Chen was introduced to Wang Chen again, Wang Chen stopped.

"Buy me a portion of all the monster beasts in front of you. You need each of them, you can't miss it, and don't let go of other types of monster beasts."

Wang Chen ordered, and then continued to walk forward.

The two brothers don’t know why they buy so many low-level monsters, and they can’t eat them. Even for viewing I am afraid that there are not so many types!

"Right, there are many kinds?"

The two brothers glanced at each other, then nodded, showing excitement in their eyes, and they randomly exchanged thoughts.

"It deserves to be the great supernatural power monk that my father fancy, he actually has a spatial spirit weapon."

"It's very possible. Otherwise, what did the seniors search for so many low-level monsters? Okay, let's not talk about it, the two of us, just follow the instructions of the seniors, don't talk too much.

Both of them have followed the middle-aged monk for so many years, and their experience is not shallow, and they soon understood how to do it.

However, it's not to blame them for thinking that way. With Wang Chen's strength and the monsters they bought, the two can only think like this, and the more they think about it, the more they feel right.

Many things, if you say it by yourself, others won't believe it, but they believe in their own inferences.

This is human nature. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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