I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Chapter 447: "Just by looking at the hair, who would know who it is?"

Conan thought a little more about Chat's intelligence.

"Eight years..." His eyes were a little complicated.

How old is Chat now?

"Does the organization have the habit of catching children for human experiments?"

"More than that." Haibara Ai said lightly, "In order to ensure the effect of the drug, the age span of the experimental objects in the organization is very wide."

——Then I am afraid that Chat has been caught in the organization at a very young age.

"That gentleman's purpose... what is it?" To be honest, Conan is most interested in this matter. "It seems that Chat doesn't know, but Pisco knows?"

"I don't know." Haiyuan Ai said bluntly, "Chart only officially got the code name to join the organization five years ago, and Pease is the veteran of the organization. He knows that this kind of thing is normal."

Conan sorted out the information he learned today.

The main information is all about Chat - he was born as an experimental subject, after eight years of human experiments in the organization, and then got the code name five years ago, and officially joined the organization as a 'success case' of the experiment. .

What happened after that is not very clear, but the leader of the organization, that is, 'that gentleman', seems to have treated him very favorably, which is why Pesko can say that. In this way, in fact, the gentleman also had something to do with Charter. Maybe because of his special body? Maybe it has something to do with the experiment?

And some details - like Chat rarely kills with a gun, he poisons the air, doesn't seem to have much to do with gin...etc.

Next comes the most surprising point.

——Why did Chart, knowing that the gentleman might kill him, still carried out the order of the gentleman and killed Pisco?

And judging from Pisco's words, the eight years of human experimentation would definitely not be a good memory. Under such circumstances, how could Chat still be loyal to the organization?

"Brainwashing." Haibara Ai suddenly spit out these two words as if she knew what he was thinking, "The members who have lived in the organization since childhood will be brainwashed before they mature. "

Conan swallowed hard.

That's why Chat's temper is so weird... Now it seems that he is mentally normal without going crazy.

This strengthened his belief in uprooting the organization.

There can be no more 'Charts'.

Conan combed through the information obtained and found another noteworthy thing.

Chat doesn't seem to be interested in Hui Yuan, but Gin has an obsession with Shirley, who is Hui Yuan?

Originally, the fact that the people in the organization knew about Haibara Ai's actions was suspicious enough - they seemed to be very sure that Haibara Ai would definitely come to the venue.

Moreover, ordinary people just look at the hair, who will know who it is?

"Hai Yuan, when you were organizing, shouldn't you—"

"—So, do they know about me getting smaller?" Haibara Ai didn't hear Conan's question and asked herself.

"According to the recording, no." Conan hesitated for a while, and did not continue to ask, "Peace was killed by Charter before he had a chance to say that you became smaller."

Hai Yuanai was silent for a while.

"...It seems that I have to thank him instead?"

Conan didn't answer.

Since it involves Haiyuan's sister and mother, how to treat Chat is Haiyuan's own business.

"Haihara, what are you going to do next?" Conan changed the subject.

"That's right, since they now know that I'm hiding around here, I can't stay with you any longer. The memory card that I kept in my uniform with the research materials was also burned. I..." Ash Yuanai's face was bleak, but her voice was still as calm as ever, "I don't need to stay here anymore. Don't worry, I'll leave tomorrow morning."

"What are you talking about! How can your body leave like this?" Dr. A Li said worriedly immediately.

"Okay, I'm relieved if you think so." Conan showed a smile instead, "Because this means that Jin Jiu will think the same way, doesn't it?"

Hai Yuanai was stunned for a moment.

"So, if you want to leave or something, you don't need to say anything like that." Conan clapped his hands, "Actually, that's not what I wanted to ask..."

He glanced at the wounds on Hai Yuanai's body, "You have gunshot wounds all over your body. You can't be treated in ordinary hospitals, and you will get into a lot of trouble. I want to ask you, do you know any doctor?"

"Me?" Haiyuan Ai smiled helplessly, "I don't even know many people in the organization. Do you think they will let me know doctors outside the organization?"

Conan thought for a moment, "Since that's the case, I know a doctor."

I know about the organization, so I won't talk nonsense, but I don't know how his medical skills are...

"Is it reliable?"

"The one you have also seen is Nan Ling." Conan said in a relaxed tone, "Last time you met him at the Blue Castle."

What surprised him was that Hai Yuanai showed great resistance to this, "Absolutely not! We passed by like this, it is equivalent to throwing ourselves into the net!"

Conan was a little helpless, "He is really not a member of the organization, otherwise, I would have died long ago."

"I don't know what his purpose is, but he must not be a good person." Haibara Ai said firmly, "I can't give my own life to such a person. Sooner or later, you will understand what I mean."

Conan frowned, his tone a little tough, "Haihara, it's about your own body, can't you be more rational?"

"I'm very rational." Haibara's tone also cooled down, "Kudou, you are the one who is emotional."

"But Nan Ling is really not a member of the organization!" Conan has a headache~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I won't let him heal even if I die. " Haibara Ai said coldly.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Dr. A Li hurriedly settled the situation, "Since this is the case, don't force Xinyi. Nan Ling is not the only doctor. Although it is a bit difficult, if you spend a little more If you look for it in time, you won’t be able to find it.”

"But her body—"

With so many gunshot wounds, of course, the quicker the treatment, the better, and the longer it drags on, the more dangerous it is—this is something that even children understand.

Conan didn't understand why Hai Yuanai had such a big prejudice against Nan Ling. Does she not love her body at all?

"Seven." Haiyuan Ai suddenly spit out a name.

Conan blinked, "...What did you say?"

"Since I'm going to find a black doctor, of course I have to find a professional." Haibara Ai turned to look at Conan, "Isn't it the seventh?"

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