Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1194: 9 Star King's Array

The first thousand and ninety-four chapters of the nine-star king's formation

The Avenue of Stars that Nine Star God King liked most for cultivation back then was the Avenue of Stars, but unfortunately the talent on the Avenue of Stars was not good, and it took countless years to repair to the current level of cultivation, but it was easily defeated by the King of Stars.

However, the most talented Dao of the Nine Star God King is the Formation Dao, and he has also obtained the inheritance of the Formation Dao God Venerable.

This time he was defeated by the Star Emperor God King, even if the Nine Star God King had abandoned his own star law, he turned to practice the Array Dao.

This cultivation array Dao Nine Star God King's talent is reflected. Wang Chen is dumbfounded. After hundreds of thousands of years of work, the Nine Star God King is reuniting the array rules, and it seems that his strength is extremely terrifying.

"Nine Star God King, how about you and me?"

A trace of warfare flashed in the eyes of Wang Chen's kendo clone, and he said so. The Nine Star God King was not timid, and said: "Naturally, if Daoist is the deity, I am not an opponent yet, but this kendo clone is not necessarily achieved. Daoist can do it even if he makes a move."

Wang Chen laughed, the divine sword flew out with a slam, and went straight to the Nine Star God King. The Nine Star God King was still not afraid, and layers of ripples around the back of the body appeared.

The ripples spread around, and Wang Chen instantly felt that the space around him had changed.

In an instant, Wang Chen seemed to have come to an endless galaxy, countless stars came towards Wang Chen, and Wang Chen had to deal with it in a panic. Fortunately, the attacks of these stars were so ordinary, Wang Chen easily blocked them.

"This is the formation method, the law of the formation path is really mysterious, it turns out that it can make people fall into the formation method, and if you are not careful, you will fall into it."

Wang Chen smiled slightly from the bottom of his heart, but then a bright light burst out from the Divine Sword.

The next moment, Wang Chen's divine sword exploded with great power, and the sword spirit's cultivation base and Wang Chen's cultivation base were superimposed. The avenue of nothingness unfolded, the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, and the formation was suddenly broken with a boom.

Only after this formation was broken, Wang Chen suddenly discovered that there was another formation besides this formation.


An hour later, Wang Chen came out of the formation in a rather embarrassed manner, and his whole body became much weaker. And the look of the Nine Star God King in the distance was also a little pale.

"The Daoist formations really surprised me. I didn't expect it to be able to trap me for so long."

Wang Chen was so shocked that he would punch holes. In just one hour of effort, the Nine Star God King has displayed dozens of needle techniques, each of which is not simple, especially the following formations are very tricky, relying on the strength of Wang Chen's swordsdom clone. Turned out to be embarrassed.

The Nine Star God King smiled. A little relaxed in his expression, he said:

"Friends of Daoists are absurd. The formation that I just displayed is the strongest formation I can deduce at this stage. Even so, fellow Daoists will still be killed. If there is a real life-and-death battle, I will be dead. Fellow Taoist swordsmanship is indeed very powerful, and among the people I have seen, you are second only to the Star Sword God King."

Wang Chen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and did not argue.

After the test, the Nine Star God King fell into meditation again. This is not like Wang Chen. Wang Chen's deduction of Jiezhu is to constantly comprehend all kinds of great avenues, and he can't practice hard in one place.

When the Nine Star God King continued to practice, Wang Chen once again entered a star in the endless galaxy. There are many stars in this endless galaxy, and it is simply a part of the God Realm space. The star that Wang Chen entered was the place where the Star Emperor God King practiced. Wang Chen had also listened to the Star Emperor God King preaching here before.

"Why Daoist Purple Emperor is here again? Are you going to discuss the avenue with me again?"

The Star Emperor God King opened his eyes and asked with some doubts. Wang Chen was a little embarrassed, and then said: "Friends of the Star Emperor, I would like to thank them for their generous advice for hundreds of thousands of years. Now I have almost understood the Avenue of the Stars, and it is enough for my own Dao deduction. Now I Is there one thing to ask a Taoist friend when you come to find a Taoist friend?"

The Star Emperor God King clicked yes and said, "But it doesn't hurt to say it!"

