Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 469: defeat? Clearance (seeking collection, seeking push

The 469th chapter defeated? Clearance (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

   "Old man, are you pitting us? How dare you pit us with something"

   The great supernatural power monk of Xuanwu Pavilion turned gloomy, staring at the grizzled monk, while the other two's faces were also bad, and there was a tendency to do things.

   Although this puppet monk had a high status in Taixuanzong, he was a bit embarrassed.

First of all, the strength is not strong, and many people do not respect it, especially the amount of spiritual materials he consumes more than ten times that of others. Secondly, this puppet monk is approaching, and the monks in the combined period have a life span of about 10,000 years. The puppet monk has almost arrived.

   But there were only three people. While hesitating whether to do it, the Taoist puppet continued to do it.


   A khaki sledgehammer phantom was swung out, and this attack was obviously better than Wang Chen's attack.

   If Wang Chen is again, he will be relieved, because this puppet is the same as his own guess. Although his strength is strong, his attack will never exceed the monk himself.

   The monk attacked Yue more powerfully, and the puppet's attack became more powerful.

   The monk Xuanwu Pavilion who just spoke flew out, his face pale, he took the blow, and he was seriously injured in an instant. This was because his defensive supernatural power was the best among the three.

   "Brother, if this puppet is useless, then I won't be able to live. You can try it for the time being. I'm not sure if it works. I don't need to make jokes about my name."

   The grizzled monk said, with a stubborn look in his eyes, no matter what, he didn't want to believe that the puppet he had refined was useless.

   "Well, as you wish, if it works, it's okay to say, if it doesn't work, let's die here together!"

   After finishing speaking, the great supernatural power cultivator of Xuanwu Pavilion rolled his hand and took the liquid back into his body for refining.

  Who knows, the next moment, I found that this liquid could not be refined at all, but even so, it was still under my control.

"Brother," the gray-haired monk saw his doubts and said, "This puppet is like a special treasure. It can't be refined, but if it's not bad, it should have a certain bonus to magical powers. You You can give it a try."

   A strange color appeared in the monk Xuanwu Pavilion's eyes, and his excitement flashed.

   As a great supernatural power disciple of the Supreme Profound Sect, he certainly knows that supernatural powers can be increased in power through certain items, such as the Qi of Supreme Profound Sect.

   However, the aura of Tai Xuan can only be possessed by the core disciple, and he has not obtained it at all.

   Except for the first time, the most common ones are immortal implements, but immortal implements are not so easy to obtain. In addition to many mysterious restrictions, the biggest limitation is that immortal implements need to be activated by immortal energy.

   Monk, even if it is during the tribulation period, it can't be moved.

   Feeling the liquid entering his body, the monk Xuanwu Pavilion seemed to feel something, and then a layer of water-based defensive supernatural power appeared on his body.

   Although there is no difference with the defensive supernatural power just now, the defensive power has actually become stronger.


   The puppet Taoist’s attacking magical power hit this defensive magical power, and the defensive magical power was not broken but was picked up in a gurgling manner.

   Then the puppet Taoist stopped.

"Very well, the special puppet refining is successful, the completion rate is less than one-tenth, you can choose one of my treasures," said the Taoist puppet disappeared, and then three light groups appeared in front of them, and these three light groups The names of the items inside also automatically appear in front of the light group.

   "The aura of innate wind attributes."

   "Puppet Treasure"

   "The Puppet Book."

   The expressions of the three of them were happy, and then their expressions changed drastically.

   "Where are the pills and the Chaos Stone that your lord wants?"


   On the other side, Wang Chen put the liquid puppet refined by Fu Ming into his body, and he also discovered the difference between this puppet.

   "Brother Wang, this puppet only knows about it. It should have the effect of strengthening the power of supernatural powers. You can give it a try."

   Wang Chen nodded, and then waved his hand, the five-element extinction sword's supernatural power was activated, and a thin space fold suddenly appeared around the divine sword, killing the puppet.

  At the same time, the other eight of Wang Chen's spirits also carefully observed the changes of the liquid puppet.

  While Wang Chen was using magical powers, the puppet refined by Fu Ming changed rapidly, turning into a figure sitting cross-legged, with various magical power runes all over the figure.

   At the moment when Wang Chen's supernatural powers strengthened, the supernatural power runes on the puppet's figure gradually weakened.


   As soon as the sword of the five elements extinguished, Wang Chen felt that this move was about 20% more powerful than before.

   Twenty percent power increase, Wang Chen felt very shocked, roughly equivalent to once again comprehending a kind of mystery, and then comprehending the improvement of his own strength by the realm of Dacheng.

   This process, to put it short, will take a thousand years of effort.

   What's more, the more Xuan'ao understands, the harder it is to comprehend it.

   This also highlights the unique role of this puppet. This treasure in the world of cultivating immortals is simply too powerful, but it can be said that it has increased the strength of the great supernatural power cultivator.

For example, a certain person was originally the bottom of the first-level great supernatural power With this treasure, he is invincible in the first level. Weakness means that this person has good strength in the first level, and it is very likely to be strong. Enter the second level.

   As for the third level, Wang Chen estimates that the possibility is unlikely.

   Wang Chen issued this sword, and the Taoist puppet was repelled two steps without any damage, but he did not attack again, but showed a slight smile;

   "Yes, the special puppet was successfully refined, with a completion rate of three out of ten, but I have got three treasures of mine."

   The puppet Taoist said to play, the body disappeared, and then nine light groups appeared on the spot. In front of each light group, the name of the object was written.

"This is the end?"

   Wang Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the last level would end like this.

   "Boss, why did it end like this? Didn't you defeat the puppet Taoist?"

   Little Mole jumped on Wang Chen's shoulder, and said in doubt, Wang Chen smiled slightly: "Stupid, I'm afraid there is no one in this world who can defeat this puppet!"

"That's true!"

   After thinking about the power of the puppet, the little mouse nodded.

   But Wang Chen thought in his heart: Maybe a few people may have been able to fight, no, it should be said that they must have been able to fight, then the Great Ape King must be able to, as for the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, it should be similar.

  While Wang Chen was thinking about it, he noticed that Fu Ming was already kneeling on the ground with his legs, a drop of tears shed, and the black robe on his body had fallen off.

   Fu Ming's eyes were staring on one of the light clusters. In front of the light clusters, there was a prominent line of words:

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