Yuga: "What do you mean, if those 32 elf eggs are not treated, they will be born with the same congenital deficiencies as this white butterfly?"

"Yes, host."

Yuga: "Then what effect will this congenital deficiency have on the elves?"

"There are many impacts.

First of all, no matter how you train, the level of this elf can't keep up with the speed of other elves.

Secondly, because of genetic defects, this elf cannot evolve no matter how hard he tries.

In the end, no matter what the aptitude of the elf is, whether it is the lowest red or the highest purple, it will only become a decoration and will not have any beneficial effect on the elf. "

Yuga said in surprise: "It's so serious? Isn't this elf dead?"

"It can be said like this."

Yuga: "No wonder the mealybug is chained there! It must have been abandoned."

There are clear rules in the Elf world, and trainers are not allowed to abandon elves, otherwise it is a violation of the law.

As we all know, elves with higher aptitude will be more sought after among trainers, but not all elves have high aptitude, and the human eye cannot detect elves' aptitude, so the phenomenon of elves being abandoned in the past abounds. Yes.

When the Elf Alliance was first established, there was no "no abandonment of elves" rule. Therefore, trainers would gradually subdue many elves, and then select the elves that meet their requirements.

As for the remaining elves, continuing to raise them will waste a lot of energy, so most trainers will choose to abandon them.

The few released elves in the places where they were originally captured are nothing, but many elves that are directly abandoned in the city have brought great trouble to the residents of the city.

The elves who could not live far from their hometowns began to disturb the city's security, making troubles, robbing and hurting people in the city, which caused many problems.

Later, as the development of the alliance became more and more mature, the alliance established many large and small breeding centers and breeding bases, and cultivated a large number of high-quality elves manually, and then put them on the market through breeding houses.

With the output of these high-quality elves, trainers don't have to go to the wild to capture elves with uncertain qualifications, but instead go to the breeding house to buy elves whose qualifications have been identified.

This move has greatly facilitated the trainers to choose elves, and the phenomenon of abandoning elves has rarely happened.

But this phenomenon does not exist anymore. On the contrary, the artificially cultivated elves have lived under the care of human beings since childhood. Once abandoned, the ending is likely to be death. Therefore, according to this situation, the alliance later promulgated the "No Allowance" Abandoned spirits" is one of the rules.

Speaking of which, the early breeding houses were officially set up by the alliance to facilitate the export of elves from the breeding base of the alliance.

Later, as the social system gradually matured and the social environment became more tolerant, and the pressure of the federation's own breeding houses was too great, private breeding houses were allowed to open one after another.

However, given the high social status of the trainer group and the existence of the breeding house almost strangling the trainer's lifeblood, even now, the conditions for opening the breeding house are harsh.

Just when Yuga was busy talking to the system, Miss Joy walked in and said to Robert Yuga, "The white butterfly has nothing to do, you can take it away, and then go back and have a good rest and ensure food. If you have enough, nothing will happen.”

After Miss Joy finished speaking, she went out. Robert said, "I'm leaving tomorrow. It's not convenient for me to take care of this white butterfly, so I'll leave it to you."

Yuka nodded: "Understood, don't worry."

After speaking, Yuka said to the butterfly insect: "Would you like to go home with me?"

The mealybug stared at Yuka for a while,

Finally nodding, Yuka gently picked up the mealybug and left the clinic.

Just as Yuga walked to the entrance of the spirit center, the white butterfly suddenly jumped out of Yuga's arms and ran towards a person not far away.

Yuka looked in the direction the mealybug was heading, and it seemed that she was an acquaintance.

The mealybug ran to the man's feet and stopped the person. The man looked down and looked surprised when he saw the mealybug. Then he lifted his foot and kicked the mealybug aside.

"Why is it you again! Go away!"

Seeing this scene, Yuka hurried over to pick up the kicked down butterfly insect, and said angrily to the man: "Why are you like this! How come you are everywhere! This white butterfly was abandoned by you! "

When Yuka saw the mealworm Baba running over, and the tearful appearance of the mealybug at this time, he knew that he was the one who abandoned the mealybug.

When the man saw Yuga, he smiled disdainfully: "It turned out to be Mr. Store Manager! Don't talk nonsense, don't talk about things without evidence. Abandoning elves is against the law, and I'm the best of the Alliance. Citizens, you wouldn't do such a thing."

Yuka was about to laugh at his words. This person is really bad. It's okay to make trouble in his own shop before, and now he dares to do it without recognizing it!

That's right, the one who abandoned the mealworm is Kiriha!

Yuga: "What? Dare to do it! Don't dare to be a dog! It's disgusting!"

Hearing Yuka's curse words, Tong Yu was very angry: "You..."

Yuka said disdainfully: "What? I'm not talking about you if you have an opinion. What are you doing in the right seat?"

Tong Yu shook his hands angrily: "What are you proud of! A little boss like you is also worthy of such a worthless garbage elf!"

Turn around and leave!

The white butterfly heard Tong Yu saying that he was a garbage elf, and lowered his head weakly!

Yuga is not a comforting person either, and she doesn't know what to say when she sees the mealy bug!

This mealybug was indeed discarded by Tong Yu.

Tong Yu's family conditions are good, his parents have small positions in the alliance, it can be said that they are better than others.

This white butterfly was obtained from a large breeding base of the Carlos Alliance by his parents through a friend. At that time, the white butterfly was still an elf egg!

It's just that none of them expected that there was something wrong with this elf egg.

The parents of mealworms are powerful elves. Their trainers were originally criminals of the Alliance. After their trainers were arrested, they were sent to the breeding base of the Alliance as seeds for cultivation!

Of course, don't think the alliance is so dark. The alliance does not use the elves of these criminals as a tool for breeding elves. On the contrary, the treatment of these elves is quite generous, but there are some restrictions on freedom.

When they reproduce, the breeding bases are also based on their physiological cycles, ensuring their health.

However, the alliance breeds elves with its own special method, which allows the alliance to breed many excellent elves.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. At the same time that high-qualified elves appear in large numbers, a large number of elves eggs with genetic defects are also produced.

This white butterfly and Yuga's 32 elf eggs are produced in this way.

When the breeding base of the alliance sends out elf eggs, they will do a good job of checking the elf eggs, and those with problems will be distinguished from those with no problems!

However, Tong Yu's parents obtained the elf eggs of the white butterfly insects through abnormal means, so the fairy eggs of the white butterfly insects were not tested when they flowed out from the breeding base.

Tong Yu also discovered the problem after training for a long time after the worm was born. In addition, he recently got a very good elf. He really doesn't want to keep this worm anymore, so that's why he is now Abandoned mealworms.

PS: Stay up late and stay up until the early morning to finish two chapters, just to recommend tickets!

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