Mu Congyue didn't understand how everyone's topic changed.

Didn't you just talk about breakfast? How did it go to the price increase?

Moreover, it is obvious that most customers accept the price increase well.

Even before the hotel said they were going to raise the price, they were already ready-oh no, they were not only ready, they also wanted the hotel to raise the price immediately!

Listening to their discussion, Mu Congyue was dumbfounded!

After feeling Hua Guo, she encountered too many miraculous things.

There are still people who actively want to increase the price?

However, after she ate all the food, she understood why everyone wanted to raise the price.

These breakfasts are absolutely delicious!

The food that Xue Liantao took her to eat yesterday tasted good, but it couldn't compare to these simple breakfasts!

Mu Congyue is of mixed race between Hua and F countries, and he often eats Hua's food at home, so he accepts these dishes well.

The hotel's breakfast doesn't have much oily or meaty food, it's basically all kinds of light porridge and vegetables.

But the taste of these vegetables is so sweet and delicious!

Mu Congyue's nose is sensitive and her tongue is not weak.

She can clearly taste the sweetness of these vegetables, without a trace of earthy smell, it is very delicious!

The milk is also particularly mellow. A small glass of milk may be less than 100ml, but it is so mellow and rich that she can't wait to drink two more glasses!

Unfortunately, these are also limited.

She finally understood why there was a limit.

If there is no limit, I don't know how crazy everyone will be!

In addition to milk, the taste of soy milk is also very good!

There is no beany smell, only the sweet bean aroma, with a little sweetness, the taste is mellow, so fragrant that she couldn't help but gulp it down after a few sips.

Even the ordinary pumpkin porridge is delicious. The pumpkin inside is sweet and glutinous. There is no sugar in the porridge, but it is very sweet!

——The rice is ordinary rice, but the water used to cook the rice is the mountain spring water of the villa, and the pumpkins are also from the villa.

Mu Congyue was so intoxicated that he didn't care about other people.

By the time she finished eating and stopped, everyone around had reached a consensus.

——The price increase is no problem! Even if it is doubled, they can accept it!

Some people also raised objections, saying that it was unfair to ordinary people like them.

Someone immediately refuted that there is not only one hotel in this world, there are many cheap and affordable budget hotels around!

The service and breakfast provided by the L\u0026D Hotel are so good and worth the money, why can't the price be raised?

How normal is the price increase!

Ordinary people who have no money and are reluctant to part with it can choose what they can afford. After all, the breakfast outside can be full for a few dollars.

They are willing to spend money, what's wrong with spending some money on services?

You can't ask the rich not to spend money, right?

According to this, there are still poorer people in society who can't even eat enough! Then is it because of them that ordinary people can't eat enough?

This is unreasonable!

When Mo Yi'an heard about everyone's discussion, he was shocked!

But after breakfast, why are you talking about the price increase? Still discussing so deeply?

She didn't say that she would raise the price now!

Although the price will definitely increase when the supply is in short supply, but she doesn't mean it now!

Why do people say that she seems to immediately increase the price on the spot?

Instead, Mu Congyue, who was watching the whole thing from the sidelines, explained the reason to her.

Then, Mo Yi'an was speechless.

The guests have completed the self-guided strategy so quickly?

The current guests are really amazing!

Mo Yi'an shook his head, put the matter aside first, and took Mu Congyue to the villa.

"Is it okay to go so early? How about going later?"

"It's okay!" Mo Yi'an shook his head, "Ah Jing and the others have already woken up, and they have all finished their breakfast."

Based on the schedule of the people in the villa, they had finished their breakfast around seven o'clock, and now they all started to go about their own business.

"Is everyone so early?" Mu Congyue was surprised.

When she was at home, she didn't get up until after eight o'clock.

"It's as early as they are."

Mo Yi'an was driving the car, saying this every now and then.

Soon, the car arrived at the villa.

When they reached the gate of the villa, Mu Congyue was surprised again, "This is it?"

"Yes." Mo Yi'an nodded, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, this place was an unfinished building before."

"Unfinished building?"

Mu Congyue looked at the dilapidated buildings around him in amazement, her eyes were a little frightened, and she always felt that a terrible monster would jump out!

"Don't worry, it's fine here."

Mo Yi'an drove for a while, and soon Mu Congyue was attracted by the scenery outside the window.

"There are so many flowers!"

Mu Congyue opened the window, looked at the colorful flowers outside and cheered.

After the window was opened, some scents also floated in, bringing more happiness.

Looking at this large expanse of vibrant flowers and plants, Mu Congyue's eyes were too busy.

Mo Yi'an's car slowed down so that she could see the scenery outside.

"I will take you to take a look later."

No matter how slow the car was, it still reached the gate of Xiao Yijing's villa.

That piece of flowers just now made Mu Congyue's nervousness disappear. What's so scary about such a beautiful place?

After arriving at Xiao Yijing's villa, she felt like she had returned to the normal world.

The appearance of this villa is a bit old, but the vegetable garden and surrounding flowers and plants are full of vitality.



As soon as the car stopped, the dogs came running over.


The pig's head stood up straight, its paws resting on the car door.

Mu Congyue was taken aback by the huskies outside the car, so close, those big wise eyes were a bit scary!

She dared not open the door and get out of the car.

"Pig head!" Mo Yi'an got out of the car and yelled.


Pig's head barked at her, but didn't leave.

Mo Yi'an was speechless, and yelled again, "Black rice! Take care of the pig's head!"


A black shadow rushed out and rushed towards the pig's head.

The pig's head was so frightened that it immediately let go of its paws and ran away.

Seeing that the pig's head finally left, Mo Yi'an clicked his tongue at it.

Sure enough, it is a husky, remembering to eat but not to fight.

She opened the car door, "Okay, get out of the car."


Mu Congyue got out of the car and looked around curiously. Then, she saw the dogs she saw yesterday.

Besides the dogs, she also saw several cats.

Some cats watched them condescendingly from the trees, their eyes flickering.

"Meow ~"

Mu Congyue looked down, and suddenly goosebumps came out, his hairs danced wildly, and he backed away in fright, "Mouse!"

——An orange cat brought a mouse and put it in front of her, and pushed it in front of her with its paw!

This mouse is obviously not dead yet, and it's still twitching!

Mu Congyue turned pale with fright.

"Orange rice!" Mo Yi'an was also taken aback, and hurriedly shouted: "We won't eat it, you will eat it yourself!"

The orange cat meowed softly at them.

"We won't eat it, you can eat it yourself!" Mo Yi'an tried hard to say.

The two sides stalemate for a while, and the orange cat finally took the mouse away.

Mu Congyue finally came back to life.

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