Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1196: Undead Demon Star

The first thousand and ninety-six chapters of the undead demon star

"Let's go, let's take a look at this place. There should also be a gate of stars in this place, but this place may not be the same as the previous two places, and it may be dangerous, so be careful when looking for it. "

After reaching the approximate position of the third star gate, Wang Chen ordered such an order, but the little mole rat was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and then replied: "I know the boss."

Just looking at the little mole rat's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't listen much.

Wang Chen didn't say much when he saw this. With the strength of Little Mole, even if it is in danger, it will at best suffer a bit, and nothing will happen.

The little mole swooped into the ground of the falling star stream and quickly disappeared, while Qing'er and Wang Chen quickly searched around.

After finding two gates of stars, Wang Chen also found a little pattern. The location of the gates of stars is roughly the cave where the star beasts usually escape into the underground. The location of this cave is also very particular. It is in a region of stars. The most powerful place.

Even if Wang Chen hadn't escaped into the ground, he could still find the approximate location of the gate of the stars.

Half an hour later, Wang Chen stood beside a pool of star liquid, waiting for news from Little Mole. Around this place is the place where the power of stars is the strongest in this area. According to the truth, This place is conveniently the cave of the star beast, and it is also the location of the star gate.

It was just not long after waiting, a huge sound spread all over the surrounding area, the fluctuations of the power of the law filled the air, and the little mole rat emerged from the ground.

"Boss, there are people here. And it's so amazing, it almost trapped me in it."

Little Mole looked flustered, with a look of horror in his eyes, flew around Wang Chen, and then the next moment. A huge figure appeared in the high sky opposite Wang Chen. This figure looks hideous, it seems to be a giant wolf, but it doesn't look like it, because outside of the head is a little fuzzy, the other figure is still human, but the hair and trunk on the human body have the characteristics of a wolf.


This monster that looked like a wolf and not a wolf screamed in the sky. Then the infinite power of stars in the surrounding surroundings was attracted, and a pair of incomparable strange eyes appeared on the body of this giant wolf.

Seeing these eyes, Wang Chen was startled and lost his voice: "Demon Star God King!"

After the giant wolf looked up to the sky and roared, the body of the giant wolf also slowly transformed, very quickly. This giant wolf was shrinking, and some of the wolf-like characteristics of the whole body disappeared, leaving only the body in the starlight and the strange eyes. At this time, the appearance was exactly the demon star **** king Wang Chen had seen before.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect a very daoist friend to be here. It's really unexpected!"

The demon star **** Wang Jiejie smiled and looked at the three of Wang Chen. There was a trace of killing intent and hideous in his eyes. Wang Chen was also shocked when he saw the Demon Star God King. Wang Chen, the demon star **** king, had also heard of it, and even mentioned a little bit about whether it was the star sword **** king or the star emperor **** king.

The monster star **** king's body is a giant wolf of unknown bloodline, which seems to have some similarities with the star beast, but it is quite different. The star beast is very weak and does not actively attack, while the demon star **** king is extremely bloodthirsty and will kill people at every turn. Falling Star Stream is described as dangerous by the outside world, but in fact a large part of the reason is because of the Demon Star God King.

The four strong kings on the Avenue of Stars are different. The Star Sword God King is the most talented, blending peerless swordsmanship with the Avenue of Stars, with infinite prestige. Faint is the first person; the nine-star **** king is the most famous, and the cultivation base above the formation is also the most amazing, second only to some of the rumors of the peerless **** king; the star emperor **** king appeared the latest in time, but it is recognized that He is the strongest of the Avenue of Stars; the Demon Star God King is the most mysterious and has an extraordinary origin. Bloodthirsty.

Before, Wang Chen was a little unhappy when he first met with the Demon Star God King. The Demon Star God King had a dark hand on Wang Chen, but Wang Chen easily cracked it.

