I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Vol 2 Chapter 643: There is a kind of beauty that does not care whether the passengers live or die

Even for normal people, it takes considerable skill to fall from a height of three stories without getting injured, let alone with a gunshot wound.

When Akai Xiuyi rushed to the window and looked down, he happened to see Nan Ling staggeringly getting up from the ground.

The white coat he was wearing was stained red with blood everywhere. Judging by the way he walked, he either broke his leg when he jumped off the stairs, or the shot he had just hit him in the leg—or both.

Akai Hideichi squinted one eye, spent a few seconds changing the ammunition, raised the gun and was about to continue shooting, when he suddenly heard a familiar sound of an engine.

He looked up consciously, just in time to see the notorious Porsche 356A rushing through the lines of other FBI agents, heading in this direction. The ferocity of the momentum is like a black panther hunting.

It was just a momentary distraction—when he looked at Nanling again, he saw only scarlet blood falling on the dark ground, winding all the way to a certain bush, probably he had found it long ago. From the bunker, only a small piece of white and red clothes corners can be seen from Akai Shuichi's position.

Akai Hideichi only hesitated for a second, then immediately turned his head and left, running quickly in the hospital corridor.

It's pointless to waste time here anymore, and it's okay to talk about why gin isn't with Kiel later. Now, he'd have to drive a car to catch up with Gin.

While going downstairs, he also contacted Andre Kamel, who was in charge of transferring Mizurunai, and told him in a concise manner that the situation had changed. Reina joins other FBI agents.

Gin will appear here, which proves that Charter has indeed anticipated the current situation—maybe he failed to foresee the specific situation, but he also arranged for himself a retreat early on.

Then, combined with the threat he made before leaving, as long as he returns to the organization, it will definitely threaten the safety of Rena Mizumu, and Shuichi Akai cannot let this risk go.

Fortunately, he had indeed made preparations in advance in case of a mistake, and Rena Mizumu hadn't started to act yet, and Kamel, who had known pnB for a long time, had no objection.

Since Gin is here, with Kamel's driving skills, it should be relatively easy to get rid of the tracking of the rest of the organization.

Downstairs, the Porsche easily broke through the FBI's line of defense, arrived at Nan Ling's side at lightning speed, and roared away from the scene without slowing down.

Nanling had already disappeared in place at that moment.

He jumped into the car along the back door that Gin had opened for him in advance, and exhaustedly closed the door with the last of his strength before he had time to check his injuries.

The first was a gunshot wound to the right lower back. It may be that the bullet did not penetrate the body because the distance was not close enough, but instead got stuck in the muscle. Fortunately, no internal organs were injured, and it was not too serious.

As for the legs... When he jumped from the third floor, it is conservatively estimated that a calf bone was cracked, and maybe a few ribs were broken along the way. But it doesn't affect his movement for the time being—in fact, in normal times, let alone jumping from the third floor, he can land along the outside of the wall without injury even on the tenth floor—the premise is that he can move freely.

Nan Ling had already calculated the landing posture when he smashed the window frame, and the current result is almost in line with his expectations, at least not both legs are abolished, otherwise there will be troubles later.

As for the wounds on his hands pierced by glass shards, the glass scratches on his arms and other small abrasions, he can hardly feel any pain. He just needs to be disinfected afterward, and if necessary, he will be given another tetanus shot. .

The most problematic is the gunshot wound in the thigh.

Akai Shuichi may be aiming at the calf, but it is unpredictable where the bullet will fall when the movement changes rapidly. Nanling didn't expect it to turn into the troublesome situation it is now.

One of his few bullets narrowly missed the femoral artery.

Any more and he would have to hurry up and report to Hades.

Nan Ling frowned, and decisively threw the white coat aside, tore off the clean shirt and twisted it into a simple bandage to tie on his leg to stop the bleeding.

Fortunately, Akai Shuichi was already very close to him when he shot, and the bullet did not stay in his leg, otherwise the situation he is facing now would be much more complicated.

While bandaging himself, he cursed a few curse words in a low voice—studies have shown that curse words can significantly reduce the subjective pain. His hands are shaking from blood loss and pain, so it is also to deal with the injury more efficiently.

Gin glanced at him through the rearview mirror, and smiled vaguely.

"What a mess, Chater."

"It's not like you haven't read the more embarrassing ones. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Nan Ling slapped him lightly, "If you keep talking nonsense, you will be as embarrassed as me."

Because he saw Akai Shuichi chasing after him in the rearview mirror.

"It's not your turn to worry." Gin Jiu said, with a little excitement in his voice, "Sit still."

Nan Ling's complexion immediately became very ugly - not only because of the injury, but mainly because of the beauty of Gin Jiu's soaring car that doesn't care about the life or death of the passengers. He tried his best to stabilize his figure on the back seat, but still swayed like a flat boat on the sea in a storm, thinking that if this continues, he might not die at the hands of Akai Hideo, but at the hands of Gin Jiu.

But he had no room to protest, so he could only deal with all the injuries he could. As for the bullet on his lower back, he had to wait a little later before taking it out.

The drag racing in the world of Conan will always make Nan Lingcao speechless. He watched Gin pass through the traffic, as agile as a fish swimming, followed by Akai Shuichi twisting in the traffic; I started driving in the opposite direction like a rage, thinking about how many tickets I would have to pay if the traffic police uncle saw this.

There were other FBI cars in the beginning, but that group was quickly swept away by the driving skills of their two aliens.

Gin didn't say anything about Chianti's situation, and Nan Ling didn't ask either. Anyway, the focus is obviously on their side now, because he guessed that Akai Shuichi should have some control over Minzumu Rena's side, especially after he hinted at him very intentionally.

They quickly left the city limits and arrived in more remote suburbs, where there was no human habitation as far as the eye could see.

It was at this time that Gin told him that the backseat

Nanling:? (end of this chapter)

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