When Wang Chen saw this, he said in a deep voice: "After I came to Falling Star Stream, I heard people say that there is a treasure in this Falling Star Stream called the Gate of Stars. There is a high probability that monks can break through the existing ones by practicing in it. The bottleneck, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but fellow Taoists know where there is the gate of stars in the falling star stream?"

"The Gate of Stars?"

The Star Emperor God King was taken aback for a moment, looked at Wang Chen, and then smiled and said, "I'm afraid Daoist Zihuang is not looking for you, maybe it is for that little mouse. Well, that mouse is of extraordinary talent. , It’s a pity that I don’t practice hard at ordinary times, otherwise the Universe Dao can choose one of them to become a strong person who is no weaker than you and me. Daoist Purple Emperor is looking for the door of the stars to let that little mouse practice!"

Wang Chen nodded helplessly. Little Mole is indeed very talented, but he doesn't work hard, otherwise he won't be what he is now. The strength is not as good as that, and it is not a star or a bit worse than the King of Dundi and the King of Swallowing Sky.

"The door of the stars may not be known to fellow Taoists. Although the mystery is spread to the outside world, it is actually the essence formed when the star beast dies. This essence forms a star light door in the process of dissipating, and the monk can accelerate in it. The speed of cultivation depends on chance."

The Star Emperor God King explained that this explanation was indeed similar to that of the Star Sword God King. Wang Chen didn't care about this, instead he asked, "I don't know if fellow Daoist can find a door to the stars. The cultivation base of Xiao Yu is really bad. It will be the Shenzun Mountain for another 70 million years. At that time, I was worried that the little bird would be in danger."

The Star Emperor God King smiled upon hearing this and said:

"Alright, since you have spoken, then I will help you find it. There are not many stars in this falling star stream. Although there is no danger, it is also very hidden. The ordinary gods cannot find it at all, but I Tell fellow daoists in advance that although the gate of the stars has a magical skill, it actually has very little effect on the peerless **** king, so fellow daoists should not be disappointed by that time."

"Thank you, fellow Xingdi Daoist!"

Wang Chen replied with joy.

Then the Star Emperor God King moved, and countless stars in the high sky seemed to have come to life. They started to move slowly, and then descended on the countless stars, decorating the misty and illusory falling stars. The star world is general.

"This is……?"

Wang Chen was a little puzzled about the movements of the Star Emperor God King, but he didn't issue any doubts, and the Star Emperor God King also continued the endless starlight, the starlight falling from a high place was actually endless.

After half a stick of incense time, the Star Emperor God King opened his eyes again, and the endless starlight stopped falling and returned to normal.

"Well, fortunately, Daoist Zihuang finally paid his attention, Daoist Purple Emperor, there are three places in the Star Gate at the moment. According to the usual practice, there are no star beasts around the Star Gate. It is relatively safe. Daoists can do it themselves. Go ahead, I hope that little mouse can make a breakthrough in his cultivation, and it's not in vain that fellow daoists come to intercede in person."

As the Purple Emperor God King said, a map composed of stars appeared, and then floated in front of Wang Chen.

This map is the map of Falling Stars Stream. On the map, there are three small stars gates marked. Wang Chen hurriedly took this map in his heart when he saw this.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Star Emperor, I'll leave now."

Wang Chen thanked him first, then turned and left. The Star Emperor God King smiled slightly, but closed his eyes again, and his body disappeared into the infinite After a while, Wang Chen led Qinger and Little Mole into the Falling Star Stream. Among.


Three hours later, Wang Chen finally came to a deep cave. The cave was full of the power of stars, and there was even a lake formed by the power of stars, but Wang Chen did not find a little bit of the stars. Traces of the door.

"Boss, did the Star Emperor God King make a mistake? Why do I feel something is wrong? How can the Star Emperor God King know the location of the Star Gate?

The little Mole looked for a long time and couldn't help but said angrily.

Wang Chen smiled, a little helpless: "It's impossible to lie to us. The Star Emperor God King will not make such boring jokes, but I have searched all the places in this cave, and I can't find any deterrence. What?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

PS: Exhausted, sleep!

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