"The Purple Emperor God King, tusk, the three of you came here to find me? But it's not like it, is it because of the gate of stars I found, yeah, the little mouse just came here for the gate of stars, It seems that you are here for the gate of stars, but the Purple Emperor God King, do you think it is so easy for me to abandon this gate of stars?"

Demon Star God King's eyes glowed with a strange light, looking at Wang Chen, the color of coveting did not conceal the slightest.

Wang Chen felt slightly uncomfortable, and said: "Does the Demon Star God King want some treasure in my body in exchange for it?"

"Smart, this gate of stars is just a time saver for me, and it is not very useful for me. But it's about to be handed over. I don't know what the Daoist fellow wants?"

There was a trace of eagerness and cunning in the words of the Demon Star God King, watching Wang Chen say so.

Wang Chen frowned slightly, but he was not surprised. When the Nine Star God King handed over the rules of the God King to Wang Chen, the Demon Star God King showed a coveted expression. Now Wang Chenneng is not surprised when he says so, it's just the Nine Star God King. The law of's has been refining and decomposed by the world bead, integrated into the world bead, and there is no more.

"The condition of fellow daoists is not excessive. Although the law of the nine-star **** king is very precious, it is a pity that it is a tasteless taste for the **** king, but I have exhausted the law of the **** king and want to give it to the dao friend. It's impossible to give it."

Wang Chen said frankly, with a pity in his tone.

Although the law of the **** king is precious, it is really of little use to the **** king. The monks of the same road can use the **** king law to refine treasures, and the monks under the **** king can use the **** king law to condense themselves. The rule of the king of gods, but the disadvantages are too great, and few people do this.

The Demon Star God King wanted this rule of the God King, if Wang Chen had directly given it to him.

It’s just that the Demon Star God King heard the words, but he showed a trace of madness, and said: "No, no, how can it be gone. Since the Nine Star God King’s Law of God King is gone, then use your God King Law instead. Bar!"

The words just fell. The body of the Demon Star God King turned into a ray of light and then rushed over.


Wang Chen had been prepared long ago, because the Demon Star God King himself is a bloodthirsty generation, how can Wang Chen take it lightly, this blow is to show the strength of the Hongmeng Dao body.

Only after this blow, the body of the Demon Star God King trembled slightly, but there was no injury, while Wang Chen took a few steps backwards, staggering.

"I look down upon the people of the world. It is easy to become the strongest under the gods. Since this monster star **** king dares to confront the enemy with his body, his body must be extremely powerful. ."

Wang Chen was horrified secretly, and the monster star king on the opposite side was slightly taken aback after the blow. It seemed to shock Wang Chen's strength. After that, the monster star king was also killed again.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, the Demon Star God King was fighting with Wang Chen. This time the battle became more intense. The surrounding suspended mountain space instantly collapsed due to the battle between the two, forming a gap in space, and Wang Chen’s Hongmeng Avenue Around the body, bursts of purple gas appeared.

For a Wang Chen separated from the Demon Star God King, and the surrounding space soon calmed down again, as if the battle had not happened just now.

It’s just that the radiant purple energy around Wang Chen’s body proves that Wang Chen’s injury is no longer lighter, while the Demon Star King on the opposite side is even more ugly. Therefore, the law of the king of gods has become weak.

"Although this Demon Star God King is powerful, it is not particularly powerful, and it is a bit worse than the Star Emperor God King and the Star Sword God King."

Wang Chen commented to himself. This demon star **** king’s cultivation avenue is also very powerful, but relatively speaking, it is not as strong as the star sword **** king and the star emperor **** king. By virtue of the Hongmeng avenue and the power avenue, Wang Chen did not exert his full strength. It is easy to use the demon star **** Wang defeated, according to the current situation, beheading the Demon Star God King was just a matter of time.

Just as if laughing at Wang Chen's ignorance again, the Demon Star God King in the distance screamed up to the sky, and then an astonishing scene appeared. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

PS: Chapter Two, please support!

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