Chapter 76 76.Plan

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xia Feng said nothing, and pale flames appeared on his body.

The Suzaku Magic Armor can change its appearance and cover the body at will. Soon, as he squatted down in an awkward posture, his appearance changed into a girl with light green slightly curly hair shawl.

After coughing, the girl made a crisp sound: "Cough, um, I, I am a mushroom~~"

Everyone: "."

"What are you talking about? The power of the forest scepter?" Freya said in surprise.

After the introduction just now, everyone knows that Xia Feng is a pervert with the ability to copy.

Xia Feng nodded: "Almost, after my optimization, the forest scepter's wood general can change its form and cover me at will."

"Is this optimization?" After hearing this, everyone suddenly had a thought in their hearts. What would happen if their spiritual weapons were optimized by Xia Feng? Will it become stronger?

"Copying and optimizing, what kind of outrageous spiritual weapon ability is this."

Lao Guan looked enviously and murmured in a low voice, "I guess he got at least an A, Ma De. It's so annoying to compare people to each other!"

"So what do you mean by pretending to be Li Hongdou?"

"Don't Wang Jue want to catch mushrooms? Then I will turn into a mushroom and let him catch it. This way I can enter the barrier."

Li Sheng's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Hey, this seems feasible. The formation eye of the boundless barrier is easy to find. After you go in, look for an opportunity to blow up the formation eye with a magnetic bomb, and the formation barrier will collapse. Liszt didn't With the protection of the turtle shell, we will naturally have a chance to kill him!"

Everyone nodded, thoughtfully.

A flash of light flashed in Xuanwu Bureau's eyes, and he immediately saw a man squatting half-crouched with his buttocks hunched over the little girl wearing a heavy down jacket.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he shook his head with a smile: "No, the fourth-level spiritual master will expose you by glancing at you with his spiritual pressure. Moreover, your body is too big compared to Li Hongdou. If you move your body a little, the illusory coat will distort. For anyone with a discerning eye, Everyone can see there is something wrong.”

"." Seeing that he was not fooled, Xia Feng shook his head helplessly and stood up. The phantom coat of the Suzaku Demon Armor disintegrated.

In fact, the ability that Xia Feng really wanted to rely on was not the illusory coat of the Suzaku Magic Armor, but the replica of the spiritual weapon's ability.

[Using copper as a mirror - Copy: Perfectly copy the target's clothing, hair, accessories, makeup, appearance, voice, and spiritual weapons. No time limit. 】

The opportunity for a spiritual weapon to be copied is being attacked by a spiritual weapon or touching a spiritual weapon.

As for other types of copy opportunities, it only needs to touch the target person. I have tried it several times before, but I have never had the opportunity to use it in actual combat. I don’t know how effective it is and whether it can evade fourth-level spiritual masters and some detection-type spiritual weapons. of exploration.

At this time,

Suddenly a clear and low voice sounded: "Let me go."

It was Li Hongdou's voice. Everyone looked at Xia Feng expressionlessly.

Xia Feng blinked: "It's not me this time."

The curtain was opened, and a cute girl walked in from the outside. She looked up at everyone with a serious expression: "Instead of pretending, it's better to let me be real."

Xia Feng's eyes widened: "No!"

"Absolutely not! I've already rescued you, why don't you go back as a gift?" Xia Feng shook his head repeatedly.

"But I'm the only one who can go in, right?"

"And as long as I don't want to in my heart, even if I call Yuehongli mother verbally, it will be useless. Liszt will not be able to complete the birth ceremony at all."

Xia Feng frowned and opened his mouth, but his little mushroom face became unusually serious.

She stared at Xia Feng seriously, "Let me go, I want to personally settle the grudge with Liszt!"

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he had seen Mushroom so determined to accomplish something.

"Actually, there is something I have been hiding in my heart and no one has told me."

Mushroom bit his lip, walked to the table and looked around at everyone, "But I want to say it here today."

"Many people thought that my mother committed suicide by hanging, but the fact is that ten years ago, my mother discovered that Liszt was colluding with the Fentian cult. After several attempts to dissuade her failed, she was directly strangled to death by Liszt with a rope.

His mother knew too much and had too much evidence. Liszt was worried that his mother would expose him or leave some information, so he killed his mother and even his mother's family members. "

As she narrated in a low voice, her voice became clearer.

"Liszt thought I didn't know anything, but on the day my mother was strangled to death, I didn't drink the cup of black tea, so naturally I didn't fall asleep. When my mother stared at me with her unblinking eyes, I was extremely scared."

Mushroom looked calm and talked for a long time.

Everyone secretly cursed Liszt, a bastard who was nothing.

Xia Feng also fell silent after hearing this. There is a reason why Mushroom's introverted and autistic character was formed.

The impact of her mother's death and her father's terror on her young mind was enough to affect her for the rest of her life.

The Xuanwu bureau leader fell into deep thought after listening to the girl's story. The Burning Sky Cult mentioned by Li Hongdou should refer to the Burning Sky Temple. Sure enough, Liszt was entangled with the Burning Sky Temple before he colluded with the Shen'e Society. .

Thinking about it, the old man looked at the petite but hard-working girl, and inexplicably thought of his granddaughter. He slowed down and said lovingly:

"According to the information conveyed by Wei Shutong several times before, Wang Jue seems to want to obtain the approval of the Moon Red Carp, the princess."

"The princess's body is actually a long sword with divinity, and its abilities are related to the law of cause and effect. Any ability involving the law of cause and effect is very strange and will produce many variables.

Therefore, child, if you really want to go, you must remember that you must not let Liszt complete the ceremony and get this knife. "

"Okay, I remember!" Mushroom's little face was serious, and he clenched his fists and nodded fiercely.

Remember this! Xia Feng shouted: "Hey!"

"Maple, trust me for once."

".I want to say, I have to go too." Xia Feng said helplessly, his body shape changed again, he was covered with a black robe, and his cheeks were covered with a pure white mask.

He said solemnly: "In that case, I will disguise myself as one of Wang Jue's subordinates, just in time to take you back to Pingshan Hospital."

"Little baby, why are you, a first-level spiritual master, joining in the fun!"

Bailong stood up and said in a deep voice, "It's too risky for the little girl to go alone. My spiritual weapon abilities can't be simulated except for the appearance, including the breath of evil. I put on a black robe and a mask, and I will take care of you. It’s safest for a girl to go.”

Xia Feng looked at this tall and thick man and frowned: "No! I don't trust you to protect the mushroom."

"Aren't you still worried?" Bailong laughed angrily, with a slightly sarcastic tone, "I am a third-level spiritual master. How can you, a little first-level man, tell me that you are worried?"

Xia Feng smiled and said nothing. After being promoted to the second level and obtaining the Suzaku Magic Armor, his combat power had been greatly increased compared to that of the ascension level. It was no problem to deal with the third level spiritual master.

When Bailong fights with him, it's really not certain who will win and who will lose.

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