I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Vol 2 Chapter 634: big bet

that night.

Kusuda Rikudao opened his eyes.

He sat up from the hospital bed, touched his neck first, and then stood up grinning.

As an undercover agent placed by the organization in this hospital, his injury has actually healed long ago.

But the doctor who came to round the ward during the day sprained his neck again without saying a word—if he hadn't used the sign language in the organization to identify himself as soon as he came in, and hinted that there were people watching around him, he would definitely not have let him go. The other party does this.

Kusuda Ludao walked around the room slowly. The people who came from the organization confiscated it at first. He still feels a pain in his neck and can't sleep.

He had cleaned the room in the morning to make sure that there were no clues related to the organization left in the room. In addition to telling him that there was surveillance around, the people in the organization also told him that the mission had been cancelled. His task is continued by the other party.

Now he is just an ordinary patient, and there is only one thing to do, which is to recuperate well like other patients, and then retreat unnoticed.

Kusuda Rikudao glanced at the closed door. There was no sound outside the door, but he guessed that someone must be watching outside. This also proves that Rena Mizumu is indeed in this hospital.

He sneered. No matter who the outsiders are, their plans have been exposed in advance.

He shook his head and lay back on the hospital bed.

"Kato Central Hospital."

Sitting on the co-pilot of the Porsche 356A, Gin said with satisfaction, "That's where the FBI imprisoned Keir."

"That's right." Belmode closed the phone, leaned on the back seat and said, "News from Chater. He met Shuichi Akai from the FBI there. They are investigating the people we sneaked in to investigate, so they should also have suspicions." .but Chater kept it a secret for now."

"He is really more capable than I thought." Gin sneered, "It seems that brainwashing is still very effective for him. Are you right, Belmode?"

"It took much longer to brainwash him than I expected." Belmode sighed slightly, "It really exhausted me physically and mentally, that month. If he can cooperate a little bit..."

She chuckled, "Maybe it will be a lot easier...Obviously it will end in the same way."

"Having been in the organization for so many years, he still hasn't recognized the reality, and is delusional about resisting the organization. Isn't that enough to show his stupidity?" Gin Jiu lit a cigarette, "Now he's much more obedient."

"Charter is easy to use, but don't think about entrusting him with everything." Belmode said casually, "His condition has not completely stabilized yet, and the brainwashing equipment is still too harmful to the body. Now, give him some time to rest."

"Why? You suddenly became more gentle with him."

"Ah, are you jealous, Gin?" Belmode smiled and moved to the front row, "It's just that gentleman's care for him—and, Chater's report just now also said that he has attracted Akai Xiuyi's attention, the next investigation may be difficult."

"Tell him, if the location of Keele's ward has not been investigated by midnight tomorrow night, stop for now." Gin showed a confident smile, "Shuichi Akai... the FBI who cut my cheek with a bullet, I am I want to take this opportunity to settle the score."

"Could we be wrong?" Judy asked.

All night plus one day, the FBI members who monitored Kusuda Rikumichi and Nishiya Chugo found nothing abnormal. The room of the two of them was very quiet, and they were just two ordinary patients.

It was now the second night, and they still hadn't found anything.

"It seems reasonable to say that the organization had slipped away from the hospital before we found out because of the delay in finding Rena Mizumu."

"I don't think the people in the organization will give up so easily." Conan said, crossing his arms, "Their people must still be in this hospital."

"But we can't find any clues at all now." Judy looked a little anxious.

As an unofficial organization, they cannot directly investigate patients in the hospital. But if they notify the Japanese police, they will definitely startle the snake.

"No, I think the organization should have found out." Akai Shuichi pushed the door and came in, bringing a piece of bad news. He looked around the room, and said slowly, "I discovered the fact that Rena Mizumu has already hidden in this hospital."

Judy was startled, "What!"

"The investigator, who was watching secretly, found a few suspicious shadows in the building next door." Akai Shuichi leaned against the door, "I just went over to confirm that it is indeed traces of the organization. In short, the situation here It's been exposed."

"How did it get exposed!" James frowned, "Our staff at the nurse's station obviously didn't see any suspicious people checking the list of inpatients!"

"Maybe it's because we have too many people around..." Judy said uneasily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While several FBIs were discussing the plan, Conan winked at Akai Shuichi, and the two Together out of the room.

"What's the matter, little brother?" Akai Shuichi looked at Conan with interest, "Do you have any ideas?"

Conan looked around and asked in a low voice, "You should also have doubts about Rena Mizumu's identity?"

"You mean, she is not actually a member of the organization, but an undercover agent of the CIA?" Akai Shuichi raised his eyebrows, "It's just a suspicion... Have you confirmed it?"

"I'm just guessing, but I think it's probably true." Conan looked confident, "In order to verify this guess, I have an idea."

The missing Hondo Eisuke should be in this hospital, which he discovered by accident before.

Moreover, he also discovered that Hondo Eisuke and Mizumu Rena are very likely to be siblings. If that's the case, Rena Mizumu should be just a pseudonym.

"We can pretend to put Eisuke Hondo into Rena Minato's ward. If her coma is just a disguise, then facing Eisuke Hondo who doesn't know what she will do, no matter who she is, she will be forced to wake up." Conan's lens A white light flashed, "If she really knows Hondo Eisuke, it proves that there must be something wrong with her identity, and we may be able to pass this point..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

"I have an idea." Conan looked at Akai Shuichi, "But looking at Akai's brother, maybe we are thinking about the same thing—are you interested in this desperate big bet?" (End of this chapter )

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