In the end, Cui Dazhong invited Jiang Kezhen, Yu Guanghui, and his wife to Yunshang Shengjing, and asked Zhao Yuqi to help book the location.

After eating this meal, Jiang Kezhen and Yu Guanghui finally let him go and continued talking about his eating alone.

However, they also agreed that they must never eat alone in the future! And the next day, you have to find someone to go to the supermarket to queue up early, otherwise, you won't be able to buy anything.

——If two people are together, they can supervise each other!

Qian Xiuwen was listening to the three of them discussing how to buy fruit, with a black line on her face.

However, after eating the meal of Shengjing on the Clouds, she can probably understand why they did this.

After discussing tomorrow's situation, Cui Dazhong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then took his wife back to his room.

After washing up, Qian Xiuwen couldn't help but said: "If you give them a few raspberries today, you won't be slaughtered by them in the end."

That box of raspberries is only five hundred yuan, plus the fare and so on, it will not exceed one thousand yuan.

However, a set meal for one person is almost 4,000, and it is 8,000 for two people.

This account made her a little speechless.

"You don't understand." Cui Dazhong shook his head, "It's not about money, it's hard to buy!"

He explained the specific situation to his wife, "You can earn more money, but it's really hard to buy such delicious food! Xiao Liu and the others may not be able to buy it when they go there tomorrow!"

Seeing her husband's greedy face, Qian Xiuwen couldn't help shaking her head speechlessly.

However, the three of them are old buddies who have worked together for many years, and they often fight wits and courage, which is also a little fun between them.

When she came here this time, she was going to treat them to a meal, so it was nothing.

As for the hard-to-buy fruit that her husband said, she didn't worry about it.

This fruit is indeed delicious, it makes her have endless aftertaste, and the price is also very expensive, but it is not so difficult to buy.

Besides, if you can't buy it, then don't buy it.

Fruits are just not a staple food that must be eaten every day.

However, this idea was quickly thrown out of the mind after the two went to bed.

When the two stopped, Qian Xiuwen looked at her husband in surprise and puzzlement, "What's wrong with you?"

They have been married for many years, and no amount of enthusiasm has faded.

Their relationship is still good, but it has become dull, and their husband and wife life is not much.

During this period of time, Cui Dazhong has never touched her again, which is why she is so suspicious and often visits the class.

It may be that her husband is getting old and his health is failing.

But there are other possibilities - he was full outside, so he didn't have an appetite when he came back.

But tonight, she had the long-lost satisfaction!

Not to mention Qian Xiuwen's surprise, Cui Dazhong was even more overjoyed.

"My God!"

He looked at his wife, "Did I behave particularly well today?"

"Yes." Qian Xiuwen nodded, praising her husband without reservation, "I feel like I'm back to my youth."

Cui Dazhong was even happier when his wife affirmed his ability, "Great! I can do it again!"

Cui Dazhong can't wait to jump up and celebrate!

He has not had this feeling and ability for a long time!

Qian Xiuwen was always worried that he would steal food outside, but he was powerless!

As he grew older, he felt more and more powerless.

But tonight, he felt like he was back in his prime!

"What did you eat?" Qian Xiuwen couldn't help asking.

She also cooked a lot of tonics for her husband before, but none of them worked.

But just now, he did satisfy her very much, and he didn't feel inferior at all when he was young.

"What did you eat?" Cui Dazhong paused, and couldn't help but pat the quilt, "I know, it's raspberries!"


"Yes! Definitely it!"

Cui Dazhong wanted to jump up, "It's definitely a raspberry!"

His eyes were bright, "It must be!"

He looked at his wife, his eyes seemed to glow, "Didn't it say that raspberries are good for men's health?"

"Raspberry does have this effect, but..."

"That's it!" Cui Dazhong interrupted his wife, very excited, "It must be the effect of raspberries! I didn't eat anything special today, I just ate raspberries!"

"You also ate a lot today." Qian Xiuwen reminded, "Don't we have a set meal tonight? Maybe it's the effect of the stew in it?"

"No!" Cui Dazhong insisted on his own thoughts, "Tonight's stew does not have this effect. As for other dishes, I have eaten them before, and they have no such effect! It is the effect of raspberries, absolutely!"

Seeing that her husband was so persistent, Qian Xiuwen didn't argue with him, "That's it."

"What is that, right? It must be!" Cui Dazhong said seriously, and then, regardless of time, he took out his mobile phone and called his assistant.

Liu Jianping, who had just closed his eyes and was about to go to sleep, received a call from Director Cui and almost wanted to cry.

It's so late at night, can't you calm down a little? He also wants to sleep well!

"Director Cui, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Liu, when you go to the supermarket tomorrow, you must buy raspberries!"


"Yes, raspberries! Others are free, but you must buy raspberries!"

Director Cui's tough attitude made Liu Jianping's face twitch, "Okay, I will try my best."

"It's not about doing your best, it's about doing it!"

Liu Jianping's face turned dark, and he grinned at the phone, cursing silently, but what he said became: "Okay, I will."

This is the tragedy of beating workers!

Liu Jianping felt angry, and then he heard Director Cui continue to say: "If you buy raspberries, I will give you a bonus of 300 yuan."

bonus? !

Liu Jianping's expression changed immediately, "Okay, I will definitely buy it!"

If it was a white job, he would be annoyed of course.

But, there are bonuses!

Moreover, he can also buy things worth a hundred yuan to make up the bill!

If it was the same as today, Director Cui would not want those things.

In this way, he can get 400 yuan!

If this is the case for a month, he can get 12,000!


Liu Jianping immediately felt relieved of sleepiness, wishing he had to sleep, so he immediately got up and drove to the supermarket to queue up.

Half asleep and half awake in the excitement, Liu Jianping got up before six o'clock, pulled another person out of bed, and then drove to the supermarket!

The other person saw how excited he was, and yawned while looking out the window that hadn't fully lit up, and was speechless, "What are you doing, it's as if you've been slapped."

Liu Jianping smiled at him, "Of course I'm excited! If I help Director Cui buy raspberries, I can get four hundred errand fees!"

"Four hundred?"

The other party also straightened his back, and his sleepiness dissipated a bit, "What's the situation?"

"That's what it means."

"Why did Director Cui ask you to buy raspberries? Is there anything special about raspberries?"

Liu Jianping was silent for a while, thinking about Director Cui's attitude and what he had encountered yesterday, he hesitated for a while, and didn't say his guess, but he still suggested to his companions, "Anyway, after you go in, get the tree first. Raspberry! If my guess is correct, you should also be able to get bonuses in the future!"

The other party looked at him dubiously, "Really?"

"That's what I suggest, and it's up to you whether you listen or not."

"Okay, just listen to you."

I believe everyone knows that this is a novel, and that novels have golden fingers. Everyone should be able to separate reality from fiction! !

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